blob: bc0021dee34bcbb44fd0bde036f24ab561abfd52 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:video_player_platform_interface/video_player_platform_interface.dart';
import 'duration_utils.dart';
// An error code value to error name Map.
// See:
const Map<int, String> _kErrorValueToErrorName = <int, String>{
// An error code value to description Map.
// See:
const Map<int, String> _kErrorValueToErrorDescription = <int, String>{
1: 'The user canceled the fetching of the video.',
2: 'A network error occurred while fetching the video, despite having previously been available.',
3: 'An error occurred while trying to decode the video, despite having previously been determined to be usable.',
4: 'The video has been found to be unsuitable (missing or in a format not supported by your browser).',
// The default error message, when the error is an empty string
// See:
const String _kDefaultErrorMessage =
'No further diagnostic information can be determined or provided.';
/// Wraps a [html.VideoElement] so its API complies with what is expected by the plugin.
class VideoPlayer {
/// Create a [VideoPlayer] from a [html.VideoElement] instance.
required html.VideoElement videoElement,
@visibleForTesting StreamController<VideoEvent>? eventController,
}) : _videoElement = videoElement,
_eventController = eventController ?? StreamController<VideoEvent>();
final StreamController<VideoEvent> _eventController;
final html.VideoElement _videoElement;
bool _isInitialized = false;
bool _isBuffering = false;
/// Returns the [Stream] of [VideoEvent]s from the inner [html.VideoElement].
Stream<VideoEvent> get events =>;
/// Initializes the wrapped [html.VideoElement].
/// This method sets the required DOM attributes so videos can [play] programmatically,
/// and attaches listeners to the internal events from the [html.VideoElement]
/// to react to them / expose them through the [] stream.
void initialize() {
..autoplay = false
..controls = false;
// Allows Safari iOS to play the video inline
_videoElement.setAttribute('playsinline', 'true');
// Set autoplay to false since most browsers won't autoplay a video unless it is muted
_videoElement.setAttribute('autoplay', 'false');
_videoElement.onCanPlay.listen((dynamic _) {
if (!_isInitialized) {
_isInitialized = true;
_videoElement.onCanPlayThrough.listen((dynamic _) {
_videoElement.onPlaying.listen((dynamic _) {
_videoElement.onWaiting.listen((dynamic _) {
// The error event fires when some form of error occurs while attempting to load or perform the media.
_videoElement.onError.listen((html.Event _) {
// The Event itself (_) doesn't contain info about the actual error.
// We need to look at the HTMLMediaElement.error.
// See:
final html.MediaError error = _videoElement.error!;
code: _kErrorValueToErrorName[error.code]!,
message: error.message != '' ? error.message : _kDefaultErrorMessage,
details: _kErrorValueToErrorDescription[error.code],
_videoElement.onPlay.listen((dynamic _) {
eventType: VideoEventType.isPlayingStateUpdate,
isPlaying: true,
_videoElement.onPause.listen((dynamic _) {
eventType: VideoEventType.isPlayingStateUpdate,
isPlaying: false,
_videoElement.onEnded.listen((dynamic _) {
_eventController.add(VideoEvent(eventType: VideoEventType.completed));
/// Attempts to play the video.
/// If this method is called programmatically (without user interaction), it
/// might fail unless the video is completely muted (or it has no Audio tracks).
/// When called from some user interaction (a tap on a button), the above
/// limitation should disappear.
Future<void> play() {
return e) {
// play() attempts to begin playback of the media. It returns
// a Promise which can get rejected in case of failure to begin
// playback for any reason, such as permission issues.
// The rejection handler is called with a DomException.
// See:
final html.DomException exception = e as html.DomException;
message: exception.message,
}, test: (Object e) => e is html.DomException);
/// Pauses the video in the current position.
void pause() {
/// Controls whether the video should start again after it finishes.
// ignore: use_setters_to_change_properties
void setLooping(bool value) {
_videoElement.loop = value;
/// Sets the volume at which the media will be played.
/// Values must fall between 0 and 1, where 0 is muted and 1 is the loudest.
/// When volume is set to 0, the `muted` property is also applied to the
/// [html.VideoElement]. This is required for auto-play on the web.
void setVolume(double volume) {
assert(volume >= 0 && volume <= 1);
// TODO(ditman): Do we need to expose a "muted" API?
_videoElement.muted = !(volume > 0.0);
_videoElement.volume = volume;
/// Sets the playback `speed`.
/// A `speed` of 1.0 is "normal speed," values lower than 1.0 make the media
/// play slower than normal, higher values make it play faster.
/// `speed` cannot be negative.
/// The audio is muted when the fast forward or slow motion is outside a useful
/// range (for example, Gecko mutes the sound outside the range 0.25 to 4.0).
/// The pitch of the audio is corrected by default.
void setPlaybackSpeed(double speed) {
assert(speed > 0);
_videoElement.playbackRate = speed;
/// Moves the playback head to a new `position`.
/// `position` cannot be negative.
void seekTo(Duration position) {
_videoElement.currentTime = position.inMilliseconds.toDouble() / 1000;
/// Returns the current playback head position as a [Duration].
Duration getPosition() {
return Duration(milliseconds: (_videoElement.currentTime * 1000).round());
/// Disposes of the current [html.VideoElement].
void dispose() {
// Sends an [VideoEventType.initialized] [VideoEvent] with info about the wrapped video.
void _sendInitialized() {
final Duration? duration =
final Size? size = _videoElement.videoHeight.isFinite
? Size(
: null;
eventType: VideoEventType.initialized,
duration: duration,
size: size,
/// Caches the current "buffering" state of the video.
/// If the current buffering state is different from the previous one
/// ([_isBuffering]), this dispatches a [VideoEvent].
void setBuffering(bool buffering) {
if (_isBuffering != buffering) {
_isBuffering = buffering;
eventType: _isBuffering
? VideoEventType.bufferingStart
: VideoEventType.bufferingEnd,
// Broadcasts the [html.VideoElement.buffered] status through the [events] stream.
void _sendBufferingRangesUpdate() {
buffered: _toDurationRange(_videoElement.buffered),
eventType: VideoEventType.bufferingUpdate,
// Converts from [html.TimeRanges] to our own List<DurationRange>.
List<DurationRange> _toDurationRange(html.TimeRanges buffered) {
final List<DurationRange> durationRange = <DurationRange>[];
for (int i = 0; i < buffered.length; i++) {
Duration(milliseconds: (buffered.start(i) * 1000).round()),
Duration(milliseconds: (buffered.end(i) * 1000).round()),
return durationRange;