blob: 97ee1666607c5def10d739f887e7b712c2344d11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import './base.dart';
import '../web_helpers/web_helpers.dart';
// Four Gigabytes, in bytes.
const int _fourGigabytes = 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
/// A CrossFile that works on web.
/// It wraps the bytes of a selected file.
class XFile extends XFileBase {
/// Construct a CrossFile object from its ObjectUrl.
/// Optionally, this can be initialized with `bytes` and `length`
/// so no http requests are performed to retrieve files later.
/// `name` needs to be passed from the outside, since it's only available
/// while handling [html.File]s (when the ObjectUrl is created).
// ignore: use_super_parameters
String path, {
String? mimeType,
String? name,
int? length,
Uint8List? bytes,
DateTime? lastModified,
@visibleForTesting CrossFileTestOverrides? overrides,
}) : _mimeType = mimeType,
_path = path,
_length = length,
_overrides = overrides,
_lastModified = lastModified ?? DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0),
_name = name ?? '',
super(path) {
// Cache `bytes` as Blob, if passed.
if (bytes != null) {
_browserBlob = _createBlobFromBytes(bytes, mimeType);
/// Construct an CrossFile from its data
Uint8List bytes, {
String? mimeType,
String? name,
int? length,
DateTime? lastModified,
String? path,
@visibleForTesting CrossFileTestOverrides? overrides,
}) : _mimeType = mimeType,
_length = length,
_overrides = overrides,
_lastModified = lastModified ?? DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0),
_name = name ?? '',
super(path) {
if (path == null) {
_browserBlob = _createBlobFromBytes(bytes, mimeType);
_path = Url.createObjectUrl(_browserBlob);
} else {
_path = path;
// Initializes a Blob from a bunch of `bytes` and an optional `mimeType`.
Blob _createBlobFromBytes(Uint8List bytes, String? mimeType) {
return (mimeType == null)
? Blob(<dynamic>[bytes])
: Blob(<dynamic>[bytes], mimeType);
// Overridable (meta) data that can be specified by the constructors.
// MimeType of the file (eg: "image/gif").
final String? _mimeType;
// Name (with extension) of the file (eg: "anim.gif")
final String _name;
// Path of the file (must be a valid Blob URL, when set manually!)
late String _path;
// The size of the file (in bytes).
final int? _length;
// The time the file was last modified.
final DateTime _lastModified;
// The link to the binary object in the browser memory (Blob).
// This can be passed in (as `bytes` in the constructor) or derived from
// [_path] with a fetch request.
// (Similar to a (read-only) dart:io File.)
Blob? _browserBlob;
// An html Element that will be used to trigger a "save as" dialog later.
// TODO(dit): Remove this _target.
late Element _target;
// Overrides for testing
// TODO(dit): Remove these _overrides,
// they're only used to Save As...
final CrossFileTestOverrides? _overrides;
bool get _hasTestOverrides => _overrides != null;
String? get mimeType => _mimeType;
String get name => _name;
String get path => _path;
Future<DateTime> lastModified() async => _lastModified;
Future<Blob> get _blob async {
if (_browserBlob != null) {
return _browserBlob!;
// Attempt to re-hydrate the blob from the `path` via a (local) HttpRequest.
// Note that safari hangs if the Blob is >=4GB, so bail out in that case.
if (isSafari() && _length != null && _length! >= _fourGigabytes) {
throw Exception('Safari cannot handle XFiles larger than 4GB.');
late HttpRequest request;
try {
request = await HttpRequest.request(path, responseType: 'blob');
} on ProgressEvent catch (e) {
if (e.type == 'error') {
throw Exception(
'Could not load Blob from its URL. Has it been revoked?');
_browserBlob = request.response as Blob?;
assert(_browserBlob != null, 'The Blob backing this XFile cannot be null!');
return _browserBlob!;
Future<Uint8List> readAsBytes() async {
return _blob.then(_blobToByteBuffer);
Future<int> length() async => _length ?? (await _blob).size;
Future<String> readAsString({Encoding encoding = utf8}) async {
return readAsBytes().then(encoding.decode);
// TODO(dit): Implement openRead properly.
Stream<Uint8List> openRead([int? start, int? end]) async* {
final Blob blob = await _blob;
final Blob slice = blob.slice(start ?? 0, end ?? blob.size, blob.type);
final Uint8List convertedSlice = await _blobToByteBuffer(slice);
yield convertedSlice;
// Converts an html Blob object to a Uint8List, through a FileReader.
Future<Uint8List> _blobToByteBuffer(Blob blob) async {
final FileReader reader = FileReader();
await reader.onLoadEnd.first;
final Uint8List? result = reader.result as Uint8List?;
if (result == null) {
throw Exception('Cannot read bytes from Blob. Is it still available?');
return result;
/// Saves the data of this CrossFile at the location indicated by path.
/// For the web implementation, the path variable is ignored.
// TODO(dit):
// Move implementation to web_helpers.dart
Future<void> saveTo(String path) async {
// Create a DOM container where the anchor can be injected.
_target = ensureInitialized('__x_file_dom_element');
// Create an <a> tag with the appropriate download attributes and click it
// May be overridden with CrossFileTestOverrides
final AnchorElement element = _hasTestOverrides
? _overrides!.createAnchorElement(this.path, name) as AnchorElement
: createAnchorElement(this.path, name);
// Clear the children in _target and add an element to click
addElementToContainerAndClick(_target, element);
/// Overrides some functions to allow testing
// TODO(dit):
// Move this to web_helpers_test.dart
class CrossFileTestOverrides {
/// Default constructor for overrides
CrossFileTestOverrides({required this.createAnchorElement});
/// For overriding the creation of the file input element.
Element Function(String href, String suggestedName) createAnchorElement;