blob: 353d7554fcb2a16e6255e256c3fa982fd8b55d15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:webview_flutter_platform_interface/webview_flutter_platform_interface.dart';
/// Manages cookies pertaining to all WebViews.
/// ## Platform-Specific Features
/// This class contains an underlying implementation provided by the current
/// platform. Once a platform implementation is imported, the examples below
/// can be followed to use features provided by a platform's implementation.
/// {@macro webview_flutter.WebViewCookieManager.fromPlatformCreationParams}
/// Below is an example of accessing the platform-specific implementation for
/// iOS and Android:
/// ```dart
/// final WebViewCookieManager cookieManager = WebViewCookieManager();
/// if (WebViewPlatform.instance is WebKitWebViewPlatform) {
/// final WebKitWebViewCookieManager webKitManager =
/// cookieManager.platform as WebKitWebViewCookieManager;
/// } else if (WebViewPlatform.instance is AndroidWebViewPlatform) {
/// final AndroidWebViewCookieManager androidManager =
/// cookieManager.platform as AndroidWebViewCookieManager;
/// }
/// ```
class WebViewCookieManager {
/// Constructs a [WebViewCookieManager].
/// See [WebViewCookieManager.fromPlatformCreationParams] for setting
/// parameters for a specific platform.
: this.fromPlatformCreationParams(
const PlatformWebViewCookieManagerCreationParams(),
/// Constructs a [WebViewCookieManager] from creation params for a specific
/// platform.
/// {@template webview_flutter.WebViewCookieManager.fromPlatformCreationParams}
/// Below is an example of setting platform-specific creation parameters for
/// iOS and Android:
/// ```dart
/// PlatformWebViewCookieManagerCreationParams params =
/// const PlatformWebViewCookieManagerCreationParams();
/// if (WebViewPlatform.instance is WebKitWebViewPlatform) {
/// params = WebKitWebViewCookieManagerCreationParams
/// .fromPlatformWebViewCookieManagerCreationParams(
/// params,
/// );
/// } else if (WebViewPlatform.instance is AndroidWebViewPlatform) {
/// params = AndroidWebViewCookieManagerCreationParams
/// .fromPlatformWebViewCookieManagerCreationParams(
/// params,
/// );
/// }
/// final WebViewCookieManager webViewCookieManager =
/// WebViewCookieManager.fromPlatformCreationParams(
/// params,
/// );
/// ```
/// {@endtemplate}
PlatformWebViewCookieManagerCreationParams params,
) : this.fromPlatform(PlatformWebViewCookieManager(params));
/// Constructs a [WebViewCookieManager] from a specific platform
/// implementation.
/// Implementation of [PlatformWebViewCookieManager] for the current platform.
final PlatformWebViewCookieManager platform;
/// Clears all cookies for all WebViews.
/// Returns true if cookies were present before clearing, else false.
Future<bool> clearCookies() => platform.clearCookies();
/// Sets a cookie for all WebView instances.
/// This is a no op on iOS versions below 11.
Future<void> setCookie(WebViewCookie cookie) => platform.setCookie(cookie);