blob: 096975b8c33ede6ecc1e1c2d696ea28d790c650b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:plugin_platform_interface/plugin_platform_interface.dart';
import 'webview_platform.dart';
/// Signature for callbacks that report a pending navigation request.
typedef NavigationRequestCallback = FutureOr<NavigationDecision> Function(
NavigationRequest navigationRequest);
/// Signature for callbacks that report page events triggered by the native web view.
typedef PageEventCallback = void Function(String url);
/// Signature for callbacks that report loading progress of a page.
typedef ProgressCallback = void Function(int progress);
/// Signature for callbacks that report a resource loading error.
typedef WebResourceErrorCallback = void Function(WebResourceError error);
/// Signature for callbacks that notify the host application of a change to the
/// url of the web view.
typedef UrlChangeCallback = void Function(UrlChange change);
/// An interface defining navigation events that occur on the native platform.
/// The [PlatformWebViewController] is notifying this delegate on events that
/// happened on the platform's webview. Platform implementations should
/// implement this class and pass an instance to the [PlatformWebViewController].
abstract class PlatformNavigationDelegate extends PlatformInterface {
/// Creates a new [PlatformNavigationDelegate]
factory PlatformNavigationDelegate(
PlatformNavigationDelegateCreationParams params) {
WebViewPlatform.instance != null,
'A platform implementation for `webview_flutter` has not been set. Please '
'ensure that an implementation of `WebViewPlatform` has been set to '
'`WebViewPlatform.instance` before use. For unit testing, '
'`WebViewPlatform.instance` can be set with your own test implementation.',
final PlatformNavigationDelegate callbackDelegate =
PlatformInterface.verify(callbackDelegate, _token);
return callbackDelegate;
/// Used by the platform implementation to create a new [PlatformNavigationDelegate].
/// Should only be used by platform implementations because they can't extend
/// a class that only contains a factory constructor.
PlatformNavigationDelegate.implementation(this.params) : super(token: _token);
static final Object _token = Object();
/// The parameters used to initialize the [PlatformNavigationDelegate].
final PlatformNavigationDelegateCreationParams params;
/// Invoked when a navigation request is pending.
/// See [PlatformWebViewController.setPlatformNavigationDelegate].
Future<void> setOnNavigationRequest(
NavigationRequestCallback onNavigationRequest,
) {
throw UnimplementedError(
'setOnNavigationRequest is not implemented on the current platform.');
/// Invoked when a page has started loading.
/// See [PlatformWebViewController.setPlatformNavigationDelegate].
Future<void> setOnPageStarted(
PageEventCallback onPageStarted,
) {
throw UnimplementedError(
'setOnPageStarted is not implemented on the current platform.');
/// Invoked when a page has finished loading.
/// See [PlatformWebViewController.setPlatformNavigationDelegate].
Future<void> setOnPageFinished(
PageEventCallback onPageFinished,
) {
throw UnimplementedError(
'setOnPageFinished is not implemented on the current platform.');
/// Invoked when a page is loading to report the progress.
/// See [PlatformWebViewController.setPlatformNavigationDelegate].
Future<void> setOnProgress(
ProgressCallback onProgress,
) {
throw UnimplementedError(
'setOnProgress is not implemented on the current platform.');
/// Invoked when a resource loading error occurred.
/// See [PlatformWebViewController.setPlatformNavigationDelegate].
Future<void> setOnWebResourceError(
WebResourceErrorCallback onWebResourceError,
) {
throw UnimplementedError(
'setOnWebResourceError is not implemented on the current platform.');
/// Invoked when the underlying web view changes to a new url.
/// See [PlatformWebViewController.setPlatformNavigationDelegate].
Future<void> setOnUrlChange(UrlChangeCallback onUrlChange) {
throw UnimplementedError(
'setOnUrlChange is not implemented on the current platform.',