| gcp_credentials: ENCRYPTED[!cc769765170bebc37e0556e2da5915ca64ee37f4ec8c966ec147e2f59578b476c99e457eafce4e2f8b1a4e305f7096b8!] |
| |
| # Don't run on release tags since it creates O(n^2) tasks where n is the |
| # number of plugins |
| only_if: $CIRRUS_TAG == '' |
| env: |
| CHANNEL: "master" # Default to master when not explicitly set by a task. |
| PLUGIN_TOOL: "./script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart" |
| |
| tool_setup_template: &TOOL_SETUP_TEMPLATE |
| tool_setup_script: |
| - git fetch origin main # To set FETCH_HEAD for "git merge-base" to work |
| - cd script/tool |
| - dart pub get |
| |
| flutter_upgrade_template: &FLUTTER_UPGRADE_TEMPLATE |
| upgrade_flutter_script: |
| # Master uses a pinned, auto-rolled version to prevent out-of-band CI |
| # failures due to changes in Flutter. |
| # TODO(stuartmorgan): Investigate an autoroller for stable as well. |
| - if [[ "$CHANNEL" == "master" ]]; then |
| - TARGET_TREEISH=$(< .ci/flutter_$CHANNEL.version) |
| - fi |
| # Ensure that the repository has all the branches. |
| - cd $FLUTTER_HOME |
| - git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" |
| - git fetch origin |
| # Switch to the requested channel. |
| - git checkout $TARGET_TREEISH |
| # When using a branch rather than a hash, reset to the upstream branch |
| # rather than using pull, since the base image can sometimes be in a state |
| # where it has diverged from upstream (!). |
| - if [[ "$TARGET_TREEISH" == "$CHANNEL" ]]; then |
| - git reset --hard @{u} |
| - fi |
| # Run doctor to allow auditing of what version of Flutter the run is using. |
| - flutter doctor -v |
| |
| build_all_plugins_app_template: &BUILD_ALL_PLUGINS_APP_TEMPLATE |
| create_all_plugins_app_script: |
| - dart $PLUGIN_TOOL all-plugins-app --output-dir=. --exclude script/configs/exclude_all_plugins_app.yaml |
| build_all_plugins_debug_script: |
| - cd all_plugins |
| - if [[ "$BUILD_ALL_ARGS" == "web" ]]; then |
| - echo "Skipping; web does not support debug builds" |
| - else |
| - flutter build $BUILD_ALL_ARGS --debug |
| - fi |
| build_all_plugins_release_script: |
| - cd all_plugins |
| - flutter build $BUILD_ALL_ARGS --release |
| |
| macos_template: &MACOS_TEMPLATE |
| # Only one macOS task can run in parallel without credits, so use them for |
| # PRs on macOS. |
| use_compute_credits: $CIRRUS_USER_COLLABORATOR == 'true' |
| osx_instance: |
| image: big-sur-xcode-13 |
| |
| # Light-workload Linux tasks. |
| # These use default machines, with fewer CPUs, to reduce pressure on the |
| # concurrency limits. |
| task: |
| gke_container: |
| dockerfile: .ci/Dockerfile |
| builder_image_name: docker-builder-linux # gce vm image |
| builder_image_project: flutter-cirrus |
| cluster_name: test-cluster |
| zone: us-central1-a |
| namespace: default |
| matrix: |
| ### Platform-agnostic tasks ### |
| - name: Linux plugin_tools_tests |
| script: |
| - cd script/tool |
| - dart pub run test |
| - name: publishable |
| env: |
| # TODO (mvanbeusekom): Temporary override to "stable" because of failure on "master". |
| # Remove override once https://github.com/dart-lang/pub/issues/3152 is resolved. |
| CHANNEL: stable |
| CHANGE_DESC: "$TMPDIR/change-description.txt" |
| version_check_script: |
| # For pre-submit, pass the PR description to the script to allow for |
| # version check overrides. |
| # For post-submit, ignore platform version breaking version changes and |
| # missing version/CHANGELOG detection; the PR description isn't reliably |
| # part of the commit message, so using the same flags as for presubmit |
| # would likely result in false-positive post-submit failures. |
| - if [[ $CIRRUS_PR == "" ]]; then |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh version-check --ignore-platform-interface-breaks |
| - else |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh version-check --check-for-missing-changes --change-description-file="$CHANGE_DESC" |
| - fi |
| publish_check_script: ./script/tool_runner.sh publish-check |
| - name: format |
| always: |
| format_script: ./script/tool_runner.sh format --fail-on-change |
| pubspec_script: ./script/tool_runner.sh pubspec-check |
| license_script: dart $PLUGIN_TOOL license-check |
| - name: federated_safety |
| # This check is only meaningful for PRs, as it validates changes |
| # rather than state. |
| only_if: $CIRRUS_PR != "" |
| script: ./script/tool_runner.sh federation-safety-check |
| - name: dart_unit_tests |
| env: |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| test_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh test |
| - name: analyze |
| env: |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| analyze_tool_script: |
| - cd script/tool |
| - dart analyze --fatal-infos |
| analyze_script: |
| # DO NOT change the custom-analysis argument here without changing the Dart repo. |
| # See the comment in script/configs/custom_analysis.yaml for details. |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh analyze --custom-analysis=script/configs/custom_analysis.yaml |
| pathified_analyze_script: |
| # Re-run analysis with path-based dependencies to ensure that publishing |
| # the changes won't break analysis of other packages in the respository |
| # that depend on it. |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh make-deps-path-based --target-dependencies-with-non-breaking-updates |
| # This uses --run-on-dirty-packages rather than --packages-for-branch |
| # since only the packages changed by 'make-deps-path-based' need to be |
| # checked. |
| - dart $PLUGIN_TOOL analyze --run-on-dirty-packages --log-timing --custom-analysis=script/configs/custom_analysis.yaml |
| # Restore the tree to a clean state, to avoid accidental issues if |
| # other script steps are added to this task. |
| - git checkout . |
| ### Web tasks ### |
| - name: web-build_all_plugins |
| env: |
| BUILD_ALL_ARGS: "web" |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| ### Linux desktop tasks ### |
| - name: linux-build_all_plugins |
| env: |
| BUILD_ALL_ARGS: "linux" |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| setup_script: |
| - flutter config --enable-linux-desktop |
| - name: linux-platform_tests |
| env: |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| build_script: |
| - flutter config --enable-linux-desktop |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh build-examples --linux |
| native_test_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh native-test --linux --no-integration |
| drive_script: |
| - xvfb-run ./script/tool_runner.sh drive-examples --linux |
| |
| # Heavy-workload Linux tasks. |
| # These use machines with more CPUs and memory, so will reduce parallelization |
| # for non-credit runs. |
| task: |
| gke_container: |
| dockerfile: .ci/Dockerfile |
| builder_image_name: docker-builder-linux # gce vm image |
| builder_image_project: flutter-cirrus |
| cluster_name: test-cluster |
| zone: us-central1-a |
| namespace: default |
| cpu: 4 |
| memory: 12G |
| matrix: |
| ### Android tasks ### |
| - name: android-platform_tests |
| env: |
| matrix: |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 0 --shardCount 5" |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 1 --shardCount 5" |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 2 --shardCount 5" |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 3 --shardCount 5" |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 4 --shardCount 5" |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| MAPS_API_KEY: ENCRYPTED[596a9f6bca436694625ac50851dc5da6b4d34cba8025f7db5bc9465142e8cd44e15f69e3507787753accebfc4910d550] |
| GCLOUD_FIREBASE_TESTLAB_KEY: ENCRYPTED[de02374f8d2d14d50792c6b521af2dfb86cbb522efed104f905002e4332546104d387d2bb8710956b729b4bd6533bba0] |
| build_script: |
| # might include non-ASCII characters which makes Gradle crash. |
| # TODO(stuartmorgan): See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/24935 |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh build-examples --apk |
| lint_script: |
| # might include non-ASCII characters which makes Gradle crash. |
| # TODO(stuartmorgan): See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/24935 |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh lint-android # must come after build-examples |
| native_unit_test_script: |
| # might include non-ASCII characters which makes Gradle crash. |
| # TODO(stuartmorgan): See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/24935 |
| # Native integration tests are handled by firebase-test-lab below, so |
| # only run unit tests. |
| # Must come after build-examples. |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh native-test --android --no-integration --exclude script/configs/exclude_native_unit_android.yaml |
| firebase_test_lab_script: |
| # might include non-ASCII characters which makes Gradle crash. |
| # TODO(stuartmorgan): See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/24935 |
| - if [[ -n "$GCLOUD_FIREBASE_TESTLAB_KEY" ]]; then |
| - echo $GCLOUD_FIREBASE_TESTLAB_KEY > ${HOME}/gcloud-service-key.json |
| # TODO(stuartmorgan): Remove this condition once |
| # https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/96661 is fixed and |
| # cherry picked. Currently webview_flutter tests crash on stable on |
| # Android so must be skipped. |
| - if [[ "$CHANNEL" == "stable" ]]; then |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh firebase-test-lab --device model=redfin,version=30 --device model=starqlteue,version=26 --exclude=script/configs/exclude_integration_android.yaml,webview_flutter |
| - else |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh firebase-test-lab --device model=redfin,version=30 --device model=starqlteue,version=26 --exclude=script/configs/exclude_integration_android.yaml |
| - fi |
| - else |
| - echo "This user does not have permission to run Firebase Test Lab tests." |
| - fi |
| # Upload the full lint results to Cirrus to display in the results UI. |
| always: |
| android-lint_artifacts: |
| path: "**/reports/lint-results-debug.xml" |
| type: text/xml |
| format: android-lint |
| - name: android-build_all_plugins |
| env: |
| BUILD_ALL_ARGS: "apk" |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| ### Web tasks ### |
| - name: web-platform_tests |
| env: |
| matrix: |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 0 --shardCount 2" |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 1 --shardCount 2" |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| CHROME_DIR: /tmp/web_chromium/ |
| CHROME_EXECUTABLE: $CHROME_DIR/chrome-linux/chrome |
| install_script: |
| # Install a pinned version of Chromium and its corresponding ChromeDriver. |
| # Setting CHROME_EXECUTABLE above causes this version to be used for tests. |
| - ./script/install_chromium.sh "$CHROME_DIR" |
| chromedriver_background_script: |
| - cd "$CHROME_DIR" |
| - ./chromedriver/chromedriver --port=4444 |
| build_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh build-examples --web |
| drive_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh drive-examples --web --exclude=script/configs/exclude_integration_web.yaml |
| |
| # macOS tasks. |
| task: |
| matrix: |
| ### iOS+macOS tasks *** |
| - name: darwin-lint_podspecs |
| script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh podspecs |
| ### iOS tasks ### |
| - name: ios-build_all_plugins |
| env: |
| BUILD_ALL_ARGS: "ios --no-codesign" |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| - name: ios-platform_tests |
| env: |
| PATH: $PATH:/usr/local/bin |
| matrix: |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 0 --shardCount 4" |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 1 --shardCount 4" |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 2 --shardCount 4" |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 3 --shardCount 4" |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| SIMCTL_CHILD_MAPS_API_KEY: ENCRYPTED[596a9f6bca436694625ac50851dc5da6b4d34cba8025f7db5bc9465142e8cd44e15f69e3507787753accebfc4910d550] |
| create_simulator_script: |
| - xcrun simctl list |
| - xcrun simctl create Flutter-iPhone com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-11 com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-15-0 | xargs xcrun simctl boot |
| build_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh build-examples --ios |
| xcode_analyze_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh xcode-analyze --ios |
| native_test_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh native-test --ios --ios-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 11,OS=latest" |
| drive_script: |
| # `drive-examples` contains integration tests, which changes the UI of the application. |
| # This UI change sometimes affects `xctest`. |
| # So we run `drive-examples` after `native-test`; changing the order will result ci failure. |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh drive-examples --ios --exclude=script/configs/exclude_integration_ios.yaml |
| ### macOS desktop tasks ### |
| - name: macos-build_all_plugins |
| env: |
| BUILD_ALL_ARGS: "macos" |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| setup_script: |
| - flutter config --enable-macos-desktop |
| - name: macos-platform_tests |
| env: |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| PATH: $PATH:/usr/local/bin |
| build_script: |
| - flutter config --enable-macos-desktop |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh build-examples --macos |
| xcode_analyze_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh xcode-analyze --macos |
| native_test_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh native-test --macos |
| drive_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh drive-examples --macos |