blob: 96386c5ef5adbb3d08572cea1fbcde60189fac21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:in_app_purchase_platform_interface/in_app_purchase_platform_interface.dart';
import '../../store_kit_wrappers.dart';
/// The class represents the information of a product as registered in the Apple
/// AppStore.
class AppStoreProductDetails extends ProductDetails {
/// Creates a new AppStore specific product details object with the provided
/// details.
required String id,
required String title,
required String description,
required String price,
required double rawPrice,
required String currencyCode,
required this.skProduct,
}) : super(
id: id,
title: title,
description: description,
price: price,
rawPrice: rawPrice,
currencyCode: currencyCode,
/// Points back to the [SKProductWrapper] object that was used to generate
/// this [AppStoreProductDetails] object.
final SKProductWrapper skProduct;
/// Generate a [AppStoreProductDetails] object based on an iOS [SKProductWrapper] object.
factory AppStoreProductDetails.fromSKProduct(SKProductWrapper product) {
return AppStoreProductDetails(
id: product.productIdentifier,
title: product.localizedTitle,
description: product.localizedDescription,
price: product.priceLocale.currencySymbol + product.price,
rawPrice: double.parse(product.price),
currencyCode: product.priceLocale.currencyCode,
skProduct: product,