| name: integration_test |
| description: Runs tests that use the flutter_test API as integration tests. |
| version: 1.0.2 |
| homepage: https://github.com/flutter/plugins/tree/master/packages/integration_test |
| |
| environment: |
| sdk: ">=2.2.2 <3.0.0" |
| flutter: ">=1.12.13+hotfix.5" |
| |
| dependencies: |
| flutter: |
| sdk: flutter |
| flutter_driver: |
| sdk: flutter |
| flutter_test: |
| sdk: flutter |
| path: ^1.6.4 |
| # TODO(dnfield): This is a problem - flutter_driver and flutter_tools depend |
| # on this packkage, and so does integration_test. When this gets rev'd in the |
| # SDK, it has to be rev'd here too so integration tests in the SDK can use it. |
| vm_service: ">= 4.2.0 <6.0.0" |
| |
| dev_dependencies: |
| pedantic: ^1.8.0 |
| mockito: ^4.1.1 |
| |
| flutter: |
| plugin: |
| platforms: |
| android: |
| package: dev.flutter.plugins.integration_test |
| pluginClass: IntegrationTestPlugin |
| ios: |
| pluginClass: IntegrationTestPlugin |