blob: 49da67655e91f5616639962c60bd328e8d7a4b21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:flutter_plugin_tools/src/common/repository_package.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'core.dart';
/// Possible plugin support options for a platform.
enum PlatformSupport {
/// The platform has an implementation in the package.
/// The platform has an endorsed federated implementation in another package.
/// Returns whether the given [package] is a Flutter [platform] plugin.
/// It checks this by looking for the following pattern in the pubspec:
/// flutter:
/// plugin:
/// platforms:
/// [platform]:
/// If [requiredMode] is provided, the plugin must have the given type of
/// implementation in order to return true.
bool pluginSupportsPlatform(
String platform,
RepositoryPackage package, {
PlatformSupport? requiredMode,
String? variant,
}) {
assert(platform == kPlatformIos ||
platform == kPlatformAndroid ||
platform == kPlatformWeb ||
platform == kPlatformMacos ||
platform == kPlatformWindows ||
platform == kPlatformLinux);
try {
final YamlMap pubspecYaml =
loadYaml(package.pubspecFile.readAsStringSync()) as YamlMap;
final YamlMap? flutterSection = pubspecYaml['flutter'] as YamlMap?;
if (flutterSection == null) {
return false;
final YamlMap? pluginSection = flutterSection['plugin'] as YamlMap?;
if (pluginSection == null) {
return false;
final YamlMap? platforms = pluginSection['platforms'] as YamlMap?;
if (platforms == null) {
// Legacy plugin specs are assumed to support iOS and Android. They are
// never federated.
if (requiredMode == PlatformSupport.federated) {
return false;
if (!pluginSection.containsKey('platforms')) {
return platform == kPlatformIos || platform == kPlatformAndroid;
return false;
final YamlMap? platformEntry = platforms[platform] as YamlMap?;
if (platformEntry == null) {
return false;
// If the platform entry is present, then it supports the platform. Check
// for required mode if specified.
if (requiredMode != null) {
final bool federated = platformEntry.containsKey('default_package');
if (federated != (requiredMode == PlatformSupport.federated)) {
return false;
// If a variant is specified, check for that variant.
if (variant != null) {
const String variantsKey = 'supportedVariants';
if (platformEntry.containsKey(variantsKey)) {
if (!(platformEntry['supportedVariants']! as YamlList)
.contains(variant)) {
return false;
} else {
// Platforms with variants have a default variant when unspecified for
// backward compatibility. Must match the flutter tool logic.
const Map<String, String> defaultVariants = <String, String>{
kPlatformWindows: platformVariantWin32,
if (variant != defaultVariants[platform]) {
return false;
return true;
} on FileSystemException {
return false;
} on YamlException {
return false;