blob: 4b7a185b90f79efd0b36a000410ebedc404002ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:camera_platform_interface/camera_platform_interface.dart';
import 'package:camera_web/src/camera_service.dart';
import 'package:camera_web/src/types/types.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'shims/dart_ui.dart' as ui;
String _getViewType(int cameraId) => '$cameraId';
/// A camera initialized from the media devices in the current window.
/// See:
/// The obtained camera stream is constrained by [options] and fetched
/// with [CameraService.getMediaStreamForOptions].
/// The camera stream is displayed in the [videoElement] wrapped in the
/// [divElement] to avoid overriding the custom styles applied to
/// the video element in [_applyDefaultVideoStyles].
/// See:
/// The camera can be played/stopped by calling [play]/[stop]
/// or may capture a picture by calling [takePicture].
/// The camera zoom may be adjusted with [setZoomLevel]. The provided
/// zoom level must be a value in the range of [getMinZoomLevel] to
/// [getMaxZoomLevel].
/// The [textureId] is used to register a camera view with the id
/// defined by [_getViewType].
class Camera {
/// Creates a new instance of [Camera]
/// with the given [textureId] and optional
/// [options] and [window].
required this.textureId,
required CameraService cameraService,
this.options = const CameraOptions(),
}) : _cameraService = cameraService;
// A torch mode constraint name.
// See:
static const _torchModeKey = "torch";
/// The texture id used to register the camera view.
final int textureId;
/// The camera options used to initialize a camera, empty by default.
final CameraOptions options;
/// The video element that displays the camera stream.
/// Initialized in [initialize].
late final html.VideoElement videoElement;
/// The wrapping element for the [videoElement] to avoid overriding
/// the custom styles applied in [_applyDefaultVideoStyles].
/// Initialized in [initialize].
late final html.DivElement divElement;
/// The camera stream displayed in the [videoElement].
/// Initialized in [initialize] and [play], reset in [stop].
html.MediaStream? stream;
/// The stream of the camera video tracks that have ended playing.
/// This occurs when there is no more camera stream data, e.g.
/// the user has stopped the stream by changing the camera device,
/// revoked the camera permissions or ejected the camera device.
/// MediaStreamTrack.onended:
Stream<html.MediaStreamTrack> get onEnded =>;
/// The stream controller for the [onEnded] stream.
final onEndedStreamController =
StreamSubscription<html.Event>? _onEndedSubscription;
/// The camera flash mode.
FlashMode? flashMode;
/// The camera service used to get the media stream for the camera.
final CameraService _cameraService;
/// The current browser window used to access media devices.
html.Window? window = html.window;
/// Initializes the camera stream displayed in the [videoElement].
/// Registers the camera view with [textureId] under [_getViewType] type.
/// Emits the camera default video track on the [onEnded] stream when it ends.
Future<void> initialize() async {
stream = await _cameraService.getMediaStreamForOptions(
cameraId: textureId,
videoElement = html.VideoElement();
divElement = html.DivElement()'object-fit', 'cover')
(_) => divElement,
..autoplay = false
..muted = true
..srcObject = stream
..setAttribute('playsinline', '');
final videoTracks = stream!.getVideoTracks();
if (videoTracks.isNotEmpty) {
final defaultVideoTrack = videoTracks.first;
_onEndedSubscription = defaultVideoTrack.onEnded.listen((html.Event _) {
/// Starts the camera stream.
/// Initializes the camera source if the camera was previously stopped.
Future<void> play() async {
if (videoElement.srcObject == null) {
stream = await _cameraService.getMediaStreamForOptions(
cameraId: textureId,
videoElement.srcObject = stream;
/// Pauses the camera stream on the current frame.
void pause() {
/// Stops the camera stream and resets the camera source.
void stop() {
final videoTracks = stream!.getVideoTracks();
if (videoTracks.isNotEmpty) {
final tracks = stream?.getTracks();
if (tracks != null) {
for (final track in tracks) {
videoElement.srcObject = null;
stream = null;
/// Captures a picture and returns the saved file in a JPEG format.
/// Enables the camera flash (torch mode) for a period of taking a picture
/// if the flash mode is either [] or [FlashMode.always].
Future<XFile> takePicture() async {
final shouldEnableTorchMode =
flashMode == || flashMode == FlashMode.always;
if (shouldEnableTorchMode) {
_setTorchMode(enabled: true);
final videoWidth = videoElement.videoWidth;
final videoHeight = videoElement.videoHeight;
final canvas = html.CanvasElement(width: videoWidth, height: videoHeight);
final isBackCamera = getLensDirection() == CameraLensDirection.back;
// Flip the picture horizontally if it is not taken from a back camera.
if (!isBackCamera) {
..translate(videoWidth, 0)
..scale(-1, 1);
.drawImageScaled(videoElement, 0, 0, videoWidth, videoHeight);
final blob = await canvas.toBlob('image/jpeg');
if (shouldEnableTorchMode) {
_setTorchMode(enabled: false);
return XFile(html.Url.createObjectUrl(blob));
/// Returns a size of the camera video based on its first video track size.
/// Returns [] if the camera is missing a video track or
/// the video track does not include the width or height setting.
Size getVideoSize() {
final videoTracks = videoElement.srcObject?.getVideoTracks() ?? [];
if (videoTracks.isEmpty) {
final defaultVideoTrack = videoTracks.first;
final defaultVideoTrackSettings = defaultVideoTrack.getSettings();
final width = defaultVideoTrackSettings['width'];
final height = defaultVideoTrackSettings['height'];
if (width != null && height != null) {
return Size(width, height);
} else {
/// Sets the camera flash mode to [mode] by modifying the camera
/// torch mode constraint.
/// The torch mode is enabled for [FlashMode.torch] and
/// disabled for [].
/// For [] and [FlashMode.always] the torch mode is enabled
/// only for a period of taking a picture in [takePicture].
/// Throws a [CameraWebException] if the torch mode is not supported
/// or the camera has not been initialized or started.
void setFlashMode(FlashMode mode) {
final mediaDevices = window?.navigator.mediaDevices;
final supportedConstraints = mediaDevices?.getSupportedConstraints();
final torchModeSupported = supportedConstraints?[_torchModeKey] ?? false;
if (!torchModeSupported) {
throw CameraWebException(
'The torch mode is not supported in the current browser.',
// Save the updated flash mode to be used later when taking a picture.
flashMode = mode;
// Enable the torch mode only if the flash mode is torch.
_setTorchMode(enabled: mode == FlashMode.torch);
/// Sets the camera torch mode constraint to [enabled].
/// Throws a [CameraWebException] if the torch mode is not supported
/// or the camera has not been initialized or started.
void _setTorchMode({required bool enabled}) {
final videoTracks = stream?.getVideoTracks() ?? [];
if (videoTracks.isNotEmpty) {
final defaultVideoTrack = videoTracks.first;
final bool canEnableTorchMode =
defaultVideoTrack.getCapabilities()[_torchModeKey] ?? false;
if (canEnableTorchMode) {
"advanced": [
_torchModeKey: enabled,
} else {
throw CameraWebException(
'The torch mode is not supported by the current camera.',
} else {
throw CameraWebException(
'The camera has not been initialized or started.',
/// Returns the camera maximum zoom level.
/// Throws a [CameraWebException] if the zoom level is not supported
/// or the camera has not been initialized or started.
double getMaxZoomLevel() =>
/// Returns the camera minimum zoom level.
/// Throws a [CameraWebException] if the zoom level is not supported
/// or the camera has not been initialized or started.
double getMinZoomLevel() =>
/// Sets the camera zoom level to [zoom].
/// Throws a [CameraWebException] if the zoom level is invalid,
/// not supported or the camera has not been initialized or started.
void setZoomLevel(double zoom) {
final zoomLevelCapability =
if (zoom < zoomLevelCapability.minimum ||
zoom > zoomLevelCapability.maximum) {
throw CameraWebException(
'The provided zoom level must be in the range of ${zoomLevelCapability.minimum} to ${zoomLevelCapability.maximum}.',
"advanced": [
ZoomLevelCapability.constraintName: zoom,
/// Returns a lens direction of this camera.
/// Returns null if the camera is missing a video track or
/// the video track does not include the facing mode setting.
CameraLensDirection? getLensDirection() {
final videoTracks = videoElement.srcObject?.getVideoTracks() ?? [];
if (videoTracks.isEmpty) {
return null;
final defaultVideoTrack = videoTracks.first;
final defaultVideoTrackSettings = defaultVideoTrack.getSettings();
final facingMode = defaultVideoTrackSettings['facingMode'];
if (facingMode != null) {
return _cameraService.mapFacingModeToLensDirection(facingMode);
} else {
return null;
/// Returns the registered view type of the camera.
String getViewType() => _getViewType(textureId);
/// Disposes the camera by stopping the camera stream
/// and reloading the camera source.
Future<void> dispose() async {
/// Stop the camera stream.
/// Reset the [videoElement] to its initial state.
..srcObject = null
await _onEndedSubscription?.cancel();
_onEndedSubscription = null;
await onEndedStreamController.close();
/// Applies default styles to the video [element].
void _applyDefaultVideoStyles(html.VideoElement element) {
final isBackCamera = getLensDirection() == CameraLensDirection.back;
// Flip the video horizontally if it is not taken from a back camera.
if (!isBackCamera) { = 'scaleX(-1)';
..transformOrigin = 'center'
..pointerEvents = 'none'
..width = '100%'
..height = '100%'
..objectFit = 'cover';