blob: 3afc23827d98ed07d9cc6762f2f464218ea83491 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This is a temporary ignore to allow us to land a new set of linter rules in a
// series of manageable patches instead of one gigantic PR. It disables some of
// the new lints that are already failing on this plugin, for this plugin. It
// should be deleted and the failing lints addressed as soon as possible.
// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
/// Android side authentication messages.
/// Provides default values for all messages.
class AndroidAuthMessages {
const AndroidAuthMessages({
final String? fingerprintHint;
final String? fingerprintNotRecognized;
final String? fingerprintSuccess;
final String? cancelButton;
final String? signInTitle;
final String? fingerprintRequiredTitle;
final String? goToSettingsButton;
final String? goToSettingsDescription;
Map<String, String> get args {
return <String, String>{
'fingerprintHint': fingerprintHint ?? androidFingerprintHint,
fingerprintNotRecognized ?? androidFingerprintNotRecognized,
'fingerprintSuccess': fingerprintSuccess ?? androidFingerprintSuccess,
'cancelButton': cancelButton ?? androidCancelButton,
'signInTitle': signInTitle ?? androidSignInTitle,
fingerprintRequiredTitle ?? androidFingerprintRequiredTitle,
'goToSetting': goToSettingsButton ?? goToSettings,
goToSettingsDescription ?? androidGoToSettingsDescription,
/// iOS side authentication messages.
/// Provides default values for all messages.
class IOSAuthMessages {
const IOSAuthMessages({
final String? lockOut;
final String? goToSettingsButton;
final String? goToSettingsDescription;
final String? cancelButton;
Map<String, String> get args {
return <String, String>{
'lockOut': lockOut ?? iOSLockOut,
'goToSetting': goToSettingsButton ?? goToSettings,
goToSettingsDescription ?? iOSGoToSettingsDescription,
'okButton': cancelButton ?? iOSOkButton,
// Strings for local_authentication plugin. Currently supports English.
// Intl.message must be string literals.
String get androidFingerprintHint => Intl.message('Touch sensor',
desc: 'Hint message advising the user how to scan their fingerprint. It is '
'used on Android side. Maximum 60 characters.');
String get androidFingerprintNotRecognized =>
Intl.message('Fingerprint not recognized. Try again.',
desc: 'Message to let the user know that authentication was failed. It '
'is used on Android side. Maximum 60 characters.');
String get androidFingerprintSuccess => Intl.message('Fingerprint recognized.',
desc: 'Message to let the user know that authentication was successful. It '
'is used on Android side. Maximum 60 characters.');
String get androidCancelButton => Intl.message('Cancel',
desc: 'Message showed on a button that the user can click to leave the '
'current dialog. It is used on Android side. Maximum 30 characters.');
String get androidSignInTitle => Intl.message('Fingerprint Authentication',
desc: 'Message showed as a title in a dialog which indicates the user '
'that they need to scan fingerprint to continue. It is used on '
'Android side. Maximum 60 characters.');
String get androidFingerprintRequiredTitle {
return Intl.message('Fingerprint required',
desc: 'Message showed as a title in a dialog which indicates the user '
'fingerprint is not set up yet on their device. It is used on Android'
' side. Maximum 60 characters.');
String get goToSettings => Intl.message('Go to settings',
desc: 'Message showed on a button that the user can click to go to '
'settings pages from the current dialog. It is used on both Android '
'and iOS side. Maximum 30 characters.');
String get androidGoToSettingsDescription => Intl.message(
'Fingerprint is not set up on your device. Go to '
'\'Settings > Security\' to add your fingerprint.',
desc: 'Message advising the user to go to the settings and configure '
'fingerprint on their device. It shows in a dialog on Android side.');
String get iOSLockOut => Intl.message(
'Biometric authentication is disabled. Please lock and unlock your screen to '
'enable it.',
'Message advising the user to re-enable biometrics on their device. It '
'shows in a dialog on iOS side.');
String get iOSGoToSettingsDescription => Intl.message(
'Biometric authentication is not set up on your device. Please either enable '
'Touch ID or Face ID on your phone.',
'Message advising the user to go to the settings and configure Biometrics '
'for their device. It shows in a dialog on iOS side.');
String get iOSOkButton => Intl.message('OK',
desc: 'Message showed on a button that the user can click to leave the '
'current dialog. It is used on iOS side. Maximum 30 characters.');