blob: 9f4982b2783ef51e835be65ba952a44a5dcecc29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';
import 'common/core.dart';
import 'common/package_looping_command.dart';
import 'common/process_runner.dart';
/// A command to run tests via Firebase test lab.
class FirebaseTestLabCommand extends PackageLoopingCommand {
/// Creates an instance of the test runner command.
Directory packagesDir, {
ProcessRunner processRunner = const ProcessRunner(),
}) : super(packagesDir, processRunner: processRunner) {
defaultsTo: 'flutter-infra',
help: 'The Firebase project name.',
final String? homeDir = io.Platform.environment['HOME'];
homeDir == null ? null : p.join(homeDir, 'gcloud-service-key.json'),
help: 'The path to the service key for gcloud authentication.\n'
r'If not provided, \$HOME/gcloud-service-key.json will be '
r'assumed if $HOME is set.');
defaultsTo: const Uuid().v4(),
'Optional string to append to the results path, to avoid conflicts. '
'Randomly chosen on each invocation if none is provided. '
'The default shown here is just an example.');
io.Platform.environment['CIRRUS_BUILD_ID'] ?? 'unknown_build',
'Optional string to append to the results path, to avoid conflicts. '
r'Defaults to $CIRRUS_BUILD_ID if that is set.');
splitCommas: false,
defaultsTo: <String>[
'Device model(s) to test. See for more info');
defaultsTo: 'gs://flutter_firebase_testlab');
defaultsTo: '',
help: 'Enables the given Dart SDK experiments.',
final String name = 'firebase-test-lab';
final String description = 'Runs the instrumentation tests of the example '
'apps on Firebase Test Lab.\n\n'
'Runs tests in test_instrumentation folder using the '
'instrumentation_test package.';
static const String _gradleWrapper = 'gradlew';
Completer<void>? _firebaseProjectConfigured;
Future<void> _configureFirebaseProject() async {
if (_firebaseProjectConfigured != null) {
return _firebaseProjectConfigured!.future;
_firebaseProjectConfigured = Completer<void>();
final String serviceKey = getStringArg('service-key');
if (serviceKey.isEmpty) {
print('No --service-key provided; skipping gcloud authorization');
} else {
exitOnError: true,
logOnError: true,
final int exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream('gcloud', <String>[
if (exitCode == 0) {
print('\nFirebase project configured.');
} else {
'\nWarning: gcloud config set returned a non-zero exit code. Continuing anyway.');
Future<List<String>> runForPackage(Directory package) async {
if (!package
.existsSync()) {
printSkip('No example with androidTest directory');
return PackageLoopingCommand.success;
final List<String> errors = <String>[];
final Directory exampleDirectory = package.childDirectory('example');
final Directory androidDirectory =
// Ensures that gradle wrapper exists
if (!await _ensureGradleWrapperExists(androidDirectory)) {
errors.add('Unable to build example apk');
return errors;
await _configureFirebaseProject();
if (!await _runGradle(androidDirectory, 'app:assembleAndroidTest')) {
errors.add('Unable to assemble androidTest');
return errors;
// Used within the loop to ensure a unique GCS output location for each
// test file's run.
int resultsCounter = 0;
for (final File test in _findIntegrationTestFiles(package)) {
final String testName = p.relative(test.path, from: package.path);
print('Testing $testName...');
if (!await _runGradle(androidDirectory, 'app:assembleDebug',
testFile: test)) {
printError('Could not build $testName');
errors.add('$testName failed to build');
final String buildId = getStringArg('build-id');
final String testRunId = getStringArg('test-run-id');
final String resultsDir =
final List<String> args = <String>[
for (final String device in getStringListArg('device')) {
args.addAll(<String>['--device', device]);
final int exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream('gcloud', args,
workingDir: exampleDirectory);
if (exitCode != 0) {
printError('Test failure for $testName');
errors.add('$testName failed tests');
return errors;
/// Checks that 'gradlew' exists in [androidDirectory], and if not runs a
/// Flutter build to generate it.
/// Returns true if either gradlew was already present, or the build succeeds.
Future<bool> _ensureGradleWrapperExists(Directory androidDirectory) async {
if (!androidDirectory.childFile(_gradleWrapper).existsSync()) {
print('Running flutter build apk...');
final String experiment = getStringArg(kEnableExperiment);
final int exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream(
if (experiment.isNotEmpty) '--enable-experiment=$experiment',
workingDir: androidDirectory);
if (exitCode != 0) {
return false;
return true;
/// Builds [target] using 'gradlew' in the given [directory]. Assumes
/// 'gradlew' already exists.
/// [testFile] optionally does the Flutter build with the given test file as
/// the build target.
/// Returns true if the command succeeds.
Future<bool> _runGradle(
Directory directory,
String target, {
File? testFile,
}) async {
final String experiment = getStringArg(kEnableExperiment);
final String? extraOptions = experiment.isNotEmpty
? Uri.encodeComponent('--enable-experiment=$experiment')
: null;
final int exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream(
p.join(directory.path, _gradleWrapper),
if (testFile != null) '-Ptarget=${testFile.path}',
if (extraOptions != null) '-Pextra-front-end-options=$extraOptions',
if (extraOptions != null)
workingDir: directory);
if (exitCode != 0) {
return false;
return true;
/// Finds and returns all integration test files for [package].
Iterable<File> _findIntegrationTestFiles(Directory package) sync* {
final Directory integrationTestDir =
if (!integrationTestDir.existsSync()) {
yield* integrationTestDir
.listSync(recursive: true, followLinks: true)
.where((FileSystemEntity file) =>
file is File && file.basename.endsWith('_test.dart'))