blob: d45ff599fec18a56990e855eae5f0927cbed2d76 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@TestOn('vm') // Uses dart:io
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:cross_file/cross_file.dart';
final pathPrefix =
Directory.current.path.endsWith('test') ? './assets/' : './test/assets/';
final path = pathPrefix + 'hello.txt';
final String expectedStringContents = 'Hello, world!';
final Uint8List bytes = utf8.encode(expectedStringContents);
final File textFile = File(path);
final String textFilePath = textFile.path;
void main() {
group('Create with a path', () {
final XFile file = XFile(textFilePath);
test('Can be read as a string', () async {
expect(await file.readAsString(), equals(expectedStringContents));
test('Can be read as bytes', () async {
expect(await file.readAsBytes(), equals(bytes));
test('Can be read as a stream', () async {
expect(await file.openRead().first, equals(bytes));
test('Stream can be sliced', () async {
expect(await file.openRead(2, 5).first, equals(bytes.sublist(2, 5)));
test('saveTo(..) creates file', () async {
File removeBeforeTest = File(pathPrefix + 'newFilePath.txt');
if (removeBeforeTest.existsSync()) {
await removeBeforeTest.delete();
await file.saveTo(pathPrefix + 'newFilePath.txt');
File newFile = File(pathPrefix + 'newFilePath.txt');
expect(newFile.existsSync(), isTrue);
expect(newFile.readAsStringSync(), 'Hello, world!');
await newFile.delete();
group('Create with data', () {
final file = XFile.fromData(bytes);
test('Can be read as a string', () async {
expect(await file.readAsString(), equals(expectedStringContents));
test('Can be read as bytes', () async {
expect(await file.readAsBytes(), equals(bytes));
test('Can be read as a stream', () async {
expect(await file.openRead().first, equals(bytes));
test('Stream can be sliced', () async {
expect(await file.openRead(2, 5).first, equals(bytes.sublist(2, 5)));
test('Function saveTo(..) creates file', () async {
File removeBeforeTest = File(pathPrefix + 'newFileData.txt');
if (removeBeforeTest.existsSync()) {
await removeBeforeTest.delete();
await file.saveTo(pathPrefix + 'newFileData.txt');
File newFile = File(pathPrefix + 'newFileData.txt');
expect(newFile.existsSync(), isTrue);
expect(newFile.readAsStringSync(), 'Hello, world!');
await newFile.delete();