blob: 1fe6b71cf11b36e50421d45db78113b1d77ce22c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:platform/platform.dart';
import 'common.dart';
/// Lint the CocoaPod podspecs and run unit tests.
/// See
class LintPodspecsCommand extends PluginCommand {
/// Creates an instance of the linter command.
Directory packagesDir,
FileSystem fileSystem, {
ProcessRunner processRunner = const ProcessRunner(),
Platform platform = const LocalPlatform(),
Print print = print,
}) : _platform = platform,
_print = print,
super(packagesDir, fileSystem, processRunner: processRunner) {
'Skip all linting for podspecs with this basename (example: federated plugins with placeholder podspecs)',
valueHelp: 'podspec_file_name');
'Do not pass --allow-warnings flag to "pod lib lint" for podspecs with this basename (example: plugins with known warnings)',
valueHelp: 'podspec_file_name');
final String name = 'podspecs';
List<String> get aliases => <String>['podspec'];
final String description =
'Runs "pod lib lint" on all iOS and macOS plugin podspecs.\n\n'
'This command requires "pod" and "flutter" to be in your path. Runs on macOS only.';
final Platform _platform;
final Print _print;
Future<void> run() async {
if (!_platform.isMacOS) {
_print('Detected platform is not macOS, skipping podspec lint');
await processRunner.runAndExitOnError('which', <String>['pod'],
workingDir: packagesDir);
_print('Starting podspec lint test');
final List<String> failingPlugins = <String>[];
for (final File podspec in await _podspecsToLint()) {
if (!await _lintPodspec(podspec)) {
if (failingPlugins.isNotEmpty) {
_print('The following plugins have podspec errors (see above):');
for (final String plugin in failingPlugins) {
_print(' * $plugin');
throw ToolExit(1);
Future<List<File>> _podspecsToLint() async {
final List<File> podspecs = await getFiles().where((File entity) {
final String filePath = entity.path;
return p.extension(filePath) == '.podspec' &&
!(argResults['skip'] as List<String>)
(File a, File b) => p.basename(a.path).compareTo(p.basename(b.path)));
return podspecs;
Future<bool> _lintPodspec(File podspec) async {
// Do not run the static analyzer on plugins with known analyzer issues.
final String podspecPath = podspec.path;
final String podspecBasename = p.basename(podspecPath);
_print('Linting $podspecBasename');
// Lint plugin as framework (use_frameworks!).
final ProcessResult frameworkResult =
await _runPodLint(podspecPath, libraryLint: true);
// Lint plugin as library.
final ProcessResult libraryResult =
await _runPodLint(podspecPath, libraryLint: false);
return frameworkResult.exitCode == 0 && libraryResult.exitCode == 0;
Future<ProcessResult> _runPodLint(String podspecPath,
{bool libraryLint}) async {
final bool allowWarnings = (argResults['ignore-warnings'] as List<String>)
final List<String> arguments = <String>[
'--configuration=Debug', // Release targets unsupported arm64 simulators. Use Debug to only build against targeted x86_64 simulator devices.
if (allowWarnings) '--allow-warnings',
if (libraryLint) '--use-libraries'
_print('Running "pod ${arguments.join(' ')}"');
return'pod', arguments,
workingDir: packagesDir, stdoutEncoding: utf8, stderrEncoding: utf8);