blob: ccee15066b8c761709decb17649f90877f2df0f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'package:flutter_web_plugins/flutter_web_plugins.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:image_picker_platform_interface/image_picker_platform_interface.dart';
final String _kImagePickerInputsDomId = '__image_picker_web-file-input';
final String _kAcceptImageMimeType = 'image/*';
final String _kAcceptVideoMimeType = 'video/3gpp,video/x-m4v,video/mp4,video/*';
/// The web implementation of [ImagePickerPlatform].
/// This class implements the `package:image_picker` functionality for the web.
class ImagePickerPlugin extends ImagePickerPlatform {
final ImagePickerPluginTestOverrides? _overrides;
bool get _hasOverrides => _overrides != null;
late html.Element _target;
/// A constructor that allows tests to override the function that creates file inputs.
@visibleForTesting ImagePickerPluginTestOverrides? overrides,
}) : _overrides = overrides {
_target = _ensureInitialized(_kImagePickerInputsDomId);
/// Registers this class as the default instance of [ImagePickerPlatform].
static void registerWith(Registrar registrar) {
ImagePickerPlatform.instance = ImagePickerPlugin();
/// Returns a [PickedFile] with the image that was picked.
/// The `source` argument controls where the image comes from. This can
/// be either [] or [].
/// Note that the `maxWidth`, `maxHeight` and `imageQuality` arguments are not supported on the web. If any of these arguments is supplied, it'll be silently ignored by the web version of the plugin.
/// Use `preferredCameraDevice` to specify the camera to use when the `source` is [].
/// The `preferredCameraDevice` is ignored when `source` is []. It is also ignored if the chosen camera is not supported on the device.
/// Defaults to [CameraDevice.rear].
/// If no images were picked, the return value is null.
Future<PickedFile> pickImage({
required ImageSource source,
double? maxWidth,
double? maxHeight,
int? imageQuality,
CameraDevice preferredCameraDevice = CameraDevice.rear,
}) {
String? capture = computeCaptureAttribute(source, preferredCameraDevice);
return pickFile(accept: _kAcceptImageMimeType, capture: capture);
/// Returns a [PickedFile] containing the video that was picked.
/// The [source] argument controls where the video comes from. This can
/// be either [] or [].
/// Note that the `maxDuration` argument is not supported on the web. If the argument is supplied, it'll be silently ignored by the web version of the plugin.
/// Use `preferredCameraDevice` to specify the camera to use when the `source` is [].
/// The `preferredCameraDevice` is ignored when `source` is []. It is also ignored if the chosen camera is not supported on the device.
/// Defaults to [CameraDevice.rear].
/// If no images were picked, the return value is null.
Future<PickedFile> pickVideo({
required ImageSource source,
CameraDevice preferredCameraDevice = CameraDevice.rear,
Duration? maxDuration,
}) {
String? capture = computeCaptureAttribute(source, preferredCameraDevice);
return pickFile(accept: _kAcceptVideoMimeType, capture: capture);
/// Injects a file input with the specified accept+capture attributes, and
/// returns the PickedFile that the user selected locally.
/// `capture` is only supported in mobile browsers.
/// See
Future<PickedFile> pickFile({
String? accept,
String? capture,
}) {
html.FileUploadInputElement input =
createInputElement(accept, capture) as html.FileUploadInputElement;
return _getSelectedFile(input);
// DOM methods
/// Converts plugin configuration into a proper value for the `capture` attribute.
/// See:
String? computeCaptureAttribute(ImageSource source, CameraDevice device) {
if (source == {
return (device == CameraDevice.front) ? 'user' : 'environment';
return null;
html.File? _getFileFromInput(html.FileUploadInputElement input) {
if (_hasOverrides) {
return _overrides!.getFileFromInput(input);
return input.files?.first;
/// Handles the OnChange event from a FileUploadInputElement object
/// Returns the objectURL of the selected file.
String? _handleOnChangeEvent(html.Event event) {
final html.FileUploadInputElement input = as html.FileUploadInputElement;
final html.File? file = _getFileFromInput(input);
if (file != null) {
return html.Url.createObjectUrl(file);
return null;
/// Monitors an <input type="file"> and returns the selected file.
Future<PickedFile> _getSelectedFile(html.FileUploadInputElement input) {
final Completer<PickedFile> _completer = Completer<PickedFile>();
// Observe the input until we can return something
input.onChange.first.then((event) {
final objectUrl = _handleOnChangeEvent(event);
if (!_completer.isCompleted && objectUrl != null) {
input.onError.first.then((event) {
if (!_completer.isCompleted) {
// Note that we don't bother detaching from these streams, since the
// "input" gets re-created in the DOM every time the user needs to
// pick a file.
return _completer.future;
/// Initializes a DOM container where we can host input elements.
html.Element _ensureInitialized(String id) {
var target = html.querySelector('#${id}');
if (target == null) {
final html.Element targetElement =
html.Element.tag('flt-image-picker-inputs') = id;
target = targetElement;
return target;
/// Creates an input element that accepts certain file types, and
/// allows to `capture` from the device's cameras (where supported)
html.Element createInputElement(String? accept, String? capture) {
if (_hasOverrides) {
return _overrides!.createInputElement(accept, capture);
html.Element element = html.FileUploadInputElement()..accept = accept;
if (capture != null) {
element.setAttribute('capture', capture);
return element;
/// Injects the file input element, and clicks on it
void _injectAndActivate(html.Element element) {
// Some tools to override behavior for unit-testing
/// A function that creates a file input with the passed in `accept` and `capture` attributes.
typedef OverrideCreateInputFunction = html.Element Function(
String? accept,
String? capture,
/// A function that extracts a [html.File] from the file `input` passed in.
typedef OverrideExtractFilesFromInputFunction = html.File Function(
html.Element? input,
/// Overrides for some of the functionality above.
class ImagePickerPluginTestOverrides {
/// Override the creation of the input element.
late OverrideCreateInputFunction createInputElement;
/// Override the extraction of the selected file from an input element.
late OverrideExtractFilesFromInputFunction getFileFromInput;