blob: 63cd5defbb274378ff8bdf7215751cdadc1509cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/memory.dart';
import 'package:platform/platform.dart';
import 'package:flutter_plugin_tools/src/common.dart';
import 'package:quiver/collection.dart';
FileSystem mockFileSystem = MemoryFileSystem(
style: LocalPlatform().isWindows
: FileSystemStyle.posix);
Directory mockPackagesDir;
/// Creates a mock packages directory in the mock file system.
/// If [parentDir] is set the mock packages dir will be creates as a child of
/// it. If not [mockFileSystem] will be used instead.
void initializeFakePackages({Directory parentDir}) {
mockPackagesDir =
(parentDir ?? mockFileSystem.currentDirectory).childDirectory('packages');
/// Creates a plugin package with the given [name] in [mockPackagesDir].
Directory createFakePlugin(
String name, {
bool withSingleExample = false,
List<String> withExamples = const <String>[],
List<List<String>> withExtraFiles = const <List<String>>[],
bool isFlutter = true,
bool isAndroidPlugin = false,
bool isIosPlugin = false,
bool isWebPlugin = false,
bool isLinuxPlugin = false,
bool isMacOsPlugin = false,
bool isWindowsPlugin = false,
bool includeChangeLog = false,
bool includeVersion = false,
String parentDirectoryName = '',
}) {
assert(!(withSingleExample && withExamples.isNotEmpty),
'cannot pass withSingleExample and withExamples simultaneously');
final Directory pluginDirectory = (parentDirectoryName != '')
? mockPackagesDir.childDirectory(parentDirectoryName).childDirectory(name)
: mockPackagesDir.childDirectory(name);
pluginDirectory.createSync(recursive: true);
name: name,
isFlutter: isFlutter,
isAndroidPlugin: isAndroidPlugin,
isIosPlugin: isIosPlugin,
isWebPlugin: isWebPlugin,
isLinuxPlugin: isLinuxPlugin,
isMacOsPlugin: isMacOsPlugin,
isWindowsPlugin: isWindowsPlugin,
includeVersion: includeVersion,
if (includeChangeLog) {
createFakeCHANGELOG(pluginDirectory, '''
## 0.0.1
* Some changes.
if (withSingleExample) {
final Directory exampleDir = pluginDirectory.childDirectory('example')
name: "${name}_example", isFlutter: isFlutter);
} else if (withExamples.isNotEmpty) {
final Directory exampleDir = pluginDirectory.childDirectory('example')
for (String example in withExamples) {
final Directory currentExample = exampleDir.childDirectory(example)
createFakePubspec(currentExample, name: example, isFlutter: isFlutter);
for (List<String> file in withExtraFiles) {
final List<String> newFilePath = <String>[pluginDirectory.path]
final File newFile =
newFile.createSync(recursive: true);
return pluginDirectory;
void createFakeCHANGELOG(Directory parent, String texts) {
/// Creates a `pubspec.yaml` file with a flutter dependency.
void createFakePubspec(
Directory parent, {
String name = 'fake_package',
bool isFlutter = true,
bool includeVersion = false,
bool isAndroidPlugin = false,
bool isIosPlugin = false,
bool isWebPlugin = false,
bool isLinuxPlugin = false,
bool isMacOsPlugin = false,
bool isWindowsPlugin = false,
String version = '0.0.1',
}) {
String yaml = '''
name: $name
if (isAndroidPlugin) {
yaml += '''
package: io.flutter.plugins.fake
pluginClass: FakePlugin
if (isIosPlugin) {
yaml += '''
pluginClass: FLTFakePlugin
if (isWebPlugin) {
yaml += '''
pluginClass: FakePlugin
fileName: ${name}_web.dart
if (isLinuxPlugin) {
yaml += '''
pluginClass: FakePlugin
if (isMacOsPlugin) {
yaml += '''
pluginClass: FakePlugin
if (isWindowsPlugin) {
yaml += '''
pluginClass: FakePlugin
if (isFlutter) {
yaml += '''
sdk: flutter
if (includeVersion) {
yaml += '''
version: $version
publish_to: # Hardcoded safeguard to prevent this from somehow being published by a broken test.
/// Cleans up the mock packages directory, making it an empty directory again.
void cleanupPackages() {
mockPackagesDir.listSync().forEach((FileSystemEntity entity) {
entity.deleteSync(recursive: true);
/// Run the command [runner] with the given [args] and return
/// what was printed.
Future<List<String>> runCapturingPrint(
CommandRunner<PluginCommand> runner, List<String> args) async {
final List<String> prints = <String>[];
final ZoneSpecification spec = ZoneSpecification(
print: (_, __, ___, String message) {
await Zone.current
.fork(specification: spec)
.run<Future<void>>(() =>;
return prints;
/// A mock [ProcessRunner] which records process calls.
class RecordingProcessRunner extends ProcessRunner {
io.Process processToReturn;
final List<ProcessCall> recordedCalls = <ProcessCall>[];
/// Populate for [io.ProcessResult] to use a String [stdout] instead of a [List] of [int].
String resultStdout;
/// Populate for [io.ProcessResult] to use a String [stderr] instead of a [List] of [int].
String resultStderr;
Future<int> runAndStream(
String executable,
List<String> args, {
Directory workingDir,
bool exitOnError = false,
}) async {
recordedCalls.add(ProcessCall(executable, args, workingDir?.path));
return Future<int>.value(
processToReturn == null ? 0 : await processToReturn.exitCode);
/// Returns [io.ProcessResult] created from [processToReturn], [resultStdout], and [resultStderr].
Future<io.ProcessResult> run(String executable, List<String> args,
{Directory workingDir,
bool exitOnError = false,
stdoutEncoding = io.systemEncoding,
stderrEncoding = io.systemEncoding}) async {
recordedCalls.add(ProcessCall(executable, args, workingDir?.path));
io.ProcessResult result;
if (processToReturn != null) {
result = io.ProcessResult(,
await processToReturn.exitCode,
resultStdout ?? processToReturn.stdout,
resultStderr ?? processToReturn.stderr);
return Future<io.ProcessResult>.value(result);
Future<io.ProcessResult> runAndExitOnError(
String executable,
List<String> args, {
Directory workingDir,
}) async {
recordedCalls.add(ProcessCall(executable, args, workingDir?.path));
io.ProcessResult result;
if (processToReturn != null) {
result = io.ProcessResult(,
await processToReturn.exitCode,
resultStdout ?? processToReturn.stdout,
resultStderr ?? processToReturn.stderr);
return Future<io.ProcessResult>.value(result);
Future<io.Process> start(String executable, List<String> args,
{Directory workingDirectory}) async {
recordedCalls.add(ProcessCall(executable, args, workingDirectory?.path));
return Future<io.Process>.value(processToReturn);
/// A recorded process call.
class ProcessCall {
const ProcessCall(this.executable, this.args, this.workingDir);
/// The executable that was called.
final String executable;
/// The arguments passed to [executable] in the call.
final List<String> args;
/// The working directory this process was called from.
final String workingDir;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (other is! ProcessCall) {
return false;
final ProcessCall otherCall = other;
return executable == otherCall.executable &&
listsEqual(args, otherCall.args) &&
workingDir == otherCall.workingDir;
int get hashCode =>
executable?.hashCode ??
0 ^ args?.hashCode ??
0 ^ workingDir?.hashCode ??
String toString() {
final List<String> command = <String>[executable]..addAll(args);
return '"${command.join(' ')}" in $workingDir';