blob: e4fc24e78cff769031157d67b1a2f40d0c517a9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show json;
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/local.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:path_provider_linux/path_provider_linux.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences_platform_interface/shared_preferences_platform_interface.dart';
/// The Linux implementation of [SharedPreferencesStorePlatform].
/// This class implements the `package:shared_preferences` functionality for Linux.
class SharedPreferencesLinux extends SharedPreferencesStorePlatform {
/// The default instance of [SharedPreferencesLinux] to use.
static SharedPreferencesLinux instance = SharedPreferencesLinux();
/// Local copy of preferences
Map<String, Object>? _cachedPreferences;
/// File system used to store to disk. Exposed for testing only.
FileSystem fs = LocalFileSystem();
/// Gets the file where the preferences are stored.
Future<File?> _getLocalDataFile() async {
final pathProvider = PathProviderLinux();
final directory = await pathProvider.getApplicationSupportPath();
if (directory == null) return null;
return fs.file(path.join(directory, 'shared_preferences.json'));
/// Gets the preferences from the stored file. Once read, the preferences are
/// maintained in memory.
Future<Map<String, Object>> _readPreferences() async {
if (_cachedPreferences != null) {
return _cachedPreferences!;
Map<String, Object> preferences = {};
final File? localDataFile = await _getLocalDataFile();
if (localDataFile != null && localDataFile.existsSync()) {
String stringMap = localDataFile.readAsStringSync();
if (stringMap.isNotEmpty) {
preferences = json.decode(stringMap).cast<String, Object>();
_cachedPreferences = preferences;
return preferences;
/// Writes the cached preferences to disk. Returns [true] if the operation
/// succeeded.
Future<bool> _writePreferences(Map<String, Object> preferences) async {
try {
var localDataFile = await _getLocalDataFile();
if (localDataFile == null) {
print("Unable to determine where to write preferences.");
return false;
if (!localDataFile.existsSync()) {
localDataFile.createSync(recursive: true);
var stringMap = json.encode(preferences);
} catch (e) {
print("Error saving preferences to disk: $e");
return false;
return true;
Future<bool> clear() async {
var preferences = await _readPreferences();
return _writePreferences(preferences);
Future<Map<String, Object>> getAll() async {
return _readPreferences();
Future<bool> remove(String key) async {
var preferences = await _readPreferences();
return _writePreferences(preferences);
Future<bool> setValue(String valueType, String key, Object value) async {
var preferences = await _readPreferences();
preferences[key] = value;
return _writePreferences(preferences);