blob: 4296f39d7002efcfb9888c5c0dc16a1024105c99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'common/camera_interface.dart';
/// Controls a device camera.
/// Use [CameraController.availableCameras] to get a list of available cameras.
/// This class is used as a simple interface to control a camera on Android or
/// iOS.
/// Only one instance of [CameraController] can be active at a time. If you call
/// [initialize] on a [CameraController] while another is active, the old
/// controller will be disposed before initializing the new controller.
/// Example using [CameraController]:
/// ```dart
/// final List<CameraDescription> cameras = async CameraController.availableCameras();
/// final CameraController controller = CameraController(description: cameras[0]);
/// controller.initialize();
/// controller.start();
/// ```
class CameraController {
/// Default constructor.
/// Use [CameraController.availableCameras] to get a list of available
/// cameras.
/// This will choose the best [CameraConfigurator] for the current device.
factory CameraController({@required CameraDescription description}) {
return CameraController._(
description: description,
configurator: _createDefaultConfigurator(description),
api: _getCameraApi(description),
@required this.description,
@required this.configurator,
@required this.api,
}) : assert(description != null),
assert(configurator != null),
assert(api != null);
/// Constructor for defining your own [CameraConfigurator].
/// Use [CameraController.availableCameras] to get a list of available
/// cameras.
factory CameraController.customConfigurator({
@required CameraDescription description,
@required CameraConfigurator configurator,
}) {
return CameraController._(
description: description,
configurator: configurator,
api: _getCameraApi(description),
static const String _isNotInitializedMessage = 'Initialize was not called.';
static const String _isDisposedMessage = 'This controller has been disposed.';
// Keep only one active instance of CameraController.
static CameraController _instance;
bool _isDisposed = false;
/// Details for the camera this controller accesses.
final CameraDescription description;
/// Configurator used to control the camera.
final CameraConfigurator configurator;
/// Api used by the [configurator].
final CameraApi api;
bool get isDisposed => _isDisposed;
/// Retrieves a list of available cameras for the current device.
/// This will choose the best [CameraAPI] for the current device.
static Future<List<CameraDescription>> availableCameras() async {
throw UnimplementedError('$defaultTargetPlatform not supported');
/// Initializes the camera on the device.
/// You must call [dispose] when you are done using the camera, otherwise it
/// will remain locked and be unavailable to other applications.
/// Only one instance of [CameraController] can be active at a time. If you
/// call [initialize] on a [CameraController] while another is active, the old
/// controller will be disposed before initializing the new controller.
Future<void> initialize() {
if (_instance == this) {
return Future<void>.value();
final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>();
if (_instance != null) {
.then((_) => configurator.initialize())
.then((_) => completer.complete());
_instance = this;
return completer.future;
/// Begins the flow of data between the inputs and outputs connected to the camera instance.
Future<void> start() {
assert(!_isDisposed, _isDisposedMessage);
assert(_instance != this, _isNotInitializedMessage);
return configurator.start();
/// Stops the flow of data between the inputs and outputs connected to the camera instance.
Future<void> stop() {
assert(!_isDisposed, _isDisposedMessage);
assert(_instance != this, _isNotInitializedMessage);
return configurator.stop();
/// Deallocate all resources and disables further use of the controller.
Future<void> dispose() {
_instance = null;
_isDisposed = true;
return configurator.dispose();
static CameraConfigurator _createDefaultConfigurator(
CameraDescription description,
) {
final CameraApi api = _getCameraApi(description);
switch (api) {
throw UnimplementedError();
case CameraApi.iOS:
throw UnimplementedError();
case CameraApi.supportAndroid:
throw UnimplementedError();
return null; // Unreachable code
static CameraApi _getCameraApi(CameraDescription description) {
return CameraApi.iOS;
// TODO(bparrishMines): Uncomment this when platform specific code is added.
throw ArgumentError.value(
'Failed to get $CameraApi from',