blob: 84503f4540c64ff8d566e5befbbe251009def69b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:colorize/colorize.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'package:pubspec_parse/pubspec_parse.dart';
import 'common.dart';
/// A command to check that packages are publishable via 'dart publish'.
class PublishCheckCommand extends PluginCommand {
/// Creates an instance of the publish command.
Directory packagesDir,
FileSystem fileSystem, {
ProcessRunner processRunner = const ProcessRunner(),
}) : _pubVersionFinder =
PubVersionFinder(httpClient: httpClient ?? http.Client()),
super(packagesDir, fileSystem, processRunner: processRunner) {
help: 'Allows the pre-release SDK warning to pass.\n'
'When enabled, a pub warning, which asks to publish the package as a pre-release version when '
'the SDK constraint is a pre-release version, is ignored.',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Switch outputs to a machine readable JSON. \n'
'The JSON contains a "status" field indicating the final status of the command, the possible values are:\n'
' $_statusNeedsPublish: There is at least one package need to be published. They also passed all publish checks.\n'
' $_statusMessageNoPublish: There are no packages needs to be published. Either no pubspec change detected or all versions have already been published.\n'
' $_statusMessageError: Some error has occurred.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: true);
static const String _allowPrereleaseFlag = 'allow-pre-release';
static const String _machineFlag = 'machine';
static const String _statusNeedsPublish = 'needs-publish';
static const String _statusMessageNoPublish = 'no-publish';
static const String _statusMessageError = 'error';
static const String _statusKey = 'status';
static const String _humanMessageKey = 'humanMessage';
final List<String> _validStatus = <String>[
final String name = 'publish-check';
final String description =
'Checks to make sure that a plugin *could* be published.';
/// The custom http client used to query versions on pub.
final http.Client httpClient;
final PubVersionFinder _pubVersionFinder;
// The output JSON when the _machineFlag is on.
final Map<String, dynamic> _machineOutput = <String, dynamic>{};
final List<String> _humanMessages = <String>[];
Future<void> run() async {
final ZoneSpecification logSwitchSpecification = ZoneSpecification(
print: (Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, String message) {
final bool logMachineMessage = argResults[_machineFlag] as bool;
if (logMachineMessage && message != _prettyJson(_machineOutput)) {
} else {
parent.print(zone, message);
await runZoned(_runCommand, zoneSpecification: logSwitchSpecification);
Future<void> _runCommand() async {
final List<Directory> failedPackages = <Directory>[];
String status = _statusMessageNoPublish;
await for (final Directory plugin in getPlugins()) {
final _PublishCheckResult result = await _passesPublishCheck(plugin);
switch (result) {
case _PublishCheckResult._notPublished:
if (failedPackages.isEmpty) {
status = _statusNeedsPublish;
case _PublishCheckResult._published:
case _PublishCheckResult._error:
status = _statusMessageError;
if (failedPackages.isNotEmpty) {
final String error =
'The following ${failedPackages.length} package(s) failed the '
'publishing check:';
final String joinedFailedPackages = failedPackages.join('\n');
isError: true);
} else {
_printImportantStatusMessage('All packages passed publish check!',
isError: false);
if (argResults[_machineFlag] as bool) {
_machineOutput[_humanMessageKey] = _humanMessages;
if (failedPackages.isNotEmpty) {
throw ToolExit(1);
Pubspec _tryParsePubspec(Directory package) {
final File pubspecFile = package.childFile('pubspec.yaml');
try {
return Pubspec.parse(pubspecFile.readAsStringSync());
} on Exception catch (exception) {
'Failed to parse `pubspec.yaml` at ${pubspecFile.path}: $exception}',
return null;
Future<bool> _hasValidPublishCheckRun(Directory package) async {
final io.Process process = await processRunner.start(
<String>['pub', 'publish', '--', '--dry-run'],
workingDirectory: package,
final StringBuffer outputBuffer = StringBuffer();
final Completer<void> stdOutCompleter = Completer<void>();
(List<int> event) {
final String output = String.fromCharCodes(event);
if (output.isNotEmpty) {
onDone: () => stdOutCompleter.complete(),
final Completer<void> stdInCompleter = Completer<void>();
(List<int> event) {
final String output = String.fromCharCodes(event);
if (output.isNotEmpty) {
_printImportantStatusMessage(output, isError: true);
onDone: () => stdInCompleter.complete(),
if (await process.exitCode == 0) {
return true;
if (!(argResults[_allowPrereleaseFlag] as bool)) {
return false;
await stdOutCompleter.future;
await stdInCompleter.future;
final String output = outputBuffer.toString();
return output.contains('Package has 1 warning') &&
'Packages with an SDK constraint on a pre-release of the Dart SDK should themselves be published as a pre-release version.');
Future<_PublishCheckResult> _passesPublishCheck(Directory package) async {
final String packageName = package.basename;
print('Checking that $packageName can be published.');
final Pubspec pubspec = _tryParsePubspec(package);
if (pubspec == null) {
print('no pubspec');
return _PublishCheckResult._error;
} else if (pubspec.publishTo == 'none') {
print('Package $packageName is marked as unpublishable. Skipping.');
return _PublishCheckResult._published;
final Version version = pubspec.version;
final _PublishCheckResult alreadyPublishedResult =
await _checkIfAlreadyPublished(
packageName: packageName, version: version);
if (alreadyPublishedResult == _PublishCheckResult._published) {
'Package $packageName version: $version has already be published on pub.');
return alreadyPublishedResult;
} else if (alreadyPublishedResult == _PublishCheckResult._error) {
print('Check pub version failed $packageName');
return _PublishCheckResult._error;
if (await _hasValidPublishCheckRun(package)) {
print('Package $packageName is able to be published.');
return _PublishCheckResult._notPublished;
} else {
print('Unable to publish $packageName');
return _PublishCheckResult._error;
// Check if `packageName` already has `version` published on pub.
Future<_PublishCheckResult> _checkIfAlreadyPublished(
{String packageName, Version version}) async {
final PubVersionFinderResponse pubVersionFinderResponse =
await _pubVersionFinder.getPackageVersion(package: packageName);
_PublishCheckResult result;
switch (pubVersionFinderResponse.result) {
case PubVersionFinderResult.success:
result = pubVersionFinderResponse.versions.contains(version)
? _PublishCheckResult._published
: _PublishCheckResult._notPublished;
Error fetching version on pub for $packageName.
HTTP Status ${pubVersionFinderResponse.httpResponse.statusCode}
HTTP response: ${pubVersionFinderResponse.httpResponse.body}
result = _PublishCheckResult._error;
case PubVersionFinderResult.noPackageFound:
result = _PublishCheckResult._notPublished;
return result;
void _setStatus(String status) {
_machineOutput[_statusKey] = status;
String _prettyJson(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
return const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(_machineOutput);
void _printImportantStatusMessage(String message, {@required bool isError}) {
final String statusMessage = '${isError ? 'ERROR' : 'SUCCESS'}: $message';
if (argResults[_machineFlag] as bool) {
} else {
final Colorize colorizedMessage = Colorize(statusMessage);
if (isError) {;
} else {;
enum _PublishCheckResult {