blob: d71509597f3f71b04035023ffcf46c64ca0b97a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import '../foundation/foundation.dart';
/// Times at which to inject script content into a webpage.
/// Wraps [WKUserScriptInjectionTime](
enum WKUserScriptInjectionTime {
/// Inject the script after the creation of the webpage’s document element, but before loading any other content.
/// See
/// Inject the script after the document finishes loading, but before loading any other subresources.
/// See
/// The media types that require a user gesture to begin playing.
/// Wraps [WKAudiovisualMediaTypes](
enum WKAudiovisualMediaType {
/// No media types require a user gesture to begin playing.
/// See
/// Media types that contain audio require a user gesture to begin playing.
/// See
/// Media types that contain video require a user gesture to begin playing.
/// See
/// All media types require a user gesture to begin playing.
/// See
/// An object that contains information about an action that causes navigation to occur.
/// Wraps [WKNavigationAction](
class WKNavigationAction {
/// Constructs a [WKNavigationAction].
const WKNavigationAction({required this.request, required this.targetFrame});
/// The URL request object associated with the navigation action.
final NSUrlRequest request;
/// The frame in which to display the new content.
final WKFrameInfo targetFrame;
/// An object that contains information about a frame on a webpage.
/// An instance of this class is a transient, data-only object; it does not
/// uniquely identify a frame across multiple delegate method calls.
/// Wraps [WKFrameInfo](
class WKFrameInfo {
/// Construct a [WKFrameInfo].
const WKFrameInfo({required this.isMainFrame});
/// Indicates whether the frame is the web site's main frame or a subframe.
final bool isMainFrame;
/// A script that the web view injects into a webpage.
/// Wraps [WKUserScript](
class WKUserScript {
/// Constructs a [UserScript].
const WKUserScript(
this.injectionTime, {
required this.isMainFrameOnly,
/// The script’s source code.
final String source;
/// The time at which to inject the script into the webpage.
final WKUserScriptInjectionTime injectionTime;
/// Indicates whether to inject the script into the main frame or all frames.
final bool isMainFrameOnly;
/// An object that encapsulates a message sent by JavaScript code from a webpage.
/// Wraps [WKScriptMessage](
class WKScriptMessage {
/// Constructs a [WKScriptMessage].
const WKScriptMessage({required, this.body});
/// The name of the message handler to which the message is sent.
final String name;
/// The body of the message.
/// Allowed types are [num], [String], [List], [Map], and `null`.
final Object? body;
/// An interface for receiving messages from JavaScript code running in a webpage.
/// Wraps [WKScriptMessageHandler](
class WKScriptMessageHandler {
/// Tells the handler that a webpage sent a script message.
/// Use this method to respond to a message sent from the webpage’s
/// JavaScript code. Use the [message] parameter to get the message contents and
/// to determine the originating web view.
set didReceiveScriptMessage(
void Function(
WKUserContentController userContentController,
WKScriptMessage message,
) {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Manages interactions between JavaScript code and your web view.
/// Use this object to do the following:
/// * Inject JavaScript code into webpages running in your web view.
/// * Install custom JavaScript functions that call through to your app’s native
/// code.
/// Wraps [WKUserContentController](
class WKUserContentController {
/// Constructs a [WKUserContentController].
// A WKUserContentController that is owned by configuration.
// TODO(bparrishMines): Remove ignore once constructor is implemented.
// ignore: avoid_unused_constructor_parameters
WKWebViewConfiguration configuration,
/// Installs a message handler that you can call from your JavaScript code.
/// This name of the parameter must be unique within the user content
/// controller and must not be an empty string. The user content controller
/// uses this parameter to define a JavaScript function for your message
/// handler in the page’s main content world. The name of this function is
/// `window.webkit.messageHandlers.<name>.postMessage(<messageBody>)`, where
/// `<name>` corresponds to the value of this parameter. For example, if you
/// specify the string `MyFunction`, the user content controller defines the `
/// `window.webkit.messageHandlers.MyFunction.postMessage()` function in
/// JavaScript.
Future<void> addScriptMessageHandler(
WKScriptMessageHandler handler,
String name,
) {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Uninstalls the custom message handler with the specified name from your JavaScript code.
/// If no message handler with this name exists in the user content
/// controller, this method does nothing.
/// Use this method to remove a message handler that you previously installed
/// using the [addScriptMessageHandler] method. This method removes the
/// message handler from the page content world. If you installed the message
/// handler in a different content world, this method doesn’t remove it.
Future<void> removeScriptMessageHandler(String name) {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Uninstalls all custom message handlers associated with the user content controller.
Future<void> removeAllScriptMessageHandlers() {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Injects the specified script into the webpage’s content.
Future<void> addUserScript(WKUserScript userScript) {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Removes all user scripts from the web view.
Future<void> removeAllUserScripts() {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// A collection of properties that you use to initialize a web view.
/// Wraps [WKWebViewConfiguration](
class WKWebViewConfiguration {
/// Constructs a [WKWebViewConfiguration].
WKWebViewConfiguration({required this.userContentController});
// A WKWebViewConfiguration that is owned by webView.
// TODO(bparrishMines): Remove ignore once constructor is implemented.
// ignore: avoid_unused_constructor_parameters
WKWebViewConfiguration._fromWebView(WKWebView webView) {
userContentController =
/// Coordinates interactions between your app’s code and the webpage’s scripts and other content.
late final WKUserContentController userContentController;
/// Indicates whether HTML5 videos play inline or use the native full-screen controller.
set allowsInlineMediaPlayback(bool allow) {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// The media types that require a user gesture to begin playing.
/// Use [WKAudiovisualMediaType.none] to indicate that no user gestures are
/// required to begin playing media.
set mediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback(
Set<WKAudiovisualMediaType> types,
) {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// The methods for presenting native user interface elements on behalf of a webpage.
/// Wraps [WKUIDelegate](
class WKUIDelegate {
/// Indicates a new [WebView] was requested to be created with [configuration].
set onCreateWebView(
void Function(
WKWebViewConfiguration configuration,
WKNavigationAction navigationAction,
) {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Object that displays interactive web content, such as for an in-app browser.
/// Wraps [WKWebView](
class WKWebView {
/// Constructs a [WKWebView].
/// [configuration] contains the configuration details for the web view. This
/// method saves a copy of your configuration object. Changes you make to your
/// original object after calling this method have no effect on the web view’s
/// configuration. For a list of configuration options and their default
/// values, see [WKWebViewConfiguration]. If you didn’t create your web view
/// using the `configuration` parameter, this value uses a default
/// configuration object.
// TODO(bparrishMines): Remove ignore once constructor is implemented.
// ignore: avoid_unused_constructor_parameters
WKWebView([WKWebViewConfiguration? configuration]) {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Contains the configuration details for the web view.
/// Use the object in this property to obtain information about your web
/// view’s configuration. Because this property returns a copy of the
/// configuration object, changes you make to that object don’t affect the web
/// view’s configuration.
/// If you didn’t create your web view with a [WKWebViewConfiguration] this
/// property contains a default configuration object.
late final WKWebViewConfiguration configuration =
/// Used to integrate custom user interface elements into web view interactions.
set uiDelegate(WKUIDelegate delegate) {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Loads the web content referenced by the specified URL request object and navigates to it.
/// Use this method to load a page from a local or network-based URL. For
/// example, you might use it to navigate to a network-based webpage.
Future<void> loadRequest(NSUrlRequest request) {
throw UnimplementedError();