blob: e1c14e04cfec457400a2b9cf3ffa835491b36362 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:quiver/iterables.dart';
import 'common.dart';
const String _googleFormatterUrl =
class FormatCommand extends PluginCommand {
Directory packagesDir,
FileSystem fileSystem, {
ProcessRunner processRunner = const ProcessRunner(),
}) : super(packagesDir, fileSystem, processRunner: processRunner) {
argParser.addFlag('fail-on-change', hide: true);
defaultsTo: 'clang-format',
help: 'Path to executable of clang-format.');
final String name = 'format';
final String description =
'Formats the code of all packages (Java, Objective-C, C++, and Dart).\n\n'
'This command requires "git", "flutter" and "clang-format" v5 to be in '
'your path.';
Future<Null> run() async {
final String googleFormatterPath = await _getGoogleFormatterPath();
await _formatDart();
await _formatJava(googleFormatterPath);
await _formatCppAndObjectiveC();
if (argResults['fail-on-change']) {
final bool modified = await _didModifyAnything();
if (modified) {
throw ToolExit(1);
Future<bool> _didModifyAnything() async {
final io.ProcessResult modifiedFiles = await processRunner
.runAndExitOnError('git', <String>['ls-files', '--modified'],
workingDir: packagesDir);
if (modifiedFiles.stdout.isEmpty) {
print('All files formatted correctly.');
return false;
print('These files are not formatted correctly (see diff below):');
.map((String line) => ' $line')
print('\nTo fix run "pub global activate flutter_plugin_tools && '
'pub global run flutter_plugin_tools format" or copy-paste '
'this command into your terminal:');
print('patch -p1 <<DONE');
final io.ProcessResult diff = await processRunner
.runAndExitOnError('git', <String>['diff'], workingDir: packagesDir);
return true;
Future<Null> _formatCppAndObjectiveC() async {
print('Formatting all .cc, .cpp, .mm, .m, and .h files...');
final Iterable<String> allFiles = <String>[]
..addAll(await _getFilesWithExtension('.h'))
..addAll(await _getFilesWithExtension('.m'))
..addAll(await _getFilesWithExtension('.mm'))
..addAll(await _getFilesWithExtension('.cc'))
..addAll(await _getFilesWithExtension('.cpp'));
// Split this into multiple invocations to avoid a
// 'ProcessException: Argument list too long'.
final Iterable<List<String>> batches = partition(allFiles, 100);
for (List<String> batch in batches) {
await processRunner.runAndStream(argResults['clang-format'],
<String>['-i', '--style=Google']..addAll(batch),
workingDir: packagesDir, exitOnError: true);
Future<Null> _formatJava(String googleFormatterPath) async {
print('Formatting all .java files...');
final Iterable<String> javaFiles = await _getFilesWithExtension('.java');
await processRunner.runAndStream('java',
<String>['-jar', googleFormatterPath, '--replace']..addAll(javaFiles),
workingDir: packagesDir, exitOnError: true);
Future<Null> _formatDart() async {
// This actually should be fine for non-Flutter Dart projects, no need to
// specifically shell out to dartfmt -w in that case.
print('Formatting all .dart files...');
final Iterable<String> dartFiles = await _getFilesWithExtension('.dart');
if (dartFiles.isEmpty) {
'No .dart files to format. If you set the `--exclude` flag, most likey they were skipped');
} else {
await processRunner.runAndStream(
'flutter', <String>['format']..addAll(dartFiles),
workingDir: packagesDir, exitOnError: true);
Future<List<String>> _getFilesWithExtension(String extension) async =>
.where((File file) => p.extension(file.path) == extension)
.map((File file) => file.path)
Future<String> _getGoogleFormatterPath() async {
final String javaFormatterPath = p.join(
final File javaFormatterFile = fileSystem.file(javaFormatterPath);
if (!javaFormatterFile.existsSync()) {
print('Downloading Google Java Format...');
final http.Response response = await http.get(_googleFormatterUrl);
return javaFormatterPath;