blob: 961d373e2deab738713b257b3e59cbc56d90290f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// Information derived from `android.os.Build`.
/// See:
class AndroidDeviceInfo {
/// Android device Info class.
required this.version,
required this.board,
required this.bootloader,
required this.brand,
required this.device,
required this.display,
required this.fingerprint,
required this.hardware,
required this.manufacturer,
required this.model,
required this.product,
required List<String> supported32BitAbis,
required List<String> supported64BitAbis,
required List<String> supportedAbis,
required this.tags,
required this.type,
required this.isPhysicalDevice,
required this.androidId,
required List<String> systemFeatures,
}) : supported32BitAbis = List<String>.unmodifiable(supported32BitAbis),
supported64BitAbis = List<String>.unmodifiable(supported64BitAbis),
supportedAbis = List<String>.unmodifiable(supportedAbis),
systemFeatures = List<String>.unmodifiable(systemFeatures);
/// Android operating system version values derived from `android.os.Build.VERSION`.
final AndroidBuildVersion version;
/// The name of the underlying board, like "goldfish".
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String board;
/// The system bootloader version number.
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String bootloader;
/// The consumer-visible brand with which the product/hardware will be associated, if any.
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String brand;
/// The name of the industrial design.
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String device;
/// A build ID string meant for displaying to the user.
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String display;
/// A string that uniquely identifies this build.
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String fingerprint;
/// The name of the hardware (from the kernel command line or /proc).
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String hardware;
/// Hostname.
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String host;
/// Either a changelist number, or a label like "M4-rc20".
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String id;
/// The manufacturer of the product/hardware.
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String manufacturer;
/// The end-user-visible name for the end product.
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String model;
/// The name of the overall product.
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String product;
/// An ordered list of 32 bit ABIs supported by this device.
final List<String> supported32BitAbis;
/// An ordered list of 64 bit ABIs supported by this device.
final List<String> supported64BitAbis;
/// An ordered list of ABIs supported by this device.
final List<String> supportedAbis;
/// Comma-separated tags describing the build, like "unsigned,debug".
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String tags;
/// The type of build, like "user" or "eng".
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String type;
/// The value is `true` if the application is running on a physical device.
/// The value is `false` when the application is running on a emulator, or the value is unavailable.
final bool isPhysicalDevice;
/// The Android hardware device ID that is unique between the device + user and app signing.
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String androidId;
/// Describes what features are available on the current device.
/// This can be used to check if the device has, for example, a front-facing
/// camera, or a touchscreen. However, in many cases this is not the best
/// API to use. For example, if you are interested in bluetooth, this API
/// can tell you if the device has a bluetooth radio, but it cannot tell you
/// if bluetooth is currently enabled, or if you have been granted the
/// necessary permissions to use it. Please *only* use this if there is no
/// other way to determine if a feature is supported.
/// This data comes from Android's PackageManager.getSystemAvailableFeatures,
/// and many of the common feature strings to look for are available in
/// PackageManager's public documentation:
final List<String> systemFeatures;
/// Deserializes from the message received from [_kChannel].
static AndroidDeviceInfo fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
return AndroidDeviceInfo(
version: AndroidBuildVersion._fromMap(map['version'] != null
? map['version'].cast<String, dynamic>()
: <String, dynamic>{}),
board: map['board'] ?? '',
bootloader: map['bootloader'] ?? '',
brand: map['brand'] ?? '',
device: map['device'] ?? '',
display: map['display'] ?? '',
fingerprint: map['fingerprint'] ?? '',
hardware: map['hardware'] ?? '',
host: map['host'] ?? '',
id: map['id'] ?? '',
manufacturer: map['manufacturer'] ?? '',
model: map['model'] ?? '',
product: map['product'] ?? '',
supported32BitAbis: _fromList(map['supported32BitAbis']),
supported64BitAbis: _fromList(map['supported64BitAbis']),
supportedAbis: _fromList(map['supportedAbis']),
tags: map['tags'] ?? '',
type: map['type'] ?? '',
isPhysicalDevice: map['isPhysicalDevice'] ?? false,
androidId: map['androidId'] ?? '',
systemFeatures: _fromList(map['systemFeatures']),
/// Deserializes message as List<String>
static List<String> _fromList(dynamic message) {
if (message == null) {
return <String>[];
assert(message is List<dynamic>);
final List<dynamic> list = List<dynamic>.from(message)
..removeWhere((value) => value == null);
return list.cast<String>();
/// Version values of the current Android operating system build derived from
/// `android.os.Build.VERSION`.
/// See:
class AndroidBuildVersion {
required this.codename,
required this.incremental,
required this.release,
required this.sdkInt,
/// The base OS build the product is based on.
/// This is only available on Android 6.0 or above.
String? baseOS;
/// The developer preview revision of a prerelease SDK.
/// This is only available on Android 6.0 or above.
int? previewSdkInt;
/// The user-visible security patch level.
/// This is only available on Android 6.0 or above.
final String? securityPatch;
/// The current development codename, or the string "REL" if this is a release build.
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String codename;
/// The internal value used by the underlying source control to represent this build.
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String incremental;
/// The user-visible version string.
/// The value is an empty String if it is not available.
final String release;
/// The user-visible SDK version of the framework.
/// Possible values are defined in:
/// The value is -1 if it is unavailable.
final int sdkInt;
/// Deserializes from the map message received from [_kChannel].
static AndroidBuildVersion _fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
return AndroidBuildVersion._(
baseOS: map['baseOS'],
previewSdkInt: map['previewSdkInt'],
securityPatch: map['securityPatch'],
codename: map['codename'] ?? '',
incremental: map['incremental'] ?? '',
release: map['release'] ?? '',
sdkInt: map['sdkInt'] ?? -1,