| gcp_credentials: ENCRYPTED[!0e63b52bd7e4fda1cd7b7bf2b4fe515a27fadbeaced01f5ad8b699b81d3611ed64c5d3271bcd8426dd914ef41cba48a0!] |
| |
| # Don't run on release tags since it creates O(n^2) tasks where n is the |
| # number of plugins |
| only_if: $CIRRUS_TAG == '' |
| env: |
| CHANNEL: "master" # Default to master when not explicitly set by a task. |
| PLUGIN_TOOL: "./script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart" |
| |
| tool_setup_template: &TOOL_SETUP_TEMPLATE |
| tool_setup_script: |
| - git fetch origin master # To set FETCH_HEAD for "git merge-base" to work |
| - cd script/tool |
| - dart pub get |
| |
| flutter_upgrade_template: &FLUTTER_UPGRADE_TEMPLATE |
| upgrade_flutter_script: |
| # Ensure that the repository has all the branches. |
| - cd $FLUTTER_HOME |
| - git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" |
| - git fetch origin |
| # Switch to the requested branch. |
| - flutter channel $CHANNEL |
| - flutter upgrade |
| |
| macos_template: &MACOS_TEMPLATE |
| # Only one macOS task can run in parallel without credits, so use them for |
| # PRs on macOS. |
| use_compute_credits: $CIRRUS_USER_COLLABORATOR == 'true' |
| osx_instance: |
| image: big-sur-xcode-12.5 |
| |
| # Light-workload Linux tasks. |
| # These use default machines, with fewer CPUs, to reduce pressure on the |
| # concurrency limits. |
| task: |
| gke_container: |
| dockerfile: .ci/Dockerfile |
| builder_image_name: docker-builder-linux # gce vm image |
| builder_image_project: flutter-cirrus |
| cluster_name: test-cluster |
| zone: us-central1-a |
| namespace: default |
| matrix: |
| ### Platform-agnostic tasks ### |
| - name: plugin_tools_tests |
| script: |
| - cd script/tool |
| - CIRRUS_BUILD_ID=null pub run test |
| - name: publishable |
| version_check_script: ./script/tool_runner.sh version-check |
| publish_check_script: ./script/tool_runner.sh publish-check |
| - name: format |
| format_script: ./script/tool_runner.sh format --fail-on-change |
| pubspec_script: ./script/tool_runner.sh pubspec-check |
| license_script: dart $PLUGIN_TOOL license-check |
| - name: test |
| env: |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| test_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh test |
| - name: analyze |
| env: |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| tool_script: |
| - cd script/tool |
| - dart analyze --fatal-infos |
| script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh analyze |
| ### Android tasks ### |
| - name: build_all_plugins_apk |
| env: |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| script: |
| - ./script/build_all_plugins_app.sh apk |
| ### Web tasks ### |
| - name: build_all_plugins_web |
| env: |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| script: |
| - ./script/build_all_plugins_app.sh web |
| ### Linux desktop tasks ### |
| - name: build_all_plugins_linux |
| env: |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| script: |
| - flutter config --enable-linux-desktop |
| - ./script/build_all_plugins_app.sh linux |
| - name: build-linux+drive-examples |
| env: |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| build_script: |
| - flutter config --enable-linux-desktop |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh build-examples --linux |
| drive_script: |
| - xvfb-run ./script/tool_runner.sh drive-examples --linux |
| |
| # Heavy-workload Linux tasks. |
| # These use machines with more CPUs and memory, so will reduce parallelization |
| # for non-credit runs. |
| task: |
| gke_container: |
| dockerfile: .ci/Dockerfile |
| builder_image_name: docker-builder-linux # gce vm image |
| builder_image_project: flutter-cirrus |
| cluster_name: test-cluster |
| zone: us-central1-a |
| namespace: default |
| cpu: 4 |
| memory: 12G |
| matrix: |
| ### Android tasks ### |
| - name: build-apks+java-test+firebase-test-lab |
| env: |
| matrix: |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 0 --shardCount 4" |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 1 --shardCount 4" |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 2 --shardCount 4" |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 3 --shardCount 4" |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| MAPS_API_KEY: ENCRYPTED[596a9f6bca436694625ac50851dc5da6b4d34cba8025f7db5bc9465142e8cd44e15f69e3507787753accebfc4910d550] |
| GCLOUD_FIREBASE_TESTLAB_KEY: ENCRYPTED[07586610af1fdfc894e5969f70ef2458341b9b7e9c3b7c4225a663b4a48732b7208a4d91c3b7d45305a6b55fa2a37fc4] |
| # Currently missing harness files (https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/86749): |
| # camera/camera |
| # google_sign_in/google_sign_in |
| # in_app_purchase/in_app_purchase |
| # in_app_purchase_android |
| # quick_actions |
| # shared_preferences/shared_preferences |
| # url_launcher/url_launcher |
| # video_player/video_player |
| # webview_flutter |
| # Deprecated; no plan to backfill the missing files: |
| # android_intent,connectivity/connectivity,device_info/device_info,sensors,share,wifi_info_flutter/wifi_info_flutter |
| # No integration tests to run: |
| # image_picker/image_picker - Native UI is the critical functionality |
| # espresso - No Dart code, so no integration tests |
| PLUGINS_TO_EXCLUDE_INTEGRATION_TESTS: "camera/camera,google_sign_in/google_sign_in,in_app_purchase/in_app_purchase,in_app_purchase_android,quick_actions,shared_preferences/shared_preferences,url_launcher/url_launcher,video_player/video_player,webview_flutter,android_intent,connectivity/connectivity,device_info/device_info,sensors,share,wifi_info_flutter/wifi_info_flutter,image_picker/image_picker,espresso" |
| build_script: |
| # might include non-ASCII characters which makes Gradle crash. |
| # TODO(stuartmorgan): See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/24935 |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh build-examples --apk |
| java_test_script: |
| # might include non-ASCII characters which makes Gradle crash. |
| # TODO(stuartmorgan): See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/24935 |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh java-test # must come after apk build |
| firebase_test_lab_script: |
| # might include non-ASCII characters which makes Gradle crash. |
| # TODO(stuartmorgan): See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/24935 |
| - if [[ -n "$GCLOUD_FIREBASE_TESTLAB_KEY" ]]; then |
| - echo $GCLOUD_FIREBASE_TESTLAB_KEY > ${HOME}/gcloud-service-key.json |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh firebase-test-lab --device model=flame,version=29 --device model=starqlteue,version=26 --exclude $PLUGINS_TO_EXCLUDE_INTEGRATION_TESTS |
| - else |
| - echo "This user does not have permission to run Firebase Test Lab tests." |
| - fi |
| ### Web tasks ### |
| - name: build-web+drive-examples |
| env: |
| # Currently missing; see https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/81982 |
| # and https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/82211 |
| PLUGINS_TO_EXCLUDE_INTEGRATION_TESTS: "file_selector,shared_preferences_web" |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| install_script: |
| - git clone https://github.com/flutter/web_installers.git |
| - cd web_installers/packages/web_drivers/ |
| - dart pub get |
| - dart lib/web_driver_installer.dart chromedriver --install-only |
| - ./chromedriver/chromedriver --port=4444 & |
| build_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh build-examples --web |
| drive_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh drive-examples --web --exclude $PLUGINS_TO_EXCLUDE_INTEGRATION_TESTS |
| |
| # macOS tasks. |
| task: |
| matrix: |
| ### iOS+macOS tasks *** |
| - name: lint_darwin_plugins |
| script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh podspecs |
| ### iOS tasks ### |
| - name: build_all_plugins_ipa |
| env: |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| script: |
| - ./script/build_all_plugins_app.sh ios --no-codesign |
| - name: build-ipas+drive-examples |
| env: |
| PATH: $PATH:/usr/local/bin |
| # in_app_purchase_ios is currently missing tests; see https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/81695 |
| # ios_platform_images is currently missing tests; see https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/82208 |
| # sensor hangs on CI. |
| PLUGINS_TO_EXCLUDE_INTEGRATION_TESTS: "in_app_purchase_ios,ios_platform_images,sensors" |
| matrix: |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 0 --shardCount 4" |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 1 --shardCount 4" |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 2 --shardCount 4" |
| PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 3 --shardCount 4" |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| SIMCTL_CHILD_MAPS_API_KEY: ENCRYPTED[596a9f6bca436694625ac50851dc5da6b4d34cba8025f7db5bc9465142e8cd44e15f69e3507787753accebfc4910d550] |
| create_simulator_script: |
| - xcrun simctl list |
| - xcrun simctl create Flutter-iPhone com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-11 com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-14-5 | xargs xcrun simctl boot |
| build_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh build-examples --ios |
| xcode_analyze_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh xcode-analyze --ios |
| xctest_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh xctest --ios --ios-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 11,OS=latest" |
| drive_script: |
| # `drive-examples` contains integration tests, which changes the UI of the application. |
| # This UI change sometimes affects `xctest`. |
| # So we run `drive-examples` after `xctest`, changing the order will result ci failure. |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh drive-examples --ios --exclude $PLUGINS_TO_EXCLUDE_INTEGRATION_TESTS |
| ### macOS desktop tasks ### |
| - name: build_all_plugins_macos |
| env: |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| script: |
| - flutter config --enable-macos-desktop |
| - ./script/build_all_plugins_app.sh macos |
| - name: build-macos+drive-examples |
| env: |
| # conncectivity_macos is deprecated, so is not getting unit test backfill. |
| # package_info is deprecated, so is not getting unit test backfill. |
| PLUGINS_TO_EXCLUDE_MACOS_XCTESTS: "connectivity_macos,package_info" |
| matrix: |
| CHANNEL: "master" |
| CHANNEL: "stable" |
| PATH: $PATH:/usr/local/bin |
| build_script: |
| - flutter config --enable-macos-desktop |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh build-examples --macos |
| xcode_analyze_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh xcode-analyze --macos |
| xctest_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh xctest --macos --exclude $PLUGINS_TO_EXCLUDE_MACOS_XCTESTS |
| drive_script: |
| - ./script/tool_runner.sh drive-examples --macos |