| #!/bin/bash |
| # Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| set -e |
| |
| readonly SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null && pwd)" |
| readonly REPO_DIR="$(dirname "$SCRIPT_DIR")" |
| |
| source "$SCRIPT_DIR/common.sh" |
| |
| # Plugins that are excluded from this task. |
| |
| # Plugins that deliberately use their own analysis_options.yaml. |
| # |
| # This list should only be deleted from, never added to. This only exists |
| # because we adopted stricter analysis rules recently and needed to exclude |
| # already failing packages to start linting the repo as a whole. |
| # |
| # Finding all: `find packages -name analysis_options.yaml | sort | cut -d/ -f2` |
| # |
| # TODO(ecosystem): Remove everything from this list. https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/76229 |
| android_alarm_manager |
| android_intent |
| battery |
| camera |
| connectivity |
| cross_file |
| device_info |
| e2e |
| espresso |
| file_selector |
| flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle |
| google_maps_flutter |
| google_sign_in |
| image_picker |
| in_app_purchase |
| integration_test |
| ios_platform_images |
| local_auth |
| package_info |
| plugin_platform_interface |
| quick_actions |
| sensors |
| share |
| shared_preferences |
| url_launcher |
| video_player |
| webview_flutter |
| wifi_info_flutter |
| ) |
| |
| # Comma-separated string of the list above |
| readonly CUSTOM_FLAG=$(IFS=, ; echo "${CUSTOM_ANALYSIS_PLUGINS[*]}") |
| # Set some default actions if run without arguments. |
| ACTIONS=("$@") |
| if [[ "${#ACTIONS[@]}" == 0 ]]; then |
| ACTIONS=("analyze" "--custom-analysis" "$CUSTOM_FLAG" "test" "java-test") |
| elif [[ "${ACTIONS[0]}" == "analyze" ]]; then |
| ACTIONS=("${ACTIONS[@]}" "--custom-analysis" "$CUSTOM_FLAG") |
| fi |
| |
| BRANCH_NAME="${BRANCH_NAME:-"$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"}" |
| |
| # This has to be turned into a list and then split out to the command line, |
| # otherwise it gets treated as a single argument. |
| |
| if [[ "${BRANCH_NAME}" == "master" ]]; then |
| echo "Running for all packages" |
| (cd "$REPO_DIR" && plugin_tools "${ACTIONS[@]}" --exclude="$ALL_EXCLUDED" ${PLUGIN_SHARDING[@]}) |
| else |
| echo running "${ACTIONS[@]}" |
| (cd "$REPO_DIR" && plugin_tools "${ACTIONS[@]}" --run-on-changed-packages --exclude="$ALL_EXCLUDED" ${PLUGIN_SHARDING[@]}) |
| fi |