blob: 22683d721e7c7d24234c93161fcefb0f580c3ac2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:path_provider_windows/path_provider_windows.dart';
// A fake VersionInfoQuerier that just returns preset responses.
class FakeVersionInfoQuerier implements VersionInfoQuerier {
final Map<String, String> responses;
getStringValue(Pointer<Uint8>? versionInfo, key) => responses[key];
void main() {
test('getTemporaryPath', () async {
final pathProvider = PathProviderWindows();
expect(await pathProvider.getTemporaryPath(), contains(r'C:\'));
}, skip: !Platform.isWindows);
test('getApplicationSupportPath with no version info', () async {
final pathProvider = PathProviderWindows();
pathProvider.versionInfoQuerier =
FakeVersionInfoQuerier(<String, String>{});
final path = await pathProvider.getApplicationSupportPath();
expect(path, contains(r'C:\'));
expect(path, contains(r'AppData'));
// The last path component should be the executable name.
expect(path, endsWith(r'flutter_tester'));
}, skip: !Platform.isWindows);
test('getApplicationSupportPath with full version info', () async {
final pathProvider = PathProviderWindows();
pathProvider.versionInfoQuerier = FakeVersionInfoQuerier(<String, String>{
'CompanyName': 'A Company',
'ProductName': 'Amazing App',
final path = await pathProvider.getApplicationSupportPath();
expect(path, isNotNull);
if (path != null) {
expect(path, endsWith(r'AppData\Roaming\A Company\Amazing App'));
expect(Directory(path).existsSync(), isTrue);
}, skip: !Platform.isWindows);
test('getApplicationSupportPath with missing company', () async {
final pathProvider = PathProviderWindows();
pathProvider.versionInfoQuerier = FakeVersionInfoQuerier(<String, String>{
'ProductName': 'Amazing App',
final path = await pathProvider.getApplicationSupportPath();
expect(path, isNotNull);
if (path != null) {
expect(path, endsWith(r'AppData\Roaming\Amazing App'));
expect(Directory(path).existsSync(), isTrue);
}, skip: !Platform.isWindows);
test('getApplicationSupportPath with problematic values', () async {
final pathProvider = PathProviderWindows();
pathProvider.versionInfoQuerier = FakeVersionInfoQuerier(<String, String>{
'CompanyName': r'A <Bad> Company: Name.',
'ProductName': r'A"/Terrible\|App?*Name',
final path = await pathProvider.getApplicationSupportPath();
expect(path, isNotNull);
if (path != null) {
r'A _Bad_ Company_ Name\'
expect(Directory(path).existsSync(), isTrue);
}, skip: !Platform.isWindows);
test('getApplicationSupportPath with a completely invalid company', () async {
final pathProvider = PathProviderWindows();
pathProvider.versionInfoQuerier = FakeVersionInfoQuerier(<String, String>{
'CompanyName': r'..',
'ProductName': r'Amazing App',
final path = await pathProvider.getApplicationSupportPath();
expect(path, isNotNull);
if (path != null) {
expect(path, endsWith(r'AppData\Roaming\Amazing App'));
expect(Directory(path).existsSync(), isTrue);
}, skip: !Platform.isWindows);
test('getApplicationSupportPath with very long app name', () async {
final pathProvider = PathProviderWindows();
final truncatedName = 'A' * 255;
pathProvider.versionInfoQuerier = FakeVersionInfoQuerier(<String, String>{
'CompanyName': 'A Company',
'ProductName': truncatedName * 2,
final path = await pathProvider.getApplicationSupportPath();
expect(path, endsWith('\\$truncatedName'));
// The directory won't exist, since it's longer than MAXPATH, so don't check
// that here.
}, skip: !Platform.isWindows);
test('getApplicationDocumentsPath', () async {
final pathProvider = PathProviderWindows();
final path = await pathProvider.getApplicationDocumentsPath();
expect(path, contains(r'C:\'));
expect(path, contains(r'Documents'));
}, skip: !Platform.isWindows);
test('getDownloadsPath', () async {
final pathProvider = PathProviderWindows();
final path = await pathProvider.getDownloadsPath();
expect(path, contains(r'C:\'));
expect(path, contains(r'Downloads'));
}, skip: !Platform.isWindows);