blob: 44b6b061542c6c07943221d766595b5d425474f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:git/git.dart';
import 'package:pubspec_parse/pubspec_parse.dart';
import 'common/package_looping_command.dart';
import 'common/process_runner.dart';
/// A command to enforce pubspec conventions across the repository.
/// This both ensures that repo best practices for which optional fields are
/// used are followed, and that the structure is consistent to make edits
/// across multiple pubspec files easier.
class PubspecCheckCommand extends PackageLoopingCommand {
/// Creates an instance of the version check command.
Directory packagesDir, {
ProcessRunner processRunner = const ProcessRunner(),
GitDir? gitDir,
}) : super(packagesDir, processRunner: processRunner, gitDir: gitDir);
// Section order for plugins. Because the 'flutter' section is critical
// information for plugins, and usually small, it goes near the top unlike in
// a normal app or package.
static const List<String> _majorPluginSections = <String>[
static const List<String> _majorPackageSections = <String>[
static const String _expectedIssueLinkFormat =
final String name = 'pubspec-check';
final String description =
'Checks that pubspecs follow repository conventions.';
bool get hasLongOutput => false;
bool get includeSubpackages => true;
Future<List<String>> runForPackage(Directory package) async {
final File pubspec = package.childFile('pubspec.yaml');
final bool passesCheck = !pubspec.existsSync() ||
await _checkPubspec(pubspec, packageName: package.basename);
if (!passesCheck) {
return PackageLoopingCommand.failure;
return PackageLoopingCommand.success;
Future<bool> _checkPubspec(
File pubspecFile, {
required String packageName,
}) async {
const String indentation = ' ';
final String contents = pubspecFile.readAsStringSync();
final Pubspec? pubspec = _tryParsePubspec(contents);
if (pubspec == null) {
return false;
final List<String> pubspecLines = contents.split('\n');
final List<String> sectionOrder = pubspecLines.contains(' plugin:')
? _majorPluginSections
: _majorPackageSections;
bool passing = _checkSectionOrder(pubspecLines, sectionOrder);
if (!passing) {
print('${indentation}Major sections should follow standard '
'repository ordering:');
final String listIndentation = indentation * 2;
if (pubspec.publishTo != 'none') {
final List<String> repositoryErrors =
_checkForRepositoryLinkErrors(pubspec, packageName: packageName);
if (repositoryErrors.isNotEmpty) {
for (final String error in repositoryErrors) {
passing = false;
if (!_checkIssueLink(pubspec)) {
'${indentation}A package should have an "issue_tracker" link to a '
'search for open flutter/flutter bugs with the relevant label:\n'
'${indentation * 2}$_expectedIssueLinkFormat<package label>');
passing = false;
return passing;
Pubspec? _tryParsePubspec(String pubspecContents) {
try {
return Pubspec.parse(pubspecContents);
} on Exception catch (exception) {
print(' Cannot parse pubspec.yaml: $exception');
return null;
bool _checkSectionOrder(
List<String> pubspecLines, List<String> sectionOrder) {
int previousSectionIndex = 0;
for (final String line in pubspecLines) {
final int index = sectionOrder.indexOf(line);
if (index == -1) {
if (index < previousSectionIndex) {
return false;
previousSectionIndex = index;
return true;
List<String> _checkForRepositoryLinkErrors(
Pubspec pubspec, {
required String packageName,
}) {
final List<String> errorMessages = <String>[];
if (pubspec.repository == null) {
errorMessages.add('Missing "repository"');
} else if (!pubspec.repository!.path.endsWith(packageName)) {
.add('The "repository" link should end with the package name.');
if (pubspec.homepage != null) {
.add('Found a "homepage" entry; only "repository" should be used.');
return errorMessages;
bool _checkIssueLink(Pubspec pubspec) {
return pubspec.issueTracker
.startsWith(_expectedIssueLinkFormat) ==