blob: 2a4cdbf153483c8c79647f8c1fec2eb97f1d4a77 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ui' show hashValues;
/// Options used to create a camera with the given
/// [audio] and [video] media constraints.
/// These options represent web `MediaStreamConstraints`
/// and can be used to request the browser for media streams
/// with audio and video tracks containing the requested types of media.
class CameraOptions {
/// Creates a new instance of [CameraOptions]
/// with the given [audio] and [video] constraints.
const CameraOptions({
AudioConstraints? audio,
VideoConstraints? video,
}) : audio = audio ?? const AudioConstraints(),
video = video ?? const VideoConstraints();
/// The audio constraints for the camera.
final AudioConstraints audio;
/// The video constraints for the camera.
final VideoConstraints video;
/// Converts the current instance to a Map.
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {
'audio': audio.toJson(),
'video': video.toJson(),
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
return other is CameraOptions && == audio && == video;
int get hashCode => hashValues(audio, video);
/// Indicates whether the audio track is requested.
/// By default, the audio track is not requested.
class AudioConstraints {
/// Creates a new instance of [AudioConstraints]
/// with the given [enabled] constraint.
const AudioConstraints({this.enabled = false});
/// Whether the audio track should be enabled.
final bool enabled;
/// Converts the current instance to a Map.
Object toJson() => enabled;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
return other is AudioConstraints && other.enabled == enabled;
int get hashCode => enabled.hashCode;
/// Defines constraints that the video track must have
/// to be considered acceptable.
class VideoConstraints {
/// Creates a new instance of [VideoConstraints]
/// with the given constraints.
const VideoConstraints({
/// The facing mode of the video track.
final FacingModeConstraint? facingMode;
/// The width of the video track.
final VideoSizeConstraint? width;
/// The height of the video track.
final VideoSizeConstraint? height;
/// The device id of the video track.
final String? deviceId;
/// Converts the current instance to a Map.
Object toJson() {
final json = <String, dynamic>{};
if (width != null) json['width'] = width!.toJson();
if (height != null) json['height'] = height!.toJson();
if (facingMode != null) json['facingMode'] = facingMode!.toJson();
if (deviceId != null) json['deviceId'] = {'exact': deviceId!};
return json;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
return other is VideoConstraints &&
other.facingMode == facingMode &&
other.width == width &&
other.height == height &&
other.deviceId == deviceId;
int get hashCode => hashValues(facingMode, width, height, deviceId);
/// The camera type used in [FacingModeConstraint].
/// Specifies whether the requested camera should be facing away
/// or toward the user.
class CameraType {
const CameraType._(this._type);
final String _type;
String toString() => _type;
/// The camera is facing away from the user, viewing their environment.
/// This includes the back camera on a smartphone.
static const CameraType environment = CameraType._('environment');
/// The camera is facing toward the user.
/// This includes the front camera on a smartphone.
static const CameraType user = CameraType._('user');
/// Indicates the direction in which the desired camera should be pointing.
class FacingModeConstraint {
/// Creates a new instance of [FacingModeConstraint]
/// with the given [ideal] and [exact] constraints.
const FacingModeConstraint._({this.ideal, this.exact});
/// Creates a new instance of [FacingModeConstraint]
/// with [ideal] constraint set to [type].
factory FacingModeConstraint(CameraType type) =>
FacingModeConstraint._(ideal: type);
/// Creates a new instance of [FacingModeConstraint]
/// with [exact] constraint set to [type].
factory FacingModeConstraint.exact(CameraType type) =>
FacingModeConstraint._(exact: type);
/// The ideal facing mode constraint.
/// If this constraint is used, then the camera would ideally have
/// the desired facing [type] but it may be considered optional.
final CameraType? ideal;
/// The exact facing mode constraint.
/// If this constraint is used, then the camera must have
/// the desired facing [type] to be considered acceptable.
final CameraType? exact;
/// Converts the current instance to a Map.
Object? toJson() {
return {
if (ideal != null) 'ideal': ideal.toString(),
if (exact != null) 'exact': exact.toString(),
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
return other is FacingModeConstraint &&
other.ideal == ideal &&
other.exact == exact;
int get hashCode => hashValues(ideal, exact);
/// The size of the requested video track used in
/// [VideoConstraints.width] and [VideoConstraints.height].
/// The obtained video track will have a size between [minimum] and [maximum]
/// with ideally a size of [ideal]. The size is determined by
/// the capabilities of the hardware and the other specified constraints.
class VideoSizeConstraint {
/// Creates a new instance of [VideoSizeConstraint] with the given
/// [minimum], [ideal] and [maximum] constraints.
const VideoSizeConstraint({this.minimum, this.ideal, this.maximum});
/// The minimum video size.
final int? minimum;
/// The ideal video size.
/// The video would ideally have the [ideal] size
/// but it may be considered optional. If not possible
/// to satisfy, the size will be as close as possible
/// to [ideal].
final int? ideal;
/// The maximum video size.
final int? maximum;
/// Converts the current instance to a Map.
Object toJson() {
final json = <String, dynamic>{};
if (ideal != null) json['ideal'] = ideal;
if (minimum != null) json['min'] = minimum;
if (maximum != null) json['max'] = maximum;
return json;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
return other is VideoSizeConstraint &&
other.minimum == minimum &&
other.ideal == ideal &&
other.maximum == maximum;
int get hashCode => hashValues(minimum, ideal, maximum);