blob: 57acd17f5094005aa307bcdf4d1a5567419fc586 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file/memory.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:path_provider_linux/path_provider_linux.dart';
import 'package:path_provider_platform_interface/path_provider_platform_interface.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences_linux/shared_preferences_linux.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences_platform_interface/shared_preferences_platform_interface.dart';
void main() {
late MemoryFileSystem fs;
late PathProviderLinux pathProvider;
setUp(() {
fs = MemoryFileSystem.test();
pathProvider = FakePathProviderLinux();
Future<String> _getFilePath() async {
final String? directory = await pathProvider.getApplicationSupportPath();
return path.join(directory!, 'shared_preferences.json');
Future<void> _writeTestFile(String value) async {
fs.file(await _getFilePath())
..createSync(recursive: true)
Future<String> _readTestFile() async {
return fs.file(await _getFilePath()).readAsStringSync();
SharedPreferencesLinux _getPreferences() {
final SharedPreferencesLinux prefs = SharedPreferencesLinux();
prefs.fs = fs;
prefs.pathProvider = pathProvider;
return prefs;
test('registered instance', () {
SharedPreferencesStorePlatform.instance, isA<SharedPreferencesLinux>());
test('getAll', () async {
await _writeTestFile('{"key1": "one", "key2": 2}');
final SharedPreferencesLinux prefs = _getPreferences();
final Map<String, Object> values = await prefs.getAll();
expect(values, hasLength(2));
expect(values['key1'], 'one');
expect(values['key2'], 2);
test('remove', () async {
await _writeTestFile('{"key1":"one","key2":2}');
final SharedPreferencesLinux prefs = _getPreferences();
await prefs.remove('key2');
expect(await _readTestFile(), '{"key1":"one"}');
test('setValue', () async {
await _writeTestFile('{}');
final SharedPreferencesLinux prefs = _getPreferences();
await prefs.setValue('', 'key1', 'one');
await prefs.setValue('', 'key2', 2);
expect(await _readTestFile(), '{"key1":"one","key2":2}');
test('clear', () async {
await _writeTestFile('{"key1":"one","key2":2}');
final SharedPreferencesLinux prefs = _getPreferences();
await prefs.clear();
expect(await _readTestFile(), '{}');
/// Fake implementation of PathProviderLinux that returns hard-coded paths,
/// allowing tests to run on any platform.
/// Note that this should only be used with an in-memory filesystem, as the
/// path it returns is a root path that does not actually exist on Linux.
class FakePathProviderLinux extends PathProviderPlatform
implements PathProviderLinux {
Future<String?> getApplicationSupportPath() async => r'/appsupport';
Future<String?> getTemporaryPath() async => null;
Future<String?> getLibraryPath() async => null;
Future<String?> getApplicationDocumentsPath() async => null;
Future<String?> getDownloadsPath() async => null;