blob: f93dd60284f84fecfbac6bfcc2eebf9940f4427c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ui' show hashValues;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import 'billing_client_wrapper.dart';
import 'enum_converters.dart';
// WARNING: Changes to `@JsonSerializable` classes need to be reflected in the
// below generated file. Run `flutter packages pub run build_runner watch` to
// rebuild and watch for further changes.
part 'sku_details_wrapper.g.dart';
/// The error message shown when the map represents billing result is invalid from method channel.
/// This usually indicates a series underlining code issue in the plugin.
const kInvalidBillingResultErrorMessage =
'Invalid billing result map from method channel.';
/// Dart wrapper around [``](
/// Contains the details of an available product in Google Play Billing.
class SkuDetailsWrapper {
/// Creates a [SkuDetailsWrapper] with the given purchase details.
required this.description,
required this.freeTrialPeriod,
required this.introductoryPrice,
required this.introductoryPriceMicros,
required this.introductoryPriceCycles,
required this.introductoryPricePeriod,
required this.price,
required this.priceAmountMicros,
required this.priceCurrencyCode,
required this.sku,
required this.subscriptionPeriod,
required this.title,
required this.type,
required this.originalPrice,
required this.originalPriceAmountMicros,
/// Constructs an instance of this from a key value map of data.
/// The map needs to have named string keys with values matching the names and
/// types of all of the members on this class.
factory SkuDetailsWrapper.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> map) =>
/// Textual description of the product.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String description;
/// Trial period in ISO 8601 format.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String freeTrialPeriod;
/// Introductory price, only applies to [SkuType.subs]. Formatted ("$0.99").
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String introductoryPrice;
/// [introductoryPrice] in micro-units 990000
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String introductoryPriceMicros;
/// The number of subscription billing periods for which the user will be given the introductory price, such as 3.
/// Returns 0 if the SKU is not a subscription or doesn't have an introductory period.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: 0)
final int introductoryPriceCycles;
/// The billing period of [introductoryPrice], in ISO 8601 format.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String introductoryPricePeriod;
/// Formatted with currency symbol ("$0.99").
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String price;
/// [price] in micro-units ("990000").
@JsonKey(defaultValue: 0)
final int priceAmountMicros;
/// [price] ISO 4217 currency code.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String priceCurrencyCode;
/// The product ID in Google Play Console.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String sku;
/// Applies to [SkuType.subs], formatted in ISO 8601.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String subscriptionPeriod;
/// The product's title.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String title;
/// The [SkuType] of the product.
final SkuType type;
/// The original price that the user purchased this product for.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String originalPrice;
/// [originalPrice] in micro-units ("990000").
@JsonKey(defaultValue: 0)
final int originalPriceAmountMicros;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
final SkuDetailsWrapper typedOther = other;
return typedOther is SkuDetailsWrapper &&
typedOther.description == description &&
typedOther.freeTrialPeriod == freeTrialPeriod &&
typedOther.introductoryPrice == introductoryPrice &&
typedOther.introductoryPriceMicros == introductoryPriceMicros &&
typedOther.introductoryPriceCycles == introductoryPriceCycles &&
typedOther.introductoryPricePeriod == introductoryPricePeriod &&
typedOther.price == price &&
typedOther.priceAmountMicros == priceAmountMicros &&
typedOther.sku == sku &&
typedOther.subscriptionPeriod == subscriptionPeriod &&
typedOther.title == title &&
typedOther.type == type &&
typedOther.originalPrice == originalPrice &&
typedOther.originalPriceAmountMicros == originalPriceAmountMicros;
int get hashCode {
return hashValues(
/// Translation of [``](
/// Returned by [BillingClient.querySkuDetails].
class SkuDetailsResponseWrapper {
/// Creates a [SkuDetailsResponseWrapper] with the given purchase details.
{required this.billingResult, required this.skuDetailsList});
/// Constructs an instance of this from a key value map of data.
/// The map needs to have named string keys with values matching the names and
/// types of all of the members on this class.
factory SkuDetailsResponseWrapper.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> map) =>
/// The final result of the [BillingClient.querySkuDetails] call.
final BillingResultWrapper billingResult;
/// A list of [SkuDetailsWrapper] matching the query to [BillingClient.querySkuDetails].
@JsonKey(defaultValue: <SkuDetailsWrapper>[])
final List<SkuDetailsWrapper> skuDetailsList;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
final SkuDetailsResponseWrapper typedOther = other;
return typedOther is SkuDetailsResponseWrapper &&
typedOther.billingResult == billingResult &&
typedOther.skuDetailsList == skuDetailsList;
int get hashCode => hashValues(billingResult, skuDetailsList);
/// Params containing the response code and the debug message from the Play Billing API response.
class BillingResultWrapper {
/// Constructs the object with [responseCode] and [debugMessage].
BillingResultWrapper({required this.responseCode, this.debugMessage});
/// Constructs an instance of this from a key value map of data.
/// The map needs to have named string keys with values matching the names and
/// types of all of the members on this class.
factory BillingResultWrapper.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic>? map) {
if (map == null || map.isEmpty) {
return BillingResultWrapper(
responseCode: BillingResponse.error,
debugMessage: kInvalidBillingResultErrorMessage);
return _$BillingResultWrapperFromJson(map);
/// Response code returned in the Play Billing API calls.
final BillingResponse responseCode;
/// Debug message returned in the Play Billing API calls.
/// Defaults to `null`.
/// This message uses an en-US locale and should not be shown to users.
final String? debugMessage;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
final BillingResultWrapper typedOther = other;
return typedOther is BillingResultWrapper &&
typedOther.responseCode == responseCode &&
typedOther.debugMessage == debugMessage;
int get hashCode => hashValues(responseCode, debugMessage);