blob: efc319b60ced9dc83b810e1aa17a8f638ab1577c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'
show immutable, objectRuntimeType, setEquals;
import 'maps_object.dart';
import 'utils/maps_object.dart';
/// Update specification for a set of objects.
class MapsObjectUpdates<T extends MapsObject<T>> {
/// Computes updates given previous and current object sets.
/// [objectName] is the prefix to use when serializing the updates into a JSON
/// dictionary. E.g., 'circle' will give 'circlesToAdd', 'circlesToUpdate',
/// 'circleIdsToRemove'.
Set<T> previous,
Set<T> current, {
required this.objectName,
}) {
final Map<MapsObjectId<T>, T> previousObjects = keyByMapsObjectId(previous);
final Map<MapsObjectId<T>, T> currentObjects = keyByMapsObjectId(current);
final Set<MapsObjectId<T>> previousObjectIds = previousObjects.keys.toSet();
final Set<MapsObjectId<T>> currentObjectIds = currentObjects.keys.toSet();
/// Maps an ID back to a [T] in [currentObjects].
/// It is a programming error to call this with an ID that is not guaranteed
/// to be in [currentObjects].
T idToCurrentObject(MapsObjectId<T> id) {
return currentObjects[id]!;
_objectIdsToRemove = previousObjectIds.difference(currentObjectIds);
_objectsToAdd = currentObjectIds
// Returns `true` if [current] is not equals to previous one with the
// same id.
bool hasChanged(T current) {
final T? previous = previousObjects[current.mapsId];
return current != previous;
_objectsToChange = currentObjectIds
/// The name of the objects being updated, for use in serialization.
final String objectName;
/// Set of objects to be added in this update.
Set<T> get objectsToAdd {
return _objectsToAdd;
late final Set<T> _objectsToAdd;
/// Set of objects to be removed in this update.
Set<MapsObjectId<T>> get objectIdsToRemove {
return _objectIdsToRemove;
late final Set<MapsObjectId<T>> _objectIdsToRemove;
/// Set of objects to be changed in this update.
Set<T> get objectsToChange {
return _objectsToChange;
late final Set<T> _objectsToChange;
/// Converts this object to JSON.
Object toJson() {
final Map<String, Object> updateMap = <String, Object>{};
void addIfNonNull(String fieldName, Object? value) {
if (value != null) {
updateMap[fieldName] = value;
addIfNonNull('${objectName}sToAdd', serializeMapsObjectSet(_objectsToAdd));
'${objectName}sToChange', serializeMapsObjectSet(_objectsToChange));
.map<String>((MapsObjectId<T> m) => m.value)
return updateMap;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is MapsObjectUpdates &&
setEquals(_objectsToAdd, other._objectsToAdd) &&
setEquals(_objectIdsToRemove, other._objectIdsToRemove) &&
setEquals(_objectsToChange, other._objectsToChange);
int get hashCode => Object.hash(Object.hashAll(_objectsToAdd),
Object.hashAll(_objectIdsToRemove), Object.hashAll(_objectsToChange));
String toString() {
return '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'MapsObjectUpdates')}(add: $objectsToAdd, '
'remove: $objectIdsToRemove, '
'change: $objectsToChange)';