blob: 56c2f5c7dc87a2d0598d264518558b7e064569db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:platform/platform.dart';
import 'common/core.dart';
import 'common/package_looping_command.dart';
import 'common/plugin_utils.dart';
import 'common/process_runner.dart';
import 'common/repository_package.dart';
/// Key for APK.
const String _platformFlagApk = 'apk';
const int _exitNoPlatformFlags = 3;
// Flutter build types. These are the values passed to `flutter build <foo>`.
const String _flutterBuildTypeAndroid = 'apk';
const String _flutterBuildTypeIos = 'ios';
const String _flutterBuildTypeLinux = 'linux';
const String _flutterBuildTypeMacOS = 'macos';
const String _flutterBuildTypeWeb = 'web';
const String _flutterBuildTypeWin32 = 'windows';
const String _flutterBuildTypeWinUwp = 'winuwp';
/// A command to build the example applications for packages.
class BuildExamplesCommand extends PackageLoopingCommand {
/// Creates an instance of the build command.
Directory packagesDir, {
ProcessRunner processRunner = const ProcessRunner(),
Platform platform = const LocalPlatform(),
}) : super(packagesDir, processRunner: processRunner, platform: platform) {
defaultsTo: '',
help: 'Enables the given Dart SDK experiments.',
// Maps the switch this command uses to identify a platform to information
// about it.
static final Map<String, _PlatformDetails> _platforms =
<String, _PlatformDetails>{
_platformFlagApk: const _PlatformDetails(
pluginPlatform: kPlatformAndroid,
flutterBuildType: _flutterBuildTypeAndroid,
kPlatformIos: const _PlatformDetails(
pluginPlatform: kPlatformIos,
flutterBuildType: _flutterBuildTypeIos,
extraBuildFlags: <String>['--no-codesign'],
kPlatformLinux: const _PlatformDetails(
pluginPlatform: kPlatformLinux,
flutterBuildType: _flutterBuildTypeLinux,
kPlatformMacos: const _PlatformDetails(
pluginPlatform: kPlatformMacos,
flutterBuildType: _flutterBuildTypeMacOS,
kPlatformWeb: const _PlatformDetails(
pluginPlatform: kPlatformWeb,
flutterBuildType: _flutterBuildTypeWeb,
kPlatformWindows: const _PlatformDetails(
pluginPlatform: kPlatformWindows,
pluginPlatformVariant: platformVariantWin32,
flutterBuildType: _flutterBuildTypeWin32,
kPlatformWinUwp: const _PlatformDetails(
pluginPlatform: kPlatformWindows,
pluginPlatformVariant: platformVariantWinUwp,
flutterBuildType: _flutterBuildTypeWinUwp,
final String name = 'build-examples';
final String description =
'Builds all example apps (IPA for iOS and APK for Android).\n\n'
'This command requires "flutter" to be in your path.';
Future<void> initializeRun() async {
final List<String> platformFlags = _platforms.keys.toList();
if (!platformFlags.any((String platform) => getBoolArg(platform))) {
'None of ${ platform) => '--$platform').join(', ')} '
'were specified. At least one platform must be provided.');
throw ToolExit(_exitNoPlatformFlags);
Future<PackageResult> runForPackage(RepositoryPackage package) async {
final List<String> errors = <String>[];
final bool isPlugin = isFlutterPlugin(package);
final Iterable<_PlatformDetails> requestedPlatforms = _platforms.entries
(MapEntry<String, _PlatformDetails> entry) => getBoolArg(entry.key))
.map((MapEntry<String, _PlatformDetails> entry) => entry.value);
// Platform support is checked at the package level for plugins; there is
// no package-level platform information for non-plugin packages.
final Set<_PlatformDetails> buildPlatforms = isPlugin
? requestedPlatforms
.where((_PlatformDetails platform) => pluginSupportsPlatform(
platform.pluginPlatform, package,
variant: platform.pluginPlatformVariant))
: requestedPlatforms.toSet();
String platformDisplayList(Iterable<_PlatformDetails> platforms) {
return p) => p.label).join(', ');
if (buildPlatforms.isEmpty) {
final String unsupported = requestedPlatforms.length == 1
? '${requestedPlatforms.first.label} is not supported'
: 'None of [${platformDisplayList(requestedPlatforms)}] are supported';
return PackageResult.skip('$unsupported by this plugin');
print('Building for: ${platformDisplayList(buildPlatforms)}');
final Set<_PlatformDetails> unsupportedPlatforms =
if (unsupportedPlatforms.isNotEmpty) {
final List<String> skippedPlatforms = unsupportedPlatforms
.map((_PlatformDetails platform) => platform.label)
print('Skipping unsupported platform(s): '
'${skippedPlatforms.join(', ')}');
bool builtSomething = false;
for (final RepositoryPackage example in package.getExamples()) {
final String packageName =
getRelativePosixPath(, from: packagesDir);
for (final _PlatformDetails platform in buildPlatforms) {
// Repo policy is that a plugin must have examples configured for all
// supported platforms. For packages, just log and skip any requested
// platform that a package doesn't have set up.
if (!isPlugin &&
.existsSync()) {
print('Skipping ${platform.label} for $packageName; not supported.');
builtSomething = true;
String buildPlatform = platform.label;
if (platform.label.toLowerCase() != platform.flutterBuildType) {
buildPlatform += ' (${platform.flutterBuildType})';
print('\nBUILDING $packageName for $buildPlatform');
if (!await _buildExample(example, platform.flutterBuildType,
extraBuildFlags: platform.extraBuildFlags)) {
errors.add('$packageName (${platform.label})');
if (!builtSomething) {
if (isPlugin) {
errors.add('No examples found');
} else {
return PackageResult.skip(
'No examples found supporting requested platform(s).');
return errors.isEmpty
? PackageResult.success()
Future<bool> _buildExample(
RepositoryPackage example,
String flutterBuildType, {
List<String> extraBuildFlags = const <String>[],
}) async {
final String enableExperiment = getStringArg(kEnableExperiment);
// The UWP template is not yet stable, so the UWP directory
// needs to be created on the fly with 'flutter create .'
Directory? temporaryPlatformDirectory;
if (flutterBuildType == _flutterBuildTypeWinUwp) {
final Directory uwpDirectory ='winuwp');
if (!uwpDirectory.existsSync()) {
print('Creating temporary winuwp folder');
final int exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream(flutterCommand,
<String>['create', '--platforms=$kPlatformWinUwp', '.'],
if (exitCode == 0) {
temporaryPlatformDirectory = uwpDirectory;
final int exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream(
if (enableExperiment.isNotEmpty)
if (temporaryPlatformDirectory != null &&
temporaryPlatformDirectory.existsSync()) {
print('Cleaning up ${temporaryPlatformDirectory.path}');
temporaryPlatformDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
return exitCode == 0;
/// A collection of information related to a specific platform.
class _PlatformDetails {
const _PlatformDetails(
this.label, {
required this.pluginPlatform,
required this.flutterBuildType,
this.extraBuildFlags = const <String>[],
/// The name to use in output.
final String label;
/// The key in a pubspec's platform: entry.
final String pluginPlatform;
/// The supportedVariants key under a plugin's [pluginPlatform] entry, if
/// applicable.
final String? pluginPlatformVariant;
/// The `flutter build` build type.
final String flutterBuildType;
/// The Flutter platform directory name.
// In practice, this is the same as the plugin platform key for all platforms.
// If that changes, this can be adjusted.
String get flutterPlatformDirectory => pluginPlatform;
/// Any extra flags to pass to `flutter build`.
final List<String> extraBuildFlags;