blob: 78d624b76f50be1b0cee78667a7e5595bab0a03e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of google_maps_flutter;
/// The position of the map "camera", the view point from which the world is
/// shown in the map view. Aggregates the camera's [target] geographical
/// location, its [zoom] level, [tilt] angle, and [bearing].
class CameraPosition {
const CameraPosition({
this.bearing = 0.0,
this.tilt = 0.0,
this.zoom = 0.0,
}) : assert(bearing != null),
assert(target != null),
assert(tilt != null),
assert(zoom != null);
/// The camera's bearing in degrees, measured clockwise from north.
/// A bearing of 0.0, the default, means the camera points north.
/// A bearing of 90.0 means the camera points east.
final double bearing;
/// The geographical location that the camera is pointing at.
final LatLng target;
/// The angle, in degrees, of the camera angle from the nadir.
/// A tilt of 0.0, the default and minimum supported value, means the camera
/// is directly facing the Earth.
/// The maximum tilt value depends on the current zoom level. Values beyond
/// the supported range are allowed, but on applying them to a map they will
/// be silently clamped to the supported range.
final double tilt;
/// The zoom level of the camera.
/// A zoom of 0.0, the default, means the screen width of the world is 256.
/// Adding 1.0 to the zoom level doubles the screen width of the map. So at
/// zoom level 3.0, the screen width of the world is 2³x256=2048.
/// Larger zoom levels thus means the camera is placed closer to the surface
/// of the Earth, revealing more detail in a narrower geographical region.
/// The supported zoom level range depends on the map data and device. Values
/// beyond the supported range are allowed, but on applying them to a map they
/// will be silently clamped to the supported range.
final double zoom;
dynamic toMap() => <String, dynamic>{
'bearing': bearing,
'target': target._toJson(),
'tilt': tilt,
'zoom': zoom,
static CameraPosition fromMap(dynamic json) {
if (json == null) {
return null;
return CameraPosition(
bearing: json['bearing'],
target: LatLng._fromJson(json['target']),
tilt: json['tilt'],
zoom: json['zoom'],
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType) return false;
final CameraPosition typedOther = other;
return bearing == typedOther.bearing &&
target == &&
tilt == typedOther.tilt &&
zoom == typedOther.zoom;
int get hashCode => hashValues(bearing, target, tilt, zoom);
String toString() =>
'CameraPosition(bearing: $bearing, target: $target, tilt: $tilt, zoom: $zoom)';
/// Defines a camera move, supporting absolute moves as well as moves relative
/// the current position.
class CameraUpdate {
/// Returns a camera update that moves the camera to the specified position.
static CameraUpdate newCameraPosition(CameraPosition cameraPosition) {
return CameraUpdate._(
<dynamic>['newCameraPosition', cameraPosition.toMap()],
/// Returns a camera update that moves the camera target to the specified
/// geographical location.
static CameraUpdate newLatLng(LatLng latLng) {
return CameraUpdate._(<dynamic>['newLatLng', latLng._toJson()]);
/// Returns a camera update that transforms the camera so that the specified
/// geographical bounding box is centered in the map view at the greatest
/// possible zoom level. A non-zero [padding] insets the bounding box from the
/// map view's edges. The camera's new tilt and bearing will both be 0.0.
static CameraUpdate newLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds bounds, double padding) {
return CameraUpdate._(<dynamic>[
/// Returns a camera update that moves the camera target to the specified
/// geographical location and zoom level.
static CameraUpdate newLatLngZoom(LatLng latLng, double zoom) {
return CameraUpdate._(
<dynamic>['newLatLngZoom', latLng._toJson(), zoom],
/// Returns a camera update that moves the camera target the specified screen
/// distance.
/// For a camera with bearing 0.0 (pointing north), scrolling by 50,75 moves
/// the camera's target to a geographical location that is 50 to the east and
/// 75 to the south of the current location, measured in screen coordinates.
static CameraUpdate scrollBy(double dx, double dy) {
return CameraUpdate._(
<dynamic>['scrollBy', dx, dy],
/// Returns a camera update that modifies the camera zoom level by the
/// specified amount. The optional [focus] is a screen point whose underlying
/// geographical location should be invariant, if possible, by the movement.
static CameraUpdate zoomBy(double amount, [Offset focus]) {
if (focus == null) {
return CameraUpdate._(<dynamic>['zoomBy', amount]);
} else {
return CameraUpdate._(<dynamic>[
<double>[focus.dx, focus.dy],
/// Returns a camera update that zooms the camera in, bringing the camera
/// closer to the surface of the Earth.
/// Equivalent to the result of calling `zoomBy(1.0)`.
static CameraUpdate zoomIn() {
return CameraUpdate._(<dynamic>['zoomIn']);
/// Returns a camera update that zooms the camera out, bringing the camera
/// further away from the surface of the Earth.
/// Equivalent to the result of calling `zoomBy(-1.0)`.
static CameraUpdate zoomOut() {
return CameraUpdate._(<dynamic>['zoomOut']);
/// Returns a camera update that sets the camera zoom level.
static CameraUpdate zoomTo(double zoom) {
return CameraUpdate._(<dynamic>['zoomTo', zoom]);
final dynamic _json;
dynamic _toJson() => _json;