blob: b980b01bfa468de2b4eeb25ae0835bf18601cbf0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:in_app_purchase/src/billing_client_wrappers/purchase_wrapper.dart';
import 'package:in_app_purchase/src/store_kit_wrappers/sk_payment_transaction_wrappers.dart';
import './in_app_purchase_connection.dart';
import './product_details.dart';
final String kPurchaseErrorCode = 'purchase_error';
final String kRestoredPurchaseErrorCode = 'restore_transactions_failed';
final String kConsumptionFailedErrorCode = 'consume_purchase_failed';
/// Represents the data that is used to verify purchases.
/// The property [source] helps you to determine the method to verify purchases.
/// Different source of purchase has different methods of verifying purchases.
/// Both platforms have 2 ways to verify purchase data. You can either choose to verify the data locally using [localVerificationData]
/// or verify the data using your own server with [serverVerificationData].
/// For details on how to verify your purchase on iOS,
/// you can refer to Apple's document about [`About Receipt Validation`](
/// On Android, all purchase information should also be verified manually. See [`Verify a purchase`](
/// It is preferable to verify purchases using a server with [serverVerificationData].
/// If the platform is iOS, it is possible the data can be null or your validation of this data turns out invalid. When this happens,
/// Call [InAppPurchaseConnection.refreshPurchaseVerificationData] to get a new [PurchaseVerificationData] object. And then you can
/// validate the receipt data again using one of the methods mentioned in [`Receipt Validation`](
/// You should never use any purchase data until verified.
class PurchaseVerificationData {
/// The data used for local verification.
/// If the [source] is [IAPSource.AppStore], this data is a based64 encoded string. The structure of the payload is defined using ASN.1.
/// If the [source] is [IAPSource.GooglePlay], this data is a JSON String.
final String localVerificationData;
/// The data used for server verification.
/// If the platform is iOS, this data is identical to [localVerificationData].
final String serverVerificationData;
/// Indicates the source of the purchase.
final IAPSource source;
{@required this.localVerificationData,
@required this.serverVerificationData,
@required this.source});
enum PurchaseStatus {
/// The purchase process is pending.
/// You can update UI to let your users know the purchase is pending.
/// The purchase is finished and successful.
/// Update your UI to indicate the purchase is finished and deliver the product.
/// On Android, the google play store is handling the purchase, so we set the status to
/// `purchased` as long as we can successfully launch play store purchase flow.
/// Some error occurred in the purchase. The purchasing process if aborted.
/// The parameter object for generating a purchase.
class PurchaseParam {
{@required this.productDetails,
/// The product to create payment for.
/// It has to match one of the valid [ProductDetails] objects that you get from [ProductDetailsResponse] after calling [InAppPurchaseConnection.queryProductDetails].
final ProductDetails productDetails;
/// An opaque id for the user's account that's unique to your app. (Optional)
/// Used to help the store detect irregular activity.
/// Do not pass in a clear text, your developer ID, the user’s Apple ID, or the
/// user's Google ID for this field.
/// For example, you can use a one-way hash of the user’s account name on your server.
final String applicationUserName;
/// The 'sandboxTesting' is only available on iOS, set it to `true` for testing in AppStore's sandbox environment. The default value is `false`.
final bool sandboxTesting;
/// Represents the transaction details of a purchase.
/// This class unifies the BillingClient's [PurchaseWrapper] and StoreKit's [SKPaymentTransactionWrapper]. You can use the common attributes in
/// This class for simple operations. If you would like to see the detailed representation of the product, instead, use [PurchaseWrapper] on Android and [SKPaymentTransactionWrapper] on iOS.
class PurchaseDetails {
/// A unique identifier of the purchase.
final String purchaseID;
/// The product identifier of the purchase.
final String productID;
/// The verification data of the purchase.
/// Use this to verify the purchase. See [PurchaseVerificationData] for
/// details on how to verify purchase use this data. You should never use any
/// purchase data until verified.
/// On iOS, this may be null. Call
/// [InAppPurchaseConnection.refreshPurchaseVerificationData] to get a new
/// [PurchaseVerificationData] object for further validation.
final PurchaseVerificationData verificationData;
/// The timestamp of the transaction.
/// Milliseconds since epoch.
final String transactionDate;
/// The status that this [PurchaseDetails] is currently on.
PurchaseStatus status;
/// The error is only available when [status] is [PurchaseStatus.error].
IAPError error;
/// Points back to the `StoreKits`'s [SKPaymentTransactionWrapper] object that generated this [PurchaseDetails] object.
/// This is null on Android.
final SKPaymentTransactionWrapper skPaymentTransaction;
/// Points back to the `BillingClient`'s [PurchaseWrapper] object that generated this [PurchaseDetails] object.
/// This is null on Android.
final PurchaseWrapper billingClientPurchase;
@required this.purchaseID,
@required this.productID,
@required this.verificationData,
@required this.transactionDate,
this.skPaymentTransaction = null,
this.billingClientPurchase = null,
/// Generate a [PurchaseDetails] object based on an iOS [SKTransactionWrapper] object.
SKPaymentTransactionWrapper transaction, String base64EncodedReceipt)
: this.purchaseID = transaction.transactionIdentifier,
this.productID = transaction.payment.productIdentifier,
this.verificationData = PurchaseVerificationData(
localVerificationData: base64EncodedReceipt,
serverVerificationData: base64EncodedReceipt,
source: IAPSource.AppStore),
this.transactionDate = transaction.transactionTimeStamp != null
? (transaction.transactionTimeStamp * 1000).toInt().toString()
: null,
this.skPaymentTransaction = transaction,
this.billingClientPurchase = null;
/// Generate a [PurchaseDetails] object based on an Android [Purchase] object.
PurchaseDetails.fromPurchase(PurchaseWrapper purchase)
: this.purchaseID = purchase.orderId,
this.productID = purchase.sku,
this.verificationData = PurchaseVerificationData(
localVerificationData: purchase.originalJson,
serverVerificationData: purchase.purchaseToken,
source: IAPSource.GooglePlay),
this.transactionDate = purchase.purchaseTime.toString(),
this.skPaymentTransaction = null,
this.billingClientPurchase = purchase;
/// The response object for fetching the past purchases.
/// An instance of this class is returned in [InAppPurchaseConnection.queryPastPurchases].
class QueryPurchaseDetailsResponse {
QueryPurchaseDetailsResponse({@required this.pastPurchases, this.error});
/// A list of successfully fetched past purchases.
/// If there are no past purchases, or there is an [error] fetching past purchases,
/// this variable is an empty List.
/// You should verify the purchase data using [PurchaseDetails.verificationData] before using the [PurchaseDetails] object.
final List<PurchaseDetails> pastPurchases;
/// The error when fetching past purchases.
/// If the fetch is successful, the value is null.
final IAPError error;