blob: 75753d962525020724e45098761905408419dcda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Autogenerated from Pigeon (v4.2.14), do not edit directly.
// See also:
import Foundation
#if os(iOS)
import Flutter
#elseif os(macOS)
import FlutterMacOS
#error("Unsupported platform.")
/// Generated class from Pigeon.
/// A Pigeon representation of the macOS portion of an `XTypeGroup`.
/// Generated class from Pigeon that represents data sent in messages.
struct AllowedTypes {
var extensions: [String?]
var mimeTypes: [String?]
var utis: [String?]
static func fromList(_ list: [Any?]) -> AllowedTypes? {
let extensions = list[0] as! [String?]
let mimeTypes = list[1] as! [String?]
let utis = list[2] as! [String?]
return AllowedTypes(
extensions: extensions,
mimeTypes: mimeTypes,
utis: utis
func toList() -> [Any?] {
return [
/// Options for save panels.
/// These correspond to NSSavePanel properties (which are, by extension
/// NSOpenPanel properties as well).
/// Generated class from Pigeon that represents data sent in messages.
struct SavePanelOptions {
var allowedFileTypes: AllowedTypes? = nil
var directoryPath: String? = nil
var nameFieldStringValue: String? = nil
var prompt: String? = nil
static func fromList(_ list: [Any?]) -> SavePanelOptions? {
var allowedFileTypes: AllowedTypes? = nil
if let allowedFileTypesList = list[0] as? [Any?] {
allowedFileTypes = AllowedTypes.fromList(allowedFileTypesList)
let directoryPath = list[1] as? String
let nameFieldStringValue = list[2] as? String
let prompt = list[3] as? String
return SavePanelOptions(
allowedFileTypes: allowedFileTypes,
directoryPath: directoryPath,
nameFieldStringValue: nameFieldStringValue,
prompt: prompt
func toList() -> [Any?] {
return [
/// Options for open panels.
/// These correspond to NSOpenPanel properties.
/// Generated class from Pigeon that represents data sent in messages.
struct OpenPanelOptions {
var allowsMultipleSelection: Bool
var canChooseDirectories: Bool
var canChooseFiles: Bool
var baseOptions: SavePanelOptions
static func fromList(_ list: [Any?]) -> OpenPanelOptions? {
let allowsMultipleSelection = list[0] as! Bool
let canChooseDirectories = list[1] as! Bool
let canChooseFiles = list[2] as! Bool
let baseOptions = SavePanelOptions.fromList(list[3] as! [Any?])!
return OpenPanelOptions(
allowsMultipleSelection: allowsMultipleSelection,
canChooseDirectories: canChooseDirectories,
canChooseFiles: canChooseFiles,
baseOptions: baseOptions
func toList() -> [Any?] {
return [
private class FileSelectorApiCodecReader: FlutterStandardReader {
override func readValue(ofType type: UInt8) -> Any? {
switch type {
case 128:
return AllowedTypes.fromList(self.readValue() as! [Any])
case 129:
return OpenPanelOptions.fromList(self.readValue() as! [Any])
case 130:
return SavePanelOptions.fromList(self.readValue() as! [Any])
return super.readValue(ofType: type)
private class FileSelectorApiCodecWriter: FlutterStandardWriter {
override func writeValue(_ value: Any) {
if let value = value as? AllowedTypes {
} else if let value = value as? OpenPanelOptions {
} else if let value = value as? SavePanelOptions {
} else {
private class FileSelectorApiCodecReaderWriter: FlutterStandardReaderWriter {
override func reader(with data: Data) -> FlutterStandardReader {
return FileSelectorApiCodecReader(data: data)
override func writer(with data: NSMutableData) -> FlutterStandardWriter {
return FileSelectorApiCodecWriter(data: data)
class FileSelectorApiCodec: FlutterStandardMessageCodec {
static let shared = FileSelectorApiCodec(readerWriter: FileSelectorApiCodecReaderWriter())
/// Generated protocol from Pigeon that represents a handler of messages from Flutter.
protocol FileSelectorApi {
/// Shows an open panel with the given [options], returning the list of
/// selected paths.
/// An empty list corresponds to a cancelled selection.
func displayOpenPanel(options: OpenPanelOptions, completion: @escaping ([String?]) -> Void)
/// Shows a save panel with the given [options], returning the selected path.
/// A null return corresponds to a cancelled save.
func displaySavePanel(options: SavePanelOptions, completion: @escaping (String?) -> Void)
/// Generated setup class from Pigeon to handle messages through the `binaryMessenger`.
class FileSelectorApiSetup {
/// The codec used by FileSelectorApi.
static var codec: FlutterStandardMessageCodec { FileSelectorApiCodec.shared }
/// Sets up an instance of `FileSelectorApi` to handle messages through the `binaryMessenger`.
static func setUp(binaryMessenger: FlutterBinaryMessenger, api: FileSelectorApi?) {
/// Shows an open panel with the given [options], returning the list of
/// selected paths.
/// An empty list corresponds to a cancelled selection.
let displayOpenPanelChannel = FlutterBasicMessageChannel(name: "dev.flutter.pigeon.FileSelectorApi.displayOpenPanel", binaryMessenger: binaryMessenger, codec: codec)
if let api = api {
displayOpenPanelChannel.setMessageHandler { message, reply in
let args = message as! [Any?]
let optionsArg = args[0] as! OpenPanelOptions
api.displayOpenPanel(options: optionsArg) { result in
} else {
/// Shows a save panel with the given [options], returning the selected path.
/// A null return corresponds to a cancelled save.
let displaySavePanelChannel = FlutterBasicMessageChannel(name: "dev.flutter.pigeon.FileSelectorApi.displaySavePanel", binaryMessenger: binaryMessenger, codec: codec)
if let api = api {
displaySavePanelChannel.setMessageHandler { message, reply in
let args = message as! [Any?]
let optionsArg = args[0] as! SavePanelOptions
api.displaySavePanel(options: optionsArg) { result in
} else {
private func wrapResult(_ result: Any?) -> [Any?] {
return [result]
private func wrapError(_ error: FlutterError) -> [Any?] {
return [