blob: ce713bc524685a9a3524bc191a5a0500877f26cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:camera_platform_interface/camera_platform_interface.dart';
import 'package:camera_web/src/types/types.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
/// A utility to fetch, map camera settings and
/// obtain the camera stream.
class CameraSettings {
// A facing mode constraint name.
static const _facingModeKey = "facingMode";
/// The current browser window used to access media devices.
html.Window? window = html.window;
/// Returns a media stream associated with the camera device
/// with [cameraId] and constrained by [options].
Future<html.MediaStream> getMediaStreamForOptions(
CameraOptions options, {
int cameraId = 0,
}) async {
final mediaDevices = window?.navigator.mediaDevices;
// Throw a not supported exception if the current browser window
// does not support any media devices.
if (mediaDevices == null) {
throw PlatformException(
code: CameraErrorCode.notSupported.toString(),
message: 'The camera is not supported on this device.',
try {
final constraints = await options.toJson();
return await mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints);
} on html.DomException catch (e) {
switch ( {
case 'NotFoundError':
case 'DevicesNotFoundError':
throw CameraWebException(
'No camera found for the given camera options.',
case 'NotReadableError':
case 'TrackStartError':
throw CameraWebException(
'The camera is not readable due to a hardware error '
'that prevented access to the device.',
case 'OverconstrainedError':
case 'ConstraintNotSatisfiedError':
throw CameraWebException(
'The camera options are impossible to satisfy.',
case 'NotAllowedError':
case 'PermissionDeniedError':
throw CameraWebException(
'The camera cannot be used or the permission '
'to access the camera is not granted.',
case 'TypeError':
throw CameraWebException(
'The camera options are incorrect or attempted'
'to access the media input from an insecure context.',
case 'AbortError':
throw CameraWebException(
'Some problem occurred that prevented the camera from being used.',
case 'SecurityError':
throw CameraWebException(
'The user media support is disabled in the current browser.',
throw CameraWebException(
'An unknown error occured when fetching the camera stream.',
} catch (_) {
throw CameraWebException(
'An unknown error occured when fetching the camera stream.',
/// Returns a facing mode of the [videoTrack]
/// (null if the facing mode is not available).
String? getFacingModeForVideoTrack(html.MediaStreamTrack videoTrack) {
final mediaDevices = window?.navigator.mediaDevices;
// Throw a not supported exception if the current browser window
// does not support any media devices.
if (mediaDevices == null) {
throw PlatformException(
code: CameraErrorCode.notSupported.toString(),
message: 'The camera is not supported on this device.',
// Check if the camera facing mode is supported by the current browser.
final supportedConstraints = mediaDevices.getSupportedConstraints();
final facingModeSupported = supportedConstraints[_facingModeKey] ?? false;
// Return null if the facing mode is not supported.
if (!facingModeSupported) {
return null;
// Extract the facing mode from the video track settings.
// The property may not be available if it's not supported
// by the browser or not available due to context.
// MediaTrackSettings:
final videoTrackSettings = videoTrack.getSettings();
final facingMode = videoTrackSettings[_facingModeKey];
if (facingMode == null) {
try {
// If the facing mode does not exist in the video track settings,
// check for the facing mode in the video track capabilities.
// MediaTrackCapabilities:
// This may throw a not supported error on Firefox.
final videoTrackCapabilities = videoTrack.getCapabilities();
// A list of facing mode capabilities as
// the camera may support multiple facing modes.
final facingModeCapabilities =
List<String>.from(videoTrackCapabilities[_facingModeKey] ?? []);
if (facingModeCapabilities.isNotEmpty) {
final facingModeCapability = facingModeCapabilities.first;
return facingModeCapability;
} else {
// Return null if there are no facing mode capabilities.
return null;
} catch (e) {
switch (e.runtimeType.toString()) {
case 'JSNoSuchMethodError':
// Return null if getting capabilities is currently not supported.
return null;
throw PlatformException(
code: CameraErrorCode.unknown.toString(),
'An unknown error occured when getting the video track capabilities.',
return facingMode;
/// Maps the given [facingMode] to [CameraLensDirection].
/// The following values for the facing mode are supported:
CameraLensDirection mapFacingModeToLensDirection(String facingMode) {
switch (facingMode) {
case 'user':
return CameraLensDirection.front;
case 'environment':
return CameraLensDirection.back;
case 'left':
case 'right':
return CameraLensDirection.external;
/// Maps the given [facingMode] to [CameraType].
/// See [CameraMetadata.facingMode] for more details.
CameraType mapFacingModeToCameraType(String facingMode) {
switch (facingMode) {
case 'user':
return CameraType.user;
case 'environment':
return CameraType.environment;
case 'left':
case 'right':
return CameraType.user;
/// Maps the given [resolutionPreset] to [Size].
Size mapResolutionPresetToSize(ResolutionPreset resolutionPreset) {
switch (resolutionPreset) {
case ResolutionPreset.max:
case ResolutionPreset.ultraHigh:
return Size(3840, 2160);
case ResolutionPreset.veryHigh:
return Size(1920, 1080);
case ResolutionPreset.high:
return Size(1280, 720);
case ResolutionPreset.medium:
return Size(720, 480);
case ResolutionPreset.low:
return Size(320, 240);
/// Maps the given [deviceOrientation] to [OrientationType].
String mapDeviceOrientationToOrientationType(
DeviceOrientation deviceOrientation,
) {
switch (deviceOrientation) {
case DeviceOrientation.portraitUp:
return OrientationType.portraitPrimary;
case DeviceOrientation.landscapeLeft:
return OrientationType.landscapePrimary;
case DeviceOrientation.portraitDown:
return OrientationType.portraitSecondary;
case DeviceOrientation.landscapeRight:
return OrientationType.landscapeSecondary;
/// Maps the given [orientationType] to [DeviceOrientation].
DeviceOrientation mapOrientationTypeToDeviceOrientation(
String orientationType,
) {
switch (orientationType) {
case OrientationType.portraitPrimary:
return DeviceOrientation.portraitUp;
case OrientationType.landscapePrimary:
return DeviceOrientation.landscapeLeft;
case OrientationType.portraitSecondary:
return DeviceOrientation.portraitDown;
case OrientationType.landscapeSecondary:
return DeviceOrientation.landscapeRight;
return DeviceOrientation.portraitUp;