blob: 0ae0d9e75c247e501937d3053f9a2956e87f8542 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:camera_platform_interface/camera_platform_interface.dart';
import 'package:camera_web/src/camera.dart';
import 'package:camera_web/src/camera_settings.dart';
import 'package:camera_web/src/types/types.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_web_plugins/flutter_web_plugins.dart';
import 'package:stream_transform/stream_transform.dart';
// The default error message, when the error is an empty string.
// See:
const String _kDefaultErrorMessage =
'No further diagnostic information can be determined or provided.';
/// The web implementation of [CameraPlatform].
/// This class implements the `package:camera` functionality for the web.
class CameraPlugin extends CameraPlatform {
/// Creates a new instance of [CameraPlugin]
/// with the given [cameraSettings] utility.
CameraPlugin({required CameraSettings cameraSettings})
: _cameraSettings = cameraSettings;
/// Registers this class as the default instance of [CameraPlatform].
static void registerWith(Registrar registrar) {
CameraPlatform.instance = CameraPlugin(
cameraSettings: CameraSettings(),
final CameraSettings _cameraSettings;
/// The cameras managed by the [CameraPlugin].
final cameras = <int, Camera>{};
var _textureCounter = 1;
/// Metadata associated with each camera description.
/// Populated in [availableCameras].
final camerasMetadata = <CameraDescription, CameraMetadata>{};
/// The controller used to broadcast different camera events.
/// It is `broadcast` as multiple controllers may subscribe
/// to different stream views of this controller.
final cameraEventStreamController = StreamController<CameraEvent>.broadcast();
final _cameraVideoErrorSubscriptions =
<int, StreamSubscription<html.Event>>{};
final _cameraVideoAbortSubscriptions =
<int, StreamSubscription<html.Event>>{};
/// Returns a stream of camera events for the given [cameraId].
Stream<CameraEvent> _cameraEvents(int cameraId) =>
.where((event) => event.cameraId == cameraId);
/// The current browser window used to access media devices.
html.Window? window = html.window;
Future<List<CameraDescription>> availableCameras() async {
try {
final mediaDevices = window?.navigator.mediaDevices;
final cameras = <CameraDescription>[];
// Throw a not supported exception if the current browser window
// does not support any media devices.
if (mediaDevices == null) {
throw PlatformException(
code: CameraErrorCode.notSupported.toString(),
message: 'The camera is not supported on this device.',
// Request video and audio permissions.
await _cameraSettings.getMediaStreamForOptions(
audio: AudioConstraints(enabled: true),
// Request available media devices.
final devices = await mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
// Filter video input devices.
final videoInputDevices = devices
.where((device) => device.kind == MediaDeviceKind.videoInput)
/// The device id property is currently not supported on Internet Explorer:
(device) => device.deviceId != null && device.deviceId!.isNotEmpty,
// Map video input devices to camera descriptions.
for (final videoInputDevice in videoInputDevices) {
// Get the video stream for the current video input device
// to later use for the available video tracks.
final videoStream = await _getVideoStreamForDevice(
// Get all video tracks in the video stream
// to later extract the lens direction from the first track.
final videoTracks = videoStream.getVideoTracks();
if (videoTracks.isNotEmpty) {
// Get the facing mode from the first available video track.
final facingMode =
// Get the lens direction based on the facing mode.
// Fallback to the external lens direction
// if the facing mode is not available.
final lensDirection = facingMode != null
? _cameraSettings.mapFacingModeToLensDirection(facingMode)
: CameraLensDirection.external;
// Create a camera description.
// The name is a camera label which might be empty
// if no permissions to media devices have been granted.
// MediaDeviceInfo.label:
// Sensor orientation is currently not supported.
final cameraLabel = videoInputDevice.label ?? '';
final camera = CameraDescription(
name: cameraLabel,
lensDirection: lensDirection,
sensorOrientation: 0,
final cameraMetadata = CameraMetadata(
deviceId: videoInputDevice.deviceId!,
facingMode: facingMode,
camerasMetadata[camera] = cameraMetadata;
} else {
// Ignore as no video tracks exist in the current video input device.
return cameras;
} on html.DomException catch (e) {
throw CameraException(, e.message);
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
throw CameraException(e.code, e.message);
} on CameraWebException catch (e) {
throw CameraException(e.code.toString(), e.description);
Future<int> createCamera(
CameraDescription cameraDescription,
ResolutionPreset? resolutionPreset, {
bool enableAudio = false,
}) async {
try {
if (!camerasMetadata.containsKey(cameraDescription)) {
throw PlatformException(
code: CameraErrorCode.missingMetadata.toString(),
'Missing camera metadata. Make sure to call `availableCameras` before creating a camera.',
final textureId = _textureCounter++;
final cameraMetadata = camerasMetadata[cameraDescription]!;
final cameraType = cameraMetadata.facingMode != null
? _cameraSettings
: null;
// Use the highest resolution possible
// if the resolution preset is not specified.
final videoSize = _cameraSettings
.mapResolutionPresetToSize(resolutionPreset ?? ResolutionPreset.max);
// Create a camera with the given audio and video constraints.
// Sensor orientation is currently not supported.
final camera = Camera(
textureId: textureId,
cameraSettings: _cameraSettings,
options: CameraOptions(
audio: AudioConstraints(enabled: enableAudio),
video: VideoConstraints(
cameraType != null ? FacingModeConstraint(cameraType) : null,
width: VideoSizeConstraint(
ideal: videoSize.width.toInt(),
height: VideoSizeConstraint(
ideal: videoSize.height.toInt(),
deviceId: cameraMetadata.deviceId,
cameras[textureId] = camera;
return textureId;
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
throw CameraException(e.code, e.message);
Future<void> initializeCamera(
int cameraId, {
// The image format group is currently not supported.
ImageFormatGroup imageFormatGroup = ImageFormatGroup.unknown,
}) async {
try {
final camera = getCamera(cameraId);
await camera.initialize();
// Add camera's video error events to the camera events stream.
// The error event fires when the video element's source has failed to load, or can't be used.
_cameraVideoErrorSubscriptions[cameraId] =
camera.videoElement.onError.listen((html.Event _) {
// The Event itself (_) doesn't contain information about the actual error.
// We need to look at the HTMLMediaElement.error.
// See:
final error = camera.videoElement.error!;
final errorCode = CameraErrorCode.fromMediaError(error);
final errorMessage =
error.message != '' ? error.message : _kDefaultErrorMessage;
'Error code: ${errorCode}, error message: ${errorMessage}',
// Add camera's video abort events to the camera events stream.
// The abort event fires when the video element's source has not fully loaded.
_cameraVideoAbortSubscriptions[cameraId] =
camera.videoElement.onAbort.listen((html.Event _) {
'Error code: ${CameraErrorCode.abort}, error message: The video element\'s source has not fully loaded.',
final cameraSize = await camera.getVideoSize();
// TODO(camera_web): Add support for exposure mode and point (,
// TODO(camera_web): Add support for focus mode and point (,
} on html.DomException catch (e) {
throw PlatformException(code:, message: e.message);
} on CameraWebException catch (e) {
throw PlatformException(code: e.code.toString(), message: e.description);
Stream<CameraInitializedEvent> onCameraInitialized(int cameraId) {
return _cameraEvents(cameraId).whereType<CameraInitializedEvent>();
/// Emits an empty stream as there is no event corresponding to a change
/// in the camera resolution on the web.
/// In order to change the camera resolution a new camera with appropriate
/// [] constraints has to be created and initialized.
Stream<CameraResolutionChangedEvent> onCameraResolutionChanged(int cameraId) {
return const Stream.empty();
Stream<CameraClosingEvent> onCameraClosing(int cameraId) {
throw UnimplementedError('onCameraClosing() is not implemented.');
Stream<CameraErrorEvent> onCameraError(int cameraId) {
return _cameraEvents(cameraId).whereType<CameraErrorEvent>();
Stream<VideoRecordedEvent> onVideoRecordedEvent(int cameraId) {
throw UnimplementedError('onVideoRecordedEvent() is not implemented.');
Stream<DeviceOrientationChangedEvent> onDeviceOrientationChanged() {
final orientation = window?.screen?.orientation;
if (orientation != null) {
(html.Event _) {
final deviceOrientation = _cameraSettings
return DeviceOrientationChangedEvent(deviceOrientation);
} else {
return const Stream.empty();
Future<void> lockCaptureOrientation(
int cameraId,
DeviceOrientation deviceOrientation,
) async {
try {
final orientation = window?.screen?.orientation;
final documentElement = window?.document.documentElement;
if (orientation != null && documentElement != null) {
final orientationType = _cameraSettings
// Full-screen mode may be required to modify the device orientation.
// See:
await orientation.lock(orientationType.toString());
} else {
throw PlatformException(
code: CameraErrorCode.orientationNotSupported.toString(),
message: 'Orientation is not supported in the current browser.',
} on html.DomException catch (e) {
throw PlatformException(code:, message: e.message);
Future<void> unlockCaptureOrientation(int cameraId) async {
try {
final orientation = window?.screen?.orientation;
final documentElement = window?.document.documentElement;
if (orientation != null && documentElement != null) {
// Full-screen mode may be required to modify the device orientation.
// See:
} else {
throw PlatformException(
code: CameraErrorCode.orientationNotSupported.toString(),
message: 'Orientation is not supported in the current browser.',
} on html.DomException catch (e) {
throw PlatformException(code:, message: e.message);
Future<XFile> takePicture(int cameraId) {
try {
return getCamera(cameraId).takePicture();
} on html.DomException catch (e) {
throw PlatformException(code:, message: e.message);
Future<void> prepareForVideoRecording() {
throw UnimplementedError('prepareForVideoRecording() is not implemented.');
Future<void> startVideoRecording(int cameraId, {Duration? maxVideoDuration}) {
throw UnimplementedError('startVideoRecording() is not implemented.');
Future<XFile> stopVideoRecording(int cameraId) {
throw UnimplementedError('stopVideoRecording() is not implemented.');
Future<void> pauseVideoRecording(int cameraId) {
throw UnimplementedError('pauseVideoRecording() is not implemented.');
Future<void> resumeVideoRecording(int cameraId) {
throw UnimplementedError('resumeVideoRecording() is not implemented.');
Future<void> setFlashMode(int cameraId, FlashMode mode) async {
try {
} on html.DomException catch (e) {
throw PlatformException(code:, message: e.message);
} on CameraWebException catch (e) {
throw PlatformException(code: e.code.toString(), message: e.description);
Future<void> setExposureMode(int cameraId, ExposureMode mode) {
throw UnimplementedError('setExposureMode() is not implemented.');
Future<void> setExposurePoint(int cameraId, Point<double>? point) {
throw UnimplementedError('setExposurePoint() is not implemented.');
Future<double> getMinExposureOffset(int cameraId) {
throw UnimplementedError('getMinExposureOffset() is not implemented.');
Future<double> getMaxExposureOffset(int cameraId) {
throw UnimplementedError('getMaxExposureOffset() is not implemented.');
Future<double> getExposureOffsetStepSize(int cameraId) {
throw UnimplementedError('getExposureOffsetStepSize() is not implemented.');
Future<double> setExposureOffset(int cameraId, double offset) {
throw UnimplementedError('setExposureOffset() is not implemented.');
Future<void> setFocusMode(int cameraId, FocusMode mode) {
throw UnimplementedError('setFocusMode() is not implemented.');
Future<void> setFocusPoint(int cameraId, Point<double>? point) {
throw UnimplementedError('setFocusPoint() is not implemented.');
Future<double> getMaxZoomLevel(int cameraId) {
throw UnimplementedError('getMaxZoomLevel() is not implemented.');
Future<double> getMinZoomLevel(int cameraId) {
throw UnimplementedError('getMinZoomLevel() is not implemented.');
Future<void> setZoomLevel(int cameraId, double zoom) {
throw UnimplementedError('setZoomLevel() is not implemented.');
Widget buildPreview(int cameraId) {
return HtmlElementView(
viewType: getCamera(cameraId).getViewType(),
Future<void> dispose(int cameraId) async {
try {
await _cameraVideoErrorSubscriptions[cameraId]?.cancel();
await _cameraVideoAbortSubscriptions[cameraId]?.cancel();
} on html.DomException catch (e) {
throw PlatformException(code:, message: e.message);
/// Returns a media video stream for the device with the given [deviceId].
Future<html.MediaStream> _getVideoStreamForDevice(
String deviceId,
) {
// Create camera options with the desired device id.
final cameraOptions = CameraOptions(
video: VideoConstraints(deviceId: deviceId),
return _cameraSettings.getMediaStreamForOptions(cameraOptions);
/// Returns a camera for the given [cameraId].
/// Throws a [CameraException] if the camera does not exist.
Camera getCamera(int cameraId) {
final camera = cameras[cameraId];
if (camera == null) {
throw PlatformException(
code: CameraErrorCode.notFound.toString(),
message: 'No camera found for the given camera id $cameraId.',
return camera;
/// Adds a [CameraErrorEvent], associated with the [exception],
/// to the stream of camera events.
void _addCameraErrorEvent(CameraWebException exception) {
'Error code: ${exception.code}, error message: ${exception.description}',