blob: 7dda43a7abf439662ebe34645186203cff0cc6d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'dart:typed_data' show Uint8List;
import 'dart:ui' show Size;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show kIsWeb;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'
show ImageConfiguration, AssetImage, AssetBundleImageKey;
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show AssetBundle;
/// Defines a bitmap image. For a marker, this class can be used to set the
/// image of the marker icon. For a ground overlay, it can be used to set the
/// image to place on the surface of the earth.
class BitmapDescriptor {
const BitmapDescriptor._(this._json);
/// The inverse of .toJson.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Remove this in the next breaking change.
@Deprecated('No longer supported')
BitmapDescriptor.fromJson(Object json) : _json = json {
assert(_json is List<dynamic>);
final List<dynamic> jsonList = json as List<dynamic>;
switch (jsonList[0]) {
case _defaultMarker:
assert(jsonList.length <= 2);
if (jsonList.length == 2) {
assert(jsonList[1] is num);
final num secondElement = jsonList[1] as num;
assert(0 <= secondElement && secondElement < 360);
case _fromBytes:
assert(jsonList.length == 2);
assert(jsonList[1] != null && jsonList[1] is List<int>);
assert((jsonList[1] as List<int>).isNotEmpty);
case _fromAsset:
assert(jsonList.length <= 3);
assert(jsonList[1] != null && jsonList[1] is String);
assert((jsonList[1] as String).isNotEmpty);
if (jsonList.length == 3) {
assert(jsonList[2] != null && jsonList[2] is String);
assert((jsonList[2] as String).isNotEmpty);
case _fromAssetImage:
assert(jsonList.length <= 4);
assert(jsonList[1] != null && jsonList[1] is String);
assert((jsonList[1] as String).isNotEmpty);
assert(jsonList[2] != null && jsonList[2] is double);
if (jsonList.length == 4) {
assert(jsonList[3] != null && jsonList[3] is List<dynamic>);
assert((jsonList[3] as List<dynamic>).length == 2);
static const String _defaultMarker = 'defaultMarker';
static const String _fromAsset = 'fromAsset';
static const String _fromAssetImage = 'fromAssetImage';
static const String _fromBytes = 'fromBytes';
static const Set<String> _validTypes = <String>{
/// Convenience hue value representing red.
static const double hueRed = 0.0;
/// Convenience hue value representing orange.
static const double hueOrange = 30.0;
/// Convenience hue value representing yellow.
static const double hueYellow = 60.0;
/// Convenience hue value representing green.
static const double hueGreen = 120.0;
/// Convenience hue value representing cyan.
static const double hueCyan = 180.0;
/// Convenience hue value representing azure.
static const double hueAzure = 210.0;
/// Convenience hue value representing blue.
static const double hueBlue = 240.0;
/// Convenience hue value representing violet.
static const double hueViolet = 270.0;
/// Convenience hue value representing magenta.
static const double hueMagenta = 300.0;
/// Convenience hue value representing rose.
static const double hueRose = 330.0;
/// Creates a BitmapDescriptor that refers to the default marker image.
static const BitmapDescriptor defaultMarker =
/// Creates a BitmapDescriptor that refers to a colorization of the default
/// marker image. For convenience, there is a predefined set of hue values.
/// See e.g. [hueYellow].
static BitmapDescriptor defaultMarkerWithHue(double hue) {
assert(0.0 <= hue && hue < 360.0);
return BitmapDescriptor._(<Object>[_defaultMarker, hue]);
/// Creates a [BitmapDescriptor] from an asset image.
/// Asset images in flutter are stored per:
/// This method takes into consideration various asset resolutions
/// and scales the images to the right resolution depending on the dpi.
/// Set `mipmaps` to false to load the exact dpi version of the image, `mipmap` is true by default.
static Future<BitmapDescriptor> fromAssetImage(
ImageConfiguration configuration,
String assetName, {
AssetBundle? bundle,
String? package,
bool mipmaps = true,
}) async {
final double? devicePixelRatio = configuration.devicePixelRatio;
if (!mipmaps && devicePixelRatio != null) {
return BitmapDescriptor._(<Object>[
final AssetImage assetImage =
AssetImage(assetName, package: package, bundle: bundle);
final AssetBundleImageKey assetBundleImageKey =
await assetImage.obtainKey(configuration);
final Size? size = configuration.size;
return BitmapDescriptor._(<Object>[
if (kIsWeb && size != null)
/// Creates a BitmapDescriptor using an array of bytes that must be encoded
/// as PNG.
/// On the web, the [size] parameter represents the *physical size* of the
/// bitmap, regardless of the actual resolution of the encoded PNG.
/// This helps the browser to render High-DPI images at the correct size.
/// `size` is not required (and ignored, if passed) in other platforms.
static BitmapDescriptor fromBytes(Uint8List byteData, {Size? size}) {
'Cannot create BitmapDescriptor with empty byteData');
return BitmapDescriptor._(<Object>[
if (kIsWeb && size != null)
final Object _json;
/// Convert the object to a Json format.
Object toJson() => _json;