blob: 707af828e2c6422abe15a9abc0acbe8344536118 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of google_maps_flutter_web;
/// Type used when passing an override to the _createMap function.
typedef DebugCreateMapFunction = gmaps.GMap Function(
HtmlElement div, gmaps.MapOptions options);
/// Encapsulates a [gmaps.GMap], its events, and where in the DOM it's rendered.
class GoogleMapController {
// The internal ID of the map. Used to broadcast events, DOM IDs and everything where a unique ID is needed.
final int _mapId;
// The raw options passed by the user, before converting to gmaps.
// Caching this allows us to re-create the map faithfully when needed.
Map<String, dynamic> _rawOptions = {
'options': {},
// Creates the 'viewType' for the _widget
String _getViewType(int mapId) => '$mapId';
// The Flutter widget that contains the rendered Map.
HtmlElementView _widget;
HtmlElement _div;
/// The Flutter widget that will contain the rendered Map. Used for caching.
HtmlElementView get widget {
if (_widget == null && !_streamController.isClosed) {
_widget = HtmlElementView(
viewType: _getViewType(_mapId),
return _widget;
// The currently-enabled traffic layer.
gmaps.TrafficLayer _trafficLayer;
/// A getter for the current traffic layer. Only for tests.
gmaps.TrafficLayer get trafficLayer => _trafficLayer;
// The underlying GMap instance. This is the interface with the JS SDK.
gmaps.GMap _googleMap;
// The StreamController used by this controller and the geometry ones.
final StreamController<MapEvent> _streamController;
/// The Stream over which this controller broadcasts events.
Stream<MapEvent> get events =>;
// Geometry controllers, for different features of the map.
CirclesController _circlesController;
PolygonsController _polygonsController;
PolylinesController _polylinesController;
MarkersController _markersController;
// Keeps track if _attachGeometryControllers has been called or not.
bool _controllersBoundToMap = false;
// Keeps track if the map is moving or not.
bool _mapIsMoving = false;
/// Initializes the GMap, and the sub-controllers related to it. Wires events.
@required int mapId,
@required StreamController<MapEvent> streamController,
@required Map<String, dynamic> rawOptions,
}) : this._mapId = mapId,
this._streamController = streamController,
this._rawOptions = rawOptions {
_circlesController = CirclesController(stream: this._streamController);
_polygonsController = PolygonsController(stream: this._streamController);
_polylinesController = PolylinesController(stream: this._streamController);
_markersController = MarkersController(stream: this._streamController);
// Register the view factory that will hold the `_div` that holds the map in the DOM.
// The `_div` needs to be created outside of the ViewFactory (and cached!) so we can
// use it to create the [gmaps.GMap] in the `init()` method of this class.
_div = DivElement() = _getViewType(mapId);
(int viewId) => _div,
/// Overrides certain properties to install mocks defined during testing.
void debugSetOverrides({
DebugCreateMapFunction createMap,
MarkersController markers,
CirclesController circles,
PolygonsController polygons,
PolylinesController polylines,
}) {
_overrideCreateMap = createMap;
_markersController = markers ?? _markersController;
_circlesController = circles ?? _circlesController;
_polygonsController = polygons ?? _polygonsController;
_polylinesController = polylines ?? _polylinesController;
DebugCreateMapFunction _overrideCreateMap;
gmaps.GMap _createMap(HtmlElement div, gmaps.MapOptions options) {
if (_overrideCreateMap != null) {
return _overrideCreateMap(div, options);
return gmaps.GMap(div, options);
/// Initializes the [gmaps.GMap] instance from the stored `rawOptions`.
/// This method actually renders the GMap into the cached `_div`. This is
/// called by the [GoogleMapsPlugin.init] method when appropriate.
/// Failure to call this method would result in the GMap not rendering at all,
/// and most of the public methods on this class no-op'ing.
void init() {
var options = _rawOptionsToGmapsOptions(_rawOptions);
// Initial position can only to be set here!
options = _applyInitialPosition(_rawOptions, options);
// Create the map...
_googleMap = _createMap(_div, options);
markers: _rawOptionsToInitialMarkers(_rawOptions),
circles: _rawOptionsToInitialCircles(_rawOptions),
polygons: _rawOptionsToInitialPolygons(_rawOptions),
polylines: _rawOptionsToInitialPolylines(_rawOptions),
_setTrafficLayer(_googleMap, _isTrafficLayerEnabled(_rawOptions));
// Funnels map gmap events into the plugin's stream controller.
void _attachMapEvents(gmaps.GMap map) {
map.onClick.listen((event) {
MapTapEvent(_mapId, _gmLatLngToLatLng(event.latLng)),
map.onRightclick.listen((event) {
MapLongPressEvent(_mapId, _gmLatLngToLatLng(event.latLng)),
map.onBoundsChanged.listen((event) {
if (!_mapIsMoving) {
_mapIsMoving = true;
CameraMoveEvent(_mapId, _gmViewportToCameraPosition(map)),
map.onIdle.listen((event) {
_mapIsMoving = false;
// Binds the Geometry controllers to a map instance
void _attachGeometryControllers(gmaps.GMap map) {
// Now we can add the initial geometry.
// And bind the (ready) map instance to the other geometry controllers.
_circlesController.bindToMap(_mapId, map);
_polygonsController.bindToMap(_mapId, map);
_polylinesController.bindToMap(_mapId, map);
_markersController.bindToMap(_mapId, map);
_controllersBoundToMap = true;
// Renders the initial sets of geometry.
void _renderInitialGeometry({
Set<Marker> markers,
Set<Circle> circles,
Set<Polygon> polygons,
Set<Polyline> polylines,
}) {
'Geometry controllers must be bound to a map before any geometry can ' +
'be added to them. Ensure _attachGeometryControllers is called first.');
// Merges new options coming from the plugin into the `key` entry of the _rawOptions map.
// By default: `key` is 'options'.
// Returns the updated _rawOptions object.
Map<String, dynamic> _mergeRawOptions(
Map<String, dynamic> newOptions, {
String key = 'options',
}) {
_rawOptions[key] = <String, dynamic>{
...(_rawOptions[key] ?? {}),
return _rawOptions;
/// Updates the map options from a `Map<String, dynamic>`.
/// This method converts the map into the proper [gmaps.MapOptions]
void updateRawOptions(Map<String, dynamic> optionsUpdate) {
final newOptions = _mergeRawOptions(optionsUpdate);
_setTrafficLayer(_googleMap, _isTrafficLayerEnabled(newOptions));
// Sets new [gmaps.MapOptions] on the wrapped map.
void _setOptions(gmaps.MapOptions options) {
_googleMap?.options = options;
// Attaches/detaches a Traffic Layer on the passed `map` if `attach` is true/false.
void _setTrafficLayer(gmaps.GMap map, bool attach) {
if (attach && _trafficLayer == null) {
_trafficLayer = gmaps.TrafficLayer();
_trafficLayer.set('map', map);
if (!attach && _trafficLayer != null) {
_trafficLayer.set('map', null);
_trafficLayer = null;
// _googleMap manipulation
// Viewport
/// Returns the [LatLngBounds] of the current viewport.
Future<LatLngBounds> getVisibleRegion() async {
return _gmLatLngBoundsTolatLngBounds(await _googleMap.bounds);
/// Returns the [ScreenCoordinate] for a given viewport [LatLng].
Future<ScreenCoordinate> getScreenCoordinate(LatLng latLng) async {
final point =
return ScreenCoordinate(x: point.x, y: point.y);
/// Returns the [LatLng] for a `screenCoordinate` (in pixels) of the viewport.
Future<LatLng> getLatLng(ScreenCoordinate screenCoordinate) async {
final latLng = _googleMap.projection.fromPointToLatLng(
gmaps.Point(screenCoordinate.x, screenCoordinate.y),
return _gmLatLngToLatLng(latLng);
/// Applies a `cameraUpdate` to the current viewport.
Future<void> moveCamera(CameraUpdate cameraUpdate) async {
return _applyCameraUpdate(_googleMap, cameraUpdate);
/// Returns the zoom level of the current viewport.
Future<double> getZoomLevel() async => _googleMap.zoom.toDouble();
// Geometry manipulation
/// Applies [CircleUpdates] to the currently managed circles.
void updateCircles(CircleUpdates updates) {
/// Applies [PolygonUpdates] to the currently managed polygons.
void updatePolygons(PolygonUpdates updates) {
/// Applies [PolylineUpdates] to the currently managed lines.
void updatePolylines(PolylineUpdates updates) {
/// Applies [MarkerUpdates] to the currently managed markers.
void updateMarkers(MarkerUpdates updates) {
/// Shows the [InfoWindow] of the marker identified by its [MarkerId].
void showInfoWindow(MarkerId markerId) {
/// Hides the [InfoWindow] of the marker identified by its [MarkerId].
void hideInfoWindow(MarkerId markerId) {
/// Returns true if the [InfoWindow] of the marker identified by [MarkerId] is shown.
bool isInfoWindowShown(MarkerId markerId) {
return _markersController?.isInfoWindowShown(markerId);
// Cleanup
/// Disposes of this controller and its resources.
void dispose() {
_widget = null;
_googleMap = null;
_circlesController = null;
_polygonsController = null;
_polylinesController = null;
_markersController = null;