blob: 27cd8c435142e6344d21ce8cafa55edf55a91771 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:platform/platform.dart';
import 'common/core.dart';
import 'common/package_looping_command.dart';
import 'common/plugin_utils.dart';
import 'common/process_runner.dart';
import 'common/xcode.dart';
/// The command to run Xcode's static analyzer on plugins.
class XcodeAnalyzeCommand extends PackageLoopingCommand {
/// Creates an instance of the test command.
Directory packagesDir, {
ProcessRunner processRunner = const ProcessRunner(),
Platform platform = const LocalPlatform(),
}) : _xcode = Xcode(processRunner: processRunner, log: true),
super(packagesDir, processRunner: processRunner, platform: platform) {
argParser.addFlag(kPlatformIos, help: 'Analyze iOS');
argParser.addFlag(kPlatformMacos, help: 'Analyze macOS');
final Xcode _xcode;
final String name = 'xcode-analyze';
final String description =
'Runs Xcode analysis on the iOS and/or macOS example apps.';
Future<void> initializeRun() async {
if (!(getBoolArg(kPlatformIos) || getBoolArg(kPlatformMacos))) {
printError('At least one platform flag must be provided.');
throw ToolExit(exitInvalidArguments);
Future<PackageResult> runForPackage(Directory package) async {
final bool testIos = getBoolArg(kPlatformIos) &&
pluginSupportsPlatform(kPlatformIos, package,
requiredMode: PlatformSupport.inline);
final bool testMacos = getBoolArg(kPlatformMacos) &&
pluginSupportsPlatform(kPlatformMacos, package,
requiredMode: PlatformSupport.inline);
final bool multiplePlatformsRequested =
getBoolArg(kPlatformIos) && getBoolArg(kPlatformMacos);
if (!(testIos || testMacos)) {
return PackageResult.skip('Not implemented for target platform(s).');
final List<String> failures = <String>[];
if (testIos &&
!await _analyzePlugin(package, 'iOS', extraFlags: <String>[
'generic/platform=iOS Simulator'
])) {
if (testMacos && !await _analyzePlugin(package, 'macOS')) {
// Only provide the failing platform in the failure details if testing
// multiple platforms, otherwise it's just noise.
return failures.isEmpty
? PackageResult.success()
multiplePlatformsRequested ? failures : <String>[]);
/// Analyzes [plugin] for [platform], returning true if it passed analysis.
Future<bool> _analyzePlugin(
Directory plugin,
String platform, {
List<String> extraFlags = const <String>[],
}) async {
bool passing = true;
for (final Directory example in getExamplesForPlugin(plugin)) {
// Running tests and static analyzer.
final String examplePath =
getRelativePosixPath(example, from: plugin.parent);
print('Running $platform tests and analyzer for $examplePath...');
final int exitCode = await _xcode.runXcodeBuild(
actions: <String>['analyze'],
workspace: '${platform.toLowerCase()}/Runner.xcworkspace',
scheme: 'Runner',
configuration: 'Debug',
extraFlags: <String>[
if (exitCode == 0) {
printSuccess('$examplePath ($platform) passed analysis.');
} else {
printError('$examplePath ($platform) failed analysis.');
passing = false;
return passing;