blob: eb59091db34a689180a4f82e350c1a070e09507e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:git/git.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'common.dart';
/// Wraps pub publish with a few niceties used by the flutter/plugin team.
/// 1. Checks for any modified files in git and refuses to publish if there's an
/// issue.
/// 2. Tags the release with the format <package-name>-v<package-version>.
/// 3. Pushes the release to a remote.
/// Both 2 and 3 are optional, see `plugin_tools help publish-plugin` for full
/// usage information.
/// [processRunner], [print], and [stdin] can be overriden for easier testing.
class PublishPluginCommand extends PluginCommand {
Directory packagesDir,
FileSystem fileSystem, {
ProcessRunner processRunner = const ProcessRunner(),
Print print = print,
Stdin stdinput,
}) : _print = print,
_stdin = stdinput ?? stdin,
super(packagesDir, fileSystem, processRunner: processRunner) {
help: 'The package to publish.'
'If the package directory name is different than its pubspec.yaml name, then this should specify the directory.',
'A list of options that will be forwarded on to pub. Separate multiple flags with commas.');
help: 'Whether or not to tag the release.',
defaultsTo: true,
negatable: true,
'Whether or not tags should be pushed to a remote after creation. Ignored if tag-release is false.',
defaultsTo: true,
negatable: true,
'The name of the remote to push the tags to. Ignored if push-tags or tag-release is false.',
// Flutter convention is to use "upstream" for the single source of truth, and "origin" for personal forks.
defaultsTo: 'upstream',
static const String _packageOption = 'package';
static const String _tagReleaseOption = 'tag-release';
static const String _pushTagsOption = 'push-tags';
static const String _pubFlagsOption = 'pub-publish-flags';
static const String _remoteOption = 'remote';
// Version tags should follow <package-name>-v<semantic-version>. For example,
// `flutter_plugin_tools-v0.0.24`.
static const String _tagFormat = '%PACKAGE%-v%VERSION%';
final String name = 'publish-plugin';
final String description =
'Attempts to publish the given plugin and tag its release on GitHub.';
final Print _print;
final Stdin _stdin;
// The directory of the actual package that we are publishing.
Directory _packageDir;
StreamSubscription<String> _stdinSubscription;
Future<Null> run() async {
_print('Checking local repo...');
_packageDir = _checkPackageDir();
await _checkGitStatus();
final bool shouldPushTag = argResults[_pushTagsOption];
final String remote = argResults[_remoteOption];
String remoteUrl;
if (shouldPushTag) {
remoteUrl = await _verifyRemote(remote);
_print('Local repo is ready!');
await _publish();
_print('Package published!');
if (!argResults[_tagReleaseOption]) {
return await _finishSuccesfully();
_print('Tagging release...');
final String tag = _getTag();
await processRunner.runAndExitOnError('git', <String>['tag', tag],
workingDir: _packageDir);
if (!shouldPushTag) {
return await _finishSuccesfully();
_print('Pushing tag to $remote...');
await _pushTagToRemote(remote: remote, tag: tag, remoteUrl: remoteUrl);
await _finishSuccesfully();
Future<void> _finishSuccesfully() async {
await _stdinSubscription.cancel();
Directory _checkPackageDir() {
final String package = argResults[_packageOption];
if (package == null) {
'Must specify a package to publish. See `plugin_tools help publish-plugin`.');
throw ToolExit(1);
final Directory _packageDir = packagesDir.childDirectory(package);
if (!_packageDir.existsSync()) {
_print('${_packageDir.absolute.path} does not exist.');
throw ToolExit(1);
return _packageDir;
Future<void> _checkGitStatus() async {
if (!await GitDir.isGitDir(packagesDir.path)) {
_print('$packagesDir is not a valid Git repository.');
throw ToolExit(1);
final ProcessResult statusResult = await processRunner.runAndExitOnError(
workingDir: _packageDir);
final String statusOutput = statusResult.stdout;
if (statusOutput.isNotEmpty) {
"There are files in the package directory that haven't been saved in git. Refusing to publish these files:\n\n"
'If the directory should be clean, you can run `git clean -xdf && git reset --hard HEAD` to wipe all local changes.');
throw ToolExit(1);
Future<String> _verifyRemote(String remote) async {
final ProcessResult remoteInfo = await processRunner.runAndExitOnError(
'git', <String>['remote', 'get-url', remote],
workingDir: _packageDir);
return remoteInfo.stdout;
Future<void> _publish() async {
final List<String> publishFlags = argResults[_pubFlagsOption];
'Running `pub publish ${publishFlags.join(' ')}` in ${_packageDir.absolute.path}...\n');
final Process publish = await processRunner.start(
'flutter', <String>['pub', 'publish'] + publishFlags,
workingDirectory: _packageDir);
.listen((String data) => _print(data));
.listen((String data) => _print(data));
_stdinSubscription = _stdin
.listen((String data) => publish.stdin.writeln(data));
final int result = await publish.exitCode;
if (result != 0) {
_print('Publish failed. Exiting.');
throw ToolExit(result);
String _getTag() {
final File pubspecFile =
fileSystem.file(p.join(_packageDir.path, 'pubspec.yaml'));
final YamlMap pubspecYaml = loadYaml(pubspecFile.readAsStringSync());
final String name = pubspecYaml['name'];
final String version = pubspecYaml['version'];
// We should have failed to publish if these were unset.
assert(name.isNotEmpty && version.isNotEmpty);
return _tagFormat
.replaceAll('%PACKAGE%', name)
.replaceAll('%VERSION%', version);
Future<void> _pushTagToRemote(
{@required String remote,
@required String tag,
@required String remoteUrl}) async {
assert(remote != null && tag != null && remoteUrl != null);
_print('Ready to push $tag to $remoteUrl (y/n)?');
final String input = _stdin.readLineSync();
if (input.toLowerCase() != 'y') {
_print('Tag push canceled.');
throw ToolExit(1);
await processRunner.runAndExitOnError('git', <String>['push', remote, tag],
workingDir: packagesDir);