blob: 567e8bbd4f2bad36b0bd30cd50a45aa3f7103d44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ui' show hashValues;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import 'enum_converters.dart';
import 'billing_client_wrapper.dart';
import 'sku_details_wrapper.dart';
// WARNING: Changes to `@JsonSerializable` classes need to be reflected in the
// below generated file. Run `flutter packages pub run build_runner watch` to
// rebuild and watch for further changes.
part 'purchase_wrapper.g.dart';
/// Data structure representing a successful purchase.
/// All purchase information should also be verified manually, with your
/// server if at all possible. See ["Verify a
/// purchase"](
/// This wraps [``](
class PurchaseWrapper {
/// Creates a purchase wrapper with the given purchase details.
{required this.orderId,
required this.packageName,
required this.purchaseTime,
required this.purchaseToken,
required this.signature,
required this.sku,
required this.isAutoRenewing,
required this.originalJson,
required this.isAcknowledged,
required this.purchaseState});
/// Factory for creating a [PurchaseWrapper] from a [Map] with the purchase details.
factory PurchaseWrapper.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> map) =>
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) return false;
final PurchaseWrapper typedOther = other as PurchaseWrapper;
return typedOther.orderId == orderId &&
typedOther.packageName == packageName &&
typedOther.purchaseTime == purchaseTime &&
typedOther.purchaseToken == purchaseToken &&
typedOther.signature == signature &&
typedOther.sku == sku &&
typedOther.isAutoRenewing == isAutoRenewing &&
typedOther.originalJson == originalJson &&
typedOther.isAcknowledged == isAcknowledged &&
typedOther.purchaseState == purchaseState;
int get hashCode => hashValues(
/// The unique ID for this purchase. Corresponds to the Google Payments order
/// ID.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String orderId;
/// The package name the purchase was made from.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String packageName;
/// When the purchase was made, as an epoch timestamp.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: 0)
final int purchaseTime;
/// A unique ID for a given [SkuDetailsWrapper], user, and purchase.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String purchaseToken;
/// Signature of purchase data, signed with the developer's private key. Uses
/// RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String signature;
/// The product ID of this purchase.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String sku;
/// True for subscriptions that renew automatically. Does not apply to
/// [SkuType.inapp] products.
/// For [SkuType.subs] this means that the subscription is canceled when it is
/// false.
/// The value is `false` for [SkuType.inapp] products.
final bool isAutoRenewing;
/// Details about this purchase, in JSON.
/// This can be used verify a purchase. See ["Verify a purchase on a
/// device"](
/// Note though that verifying a purchase locally is inherently insecure (see
/// the article for more details).
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String originalJson;
/// The payload specified by the developer when the purchase was acknowledged or consumed.
/// The value is `null` if it wasn't specified when the purchase was acknowledged or consumed.
/// The `developerPayload` is removed from [BillingClientWrapper.acknowledgePurchase], [BillingClientWrapper.consumeAsync], [InAppPurchaseConnection.completePurchase], [InAppPurchaseConnection.consumePurchase]
/// after plugin version `0.5.0`. As a result, this will be `null` for new purchases that happen after updating to `0.5.0`.
final String? developerPayload;
/// Whether the purchase has been acknowledged.
/// A successful purchase has to be acknowledged within 3 days after the purchase via [BillingClient.acknowledgePurchase].
/// * See also [BillingClient.acknowledgePurchase] for more details on acknowledging purchases.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: false)
final bool isAcknowledged;
/// Determines the current state of the purchase.
/// [BillingClient.acknowledgePurchase] should only be called when the `purchaseState` is [PurchaseStateWrapper.purchased].
/// * See also [BillingClient.acknowledgePurchase] for more details on acknowledging purchases.
final PurchaseStateWrapper purchaseState;
/// Data structure representing a purchase history record.
/// This class includes a subset of fields in [PurchaseWrapper].
/// This wraps [``](
/// * See also: [BillingClient.queryPurchaseHistory] for obtaining a [PurchaseHistoryRecordWrapper].
// We can optionally make [PurchaseWrapper] extend or implement [PurchaseHistoryRecordWrapper].
// For now, we keep them separated classes to be consistent with Android's BillingClient implementation.
class PurchaseHistoryRecordWrapper {
/// Creates a [PurchaseHistoryRecordWrapper] with the given record details.
required this.purchaseTime,
required this.purchaseToken,
required this.signature,
required this.sku,
required this.originalJson,
required this.developerPayload,
/// Factory for creating a [PurchaseHistoryRecordWrapper] from a [Map] with the record details.
factory PurchaseHistoryRecordWrapper.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> map) =>
/// When the purchase was made, as an epoch timestamp.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: 0)
final int purchaseTime;
/// A unique ID for a given [SkuDetailsWrapper], user, and purchase.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String purchaseToken;
/// Signature of purchase data, signed with the developer's private key. Uses
/// RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String signature;
/// The product ID of this purchase.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String sku;
/// Details about this purchase, in JSON.
/// This can be used verify a purchase. See ["Verify a purchase on a
/// device"](
/// Note though that verifying a purchase locally is inherently insecure (see
/// the article for more details).
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String originalJson;
/// The payload specified by the developer when the purchase was acknowledged or consumed.
/// The value is `null` if it wasn't specified when the purchase was acknowledged or consumed.
final String? developerPayload;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) return false;
final PurchaseHistoryRecordWrapper typedOther =
other as PurchaseHistoryRecordWrapper;
return typedOther.purchaseTime == purchaseTime &&
typedOther.purchaseToken == purchaseToken &&
typedOther.signature == signature &&
typedOther.sku == sku &&
typedOther.originalJson == originalJson &&
typedOther.developerPayload == developerPayload;
int get hashCode => hashValues(purchaseTime, purchaseToken, signature, sku,
originalJson, developerPayload);
/// A data struct representing the result of a transaction.
/// Contains a potentially empty list of [PurchaseWrapper]s, a [BillingResultWrapper]
/// that contains a detailed description of the status and a
/// [BillingResponse] to signify the overall state of the transaction.
/// Wraps [``](
class PurchasesResultWrapper {
/// Creates a [PurchasesResultWrapper] with the given purchase result details.
{required this.responseCode,
required this.billingResult,
required this.purchasesList});
/// Factory for creating a [PurchaseResultWrapper] from a [Map] with the result details.
factory PurchasesResultWrapper.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> map) =>
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) return false;
final PurchasesResultWrapper typedOther = other as PurchasesResultWrapper;
return typedOther.responseCode == responseCode &&
typedOther.purchasesList == purchasesList &&
typedOther.billingResult == billingResult;
int get hashCode => hashValues(billingResult, responseCode, purchasesList);
/// The detailed description of the status of the operation.
final BillingResultWrapper billingResult;
/// The status of the operation.
/// This can represent either the status of the "query purchase history" half
/// of the operation and the "user made purchases" transaction itself.
final BillingResponse responseCode;
/// The list of successful purchases made in this transaction.
/// May be empty, especially if [responseCode] is not [BillingResponse.ok].
@JsonKey(defaultValue: <PurchaseWrapper>[])
final List<PurchaseWrapper> purchasesList;
/// A data struct representing the result of a purchase history.
/// Contains a potentially empty list of [PurchaseHistoryRecordWrapper]s and a [BillingResultWrapper]
/// that contains a detailed description of the status.
class PurchasesHistoryResult {
/// Creates a [PurchasesHistoryResult] with the provided history.
{required this.billingResult, required this.purchaseHistoryRecordList});
/// Factory for creating a [PurchasesHistoryResult] from a [Map] with the history result details.
factory PurchasesHistoryResult.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> map) =>
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) return false;
final PurchasesHistoryResult typedOther = other as PurchasesHistoryResult;
return typedOther.purchaseHistoryRecordList == purchaseHistoryRecordList &&
typedOther.billingResult == billingResult;
int get hashCode => hashValues(billingResult, purchaseHistoryRecordList);
/// The detailed description of the status of the [BillingClient.queryPurchaseHistory].
final BillingResultWrapper billingResult;
/// The list of queried purchase history records.
/// May be empty, especially if [billingResult.responseCode] is not [BillingResponse.ok].
@JsonKey(defaultValue: <PurchaseHistoryRecordWrapper>[])
final List<PurchaseHistoryRecordWrapper> purchaseHistoryRecordList;
/// Possible state of a [PurchaseWrapper].
/// Wraps
/// [`BillingClient.api.Purchase.PurchaseState`](
/// * See also: [PurchaseWrapper].
enum PurchaseStateWrapper {
/// The state is unspecified.
/// No actions on the [PurchaseWrapper] should be performed on this state.
/// This is a catch-all. It should never be returned by the Play Billing Library.
/// The user has completed the purchase process.
/// The production should be delivered and then the purchase should be acknowledged.
/// * See also [BillingClient.acknowledgePurchase] for more details on acknowledging purchases.
/// The user has started the purchase process.
/// The user should follow the instructions that were given to them by the Play
/// Billing Library to complete the purchase.
/// You can also choose to remind the user to complete the purchase if you detected a
/// [PurchaseWrapper] is still in the `pending` state in the future while calling [BillingClient.queryPurchases].