blob: ee6cacc73a5e42d48b833da036639220a5e471fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:integration_test/common.dart';
void main() {
test('Serialize and deserialize Failure', () {
Failure fail = Failure('what a name', 'no detail');
Failure restored = Failure.fromJsonString(fail.toString());
expect(restored.methodName, fail.methodName);
expect(restored.details, fail.details);
test('Serialize and deserialize Response', () {
Response response, restored;
String jsonString;
response = Response.allTestsPassed();
jsonString = response.toJson();
expect(jsonString, '{"result":"true","failureDetails":[]}');
restored = Response.fromJson(jsonString);
expect(restored.allTestsPassed, response.allTestsPassed);
expect(, null);
expect(restored.formattedFailureDetails, '');
final Failure fail = Failure('what a name', 'no detail');
final Failure fail2 = Failure('what a name2', 'no detail2');
response = Response.someTestsFailed([fail, fail2]);
jsonString = response.toJson();
restored = Response.fromJson(jsonString);
expect(restored.allTestsPassed, response.allTestsPassed);
expect(, null);
expect(restored.formattedFailureDetails, response.formattedFailureDetails);
Map<String, dynamic> data = <String, dynamic>{'aaa': 'bbb'};
response = Response.allTestsPassed(data: data);
jsonString = response.toJson();
restored = Response.fromJson(jsonString);
expect(, ['aaa']);
expect(, ['bbb']);
response = Response.someTestsFailed([fail, fail2], data: data);
jsonString = response.toJson();
restored = Response.fromJson(jsonString);
expect(, ['aaa']);
expect(, ['bbb']);