blob: 3dcc192e8aaa5ed90b4cec334dddedf3441bb90f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show PlatformException;
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:google_sign_in_platform_interface/google_sign_in_platform_interface.dart';
import 'package:google_sign_in_web/google_sign_in_web.dart';
import 'package:google_sign_in_web/src/gis_client.dart';
import 'package:google_sign_in_web/src/people.dart';
import 'package:integration_test/integration_test.dart';
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart' as mockito;
import 'google_sign_in_web_test.mocks.dart';
import 'src/dom.dart';
import 'src/person.dart';
// Mock GisSdkClient so we can simulate any response from the JS side.
@GenerateMocks(<Type>[], customMocks: <MockSpec<dynamic>>[
MockSpec<GisSdkClient>(onMissingStub: OnMissingStub.returnDefault),
void main() {
group('Constructor', () {
const String expectedClientId = '3xp3c73d_c113n7_1d';
testWidgets('Loads clientId when set in a meta', (_) async {
final GoogleSignInPlugin plugin = GoogleSignInPlugin(
debugOverrideLoader: true,
expect(plugin.autoDetectedClientId, isNull);
// Add it to the test page now, and try again
final DomHtmlMetaElement meta =
document.createElement('meta') as DomHtmlMetaElement = clientIdMetaName
..content = expectedClientId;
final GoogleSignInPlugin another = GoogleSignInPlugin(
debugOverrideLoader: true,
expect(another.autoDetectedClientId, expectedClientId);
// cleanup
group('initWithParams', () {
late GoogleSignInPlugin plugin;
late MockGisSdkClient mockGis;
setUp(() {
plugin = GoogleSignInPlugin(
debugOverrideLoader: true,
mockGis = MockGisSdkClient();
testWidgets('initializes if all is OK', (_) async {
await plugin.initWithParams(
const SignInInitParameters(
clientId: 'some-non-null-client-id',
scopes: <String>['ok1', 'ok2', 'ok3'],
overrideClient: mockGis,
expect(plugin.initialized, completes);
testWidgets('asserts clientId is not null', (_) async {
expect(() async {
await plugin.initWithParams(
const SignInInitParameters(),
overrideClient: mockGis,
}, throwsAssertionError);
testWidgets('asserts serverClientId must be null', (_) async {
expect(() async {
await plugin.initWithParams(
const SignInInitParameters(
clientId: 'some-non-null-client-id',
serverClientId: 'unexpected-non-null-client-id',
overrideClient: mockGis,
}, throwsAssertionError);
testWidgets('asserts no scopes have any spaces', (_) async {
expect(() async {
await plugin.initWithParams(
const SignInInitParameters(
clientId: 'some-non-null-client-id',
scopes: <String>['ok1', 'ok2', 'not ok', 'ok3'],
overrideClient: mockGis,
}, throwsAssertionError);
testWidgets('must be called for most of the API to work', (_) async {
expect(() async {
await plugin.signInSilently();
}, throwsStateError);
expect(() async {
await plugin.signIn();
}, throwsStateError);
expect(() async {
await plugin.getTokens(email: '');
}, throwsStateError);
expect(() async {
await plugin.signOut();
}, throwsStateError);
expect(() async {
await plugin.disconnect();
}, throwsStateError);
expect(() async {
await plugin.isSignedIn();
}, throwsStateError);
expect(() async {
await plugin.clearAuthCache(token: '');
}, throwsStateError);
expect(() async {
await plugin.requestScopes(<String>[]);
}, throwsStateError);
group('(with mocked GIS)', () {
late GoogleSignInPlugin plugin;
late MockGisSdkClient mockGis;
const SignInInitParameters options = SignInInitParameters(
clientId: 'some-non-null-client-id',
scopes: <String>['ok1', 'ok2', 'ok3'],
setUp(() {
plugin = GoogleSignInPlugin(
debugOverrideLoader: true,
mockGis = MockGisSdkClient();
group('signInSilently', () {
setUp(() {
plugin.initWithParams(options, overrideClient: mockGis);
testWidgets('always returns null, regardless of GIS response', (_) async {
final GoogleSignInUserData someUser = extractUserData(person)!;
.thenAnswer((_) => Future<GoogleSignInUserData>.value(someUser));
expect(plugin.signInSilently(), completion(isNull));
.thenAnswer((_) => Future<GoogleSignInUserData?>.value());
expect(plugin.signInSilently(), completion(isNull));
group('signIn', () {
setUp(() {
plugin.initWithParams(options, overrideClient: mockGis);
testWidgets('returns the signed-in user', (_) async {
final GoogleSignInUserData someUser = extractUserData(person)!;
.thenAnswer((_) => Future<GoogleSignInUserData>.value(someUser));
expect(await plugin.signIn(), someUser);
testWidgets('returns null if no user is signed in', (_) async {
.thenAnswer((_) => Future<GoogleSignInUserData?>.value());
expect(await plugin.signIn(), isNull);
testWidgets('converts inner errors to PlatformException', (_) async {
try {
await plugin.signIn();
fail('signIn should have thrown an exception');
} catch (exception) {
expect(exception, isA<PlatformException>());
expect((exception as PlatformException).code, 'popup_closed');