blob: 827b17ca5b44d735d180d7a2df8b52293cc125cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show visibleForTesting, kDebugMode;
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show PlatformException;
import 'package:flutter_web_plugins/flutter_web_plugins.dart';
import 'package:google_identity_services_web/loader.dart' as loader;
import 'package:google_sign_in_platform_interface/google_sign_in_platform_interface.dart';
import 'src/gis_client.dart';
/// The `name` of the meta-tag to define a ClientID in HTML.
const String clientIdMetaName = 'google-signin-client_id';
/// The selector used to find the meta-tag that defines a ClientID in HTML.
const String clientIdMetaSelector = 'meta[name=$clientIdMetaName]';
/// The attribute name that stores the Client ID in the meta-tag that defines a Client ID in HTML.
const String clientIdAttributeName = 'content';
/// Implementation of the google_sign_in plugin for Web.
class GoogleSignInPlugin extends GoogleSignInPlatform {
/// Constructs the plugin immediately and begins initializing it in the
/// background.
/// The plugin is completely initialized when [initialized] completed.
GoogleSignInPlugin({@visibleForTesting bool debugOverrideLoader = false}) {
autoDetectedClientId = html
if (debugOverrideLoader) {
_jsSdkLoadedFuture = Future<bool>.value(true);
} else {
_jsSdkLoadedFuture = loader.loadWebSdk();
late Future<void> _jsSdkLoadedFuture;
bool _isInitCalled = false;
// The instance of [GisSdkClient] backing the plugin.
late GisSdkClient _gisClient;
// This method throws if init or initWithParams hasn't been called at some
// point in the past. It is used by the [initialized] getter to ensure that
// users can't await on a Future that will never resolve.
void _assertIsInitCalled() {
if (!_isInitCalled) {
throw StateError(
'GoogleSignInPlugin::init() or GoogleSignInPlugin::initWithParams() '
'must be called before any other method in this plugin.',
/// A future that resolves when the SDK has been correctly loaded.
Future<void> get initialized {
return _jsSdkLoadedFuture;
/// Stores the client ID if it was set in a meta-tag of the page.
late String? autoDetectedClientId;
/// Factory method that initializes the plugin with [GoogleSignInPlatform].
static void registerWith(Registrar registrar) {
GoogleSignInPlatform.instance = GoogleSignInPlugin();
Future<void> init({
List<String> scopes = const <String>[],
SignInOption signInOption = SignInOption.standard,
String? hostedDomain,
String? clientId,
}) {
return initWithParams(SignInInitParameters(
scopes: scopes,
signInOption: signInOption,
hostedDomain: hostedDomain,
clientId: clientId,
Future<void> initWithParams(
SignInInitParameters params, {
@visibleForTesting GisSdkClient? overrideClient,
}) async {
final String? appClientId = params.clientId ?? autoDetectedClientId;
appClientId != null,
'ClientID not set. Either set it on a '
'<meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="CLIENT_ID" /> tag,'
' or pass clientId when initializing GoogleSignIn');
assert(params.serverClientId == null,
'serverClientId is not supported on Web.');
!params.scopes.any((String scope) => scope.contains(' ')),
"OAuth 2.0 Scopes for Google APIs can't contain spaces. "
'Check '
'for a list of valid OAuth 2.0 scopes.');
await _jsSdkLoadedFuture;
_gisClient = overrideClient ??
clientId: appClientId!,
hostedDomain: params.hostedDomain,
initialScopes: List<String>.from(params.scopes),
loggingEnabled: kDebugMode,
_isInitCalled = true;
Future<GoogleSignInUserData?> signInSilently() async {
await initialized;
// Since the new GIS SDK does *not* perform authorization at the same time as
// authentication (and every one of our users expects that), we need to tell
// the plugin that this failed regardless of the actual result.
// However, if this succeeds, we'll save a People API request later.
return _gisClient.signInSilently().then((_) => null);
Future<GoogleSignInUserData?> signIn() async {
await initialized;
// This method mainly does oauth2 authorization, which happens to also do
// authentication if needed. However, the authentication information is not
// returned anymore.
// This method will synthesize authentication information from the People API
// if needed (or use the last identity seen from signInSilently).
try {
return _gisClient.signIn();
} catch (reason) {
throw PlatformException(
code: reason.toString(),
message: 'Exception raised from signIn',
Future<GoogleSignInTokenData> getTokens({
required String email,
bool? shouldRecoverAuth,
}) async {
await initialized;
return _gisClient.getTokens();
Future<void> signOut() async {
await initialized;
Future<void> disconnect() async {
await initialized;
Future<bool> isSignedIn() async {
await initialized;
return _gisClient.isSignedIn();
Future<void> clearAuthCache({required String token}) async {
await initialized;
Future<bool> requestScopes(List<String> scopes) async {
await initialized;
return _gisClient.requestScopes(scopes);