blob: 8fbdfaff1a6d0ed4cac9857cf5c8397b0bf5bba5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package io.flutter.plugins.webviewflutter;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection;
* A fake View only exposed to InputMethodManager.
* <p>This follows a similar flow to Chromium's WebView (see
* WebView itself bounces its InputConnection around several different threads. We follow its logic
* here to get the same working connection.
* <p>This exists solely to forward input creation to WebView's ThreadedInputConnectionProxyView on
* the IME thread. The way that this is created in {@link
* InputAwareWebView#checkInputConnectionProxy} guarantees that we have a handle to
* ThreadedInputConnectionProxyView and {@link #onCreateInputConnection} is always called on the IME
* thread. We delegate to ThreadedInputConnectionProxyView there to get WebView's input connection.
final class ThreadedInputConnectionProxyAdapterView extends View {
final Handler imeHandler;
final IBinder windowToken;
final View containerView;
final View rootView;
final View targetView;
private boolean triggerDelayed = true;
private boolean isLocked = false;
private InputConnection cachedConnection;
ThreadedInputConnectionProxyAdapterView(View containerView, View targetView, Handler imeHandler) {
this.imeHandler = imeHandler;
this.containerView = containerView;
this.targetView = targetView;
windowToken = containerView.getWindowToken();
rootView = containerView.getRootView();
/** Returns whether or not this is currently asynchronously acquiring an input connection. */
boolean isTriggerDelayed() {
return triggerDelayed;
/** Sets whether or not this should use its previously cached input connection. */
void setLocked(boolean locked) {
isLocked = locked;
* This is expected to be called on the IME thread. See the setup required for this in {@link
* InputAwareWebView#checkInputConnectionProxy(View)}.
* <p>Delegates to ThreadedInputConnectionProxyView to get WebView's input connection.
public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(final EditorInfo outAttrs) {
triggerDelayed = false;
InputConnection inputConnection =
(isLocked) ? cachedConnection : targetView.onCreateInputConnection(outAttrs);
triggerDelayed = true;
cachedConnection = inputConnection;
return inputConnection;
public boolean checkInputConnectionProxy(View view) {
return true;
public boolean hasWindowFocus() {
// None of our views here correctly report they have window focus because of how we're embedding
// the platform view inside of a virtual display.
return true;
public View getRootView() {
return rootView;
public boolean onCheckIsTextEditor() {
return true;
public boolean isFocused() {
return true;
public IBinder getWindowToken() {
return windowToken;
public Handler getHandler() {
return imeHandler;