blob: fbdd1d38bee6ea93b4b6b401d21863cdede26c9e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@TestOn('chrome') // Uses dart:html
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:image_picker_for_web/image_picker_for_web.dart';
import 'package:image_picker_platform_interface/image_picker_platform_interface.dart';
final String expectedStringContents = "Hello, world!";
final Uint8List bytes = utf8.encode(expectedStringContents) as Uint8List;
final html.File textFile = html.File([bytes], "hello.txt");
void main() {
// Under test...
late ImagePickerPlugin plugin;
setUp(() {
plugin = ImagePickerPlugin();
test('Can select a file', () async {
final mockInput = html.FileUploadInputElement();
final overrides = ImagePickerPluginTestOverrides()
..createInputElement = ((_, __) => mockInput)
..getFileFromInput = ((_) => textFile);
final plugin = ImagePickerPlugin(overrides: overrides);
// Init the pick file dialog...
final file = plugin.pickFile();
// Mock the browser behavior of selecting a file...
// Now the file should be available
expect(file, completes);
// And readable
expect((await file).readAsBytes(), completion(isNotEmpty));
// There's no good way of detecting when the user has "aborted" the selection.
test('computeCaptureAttribute', () {
plugin.computeCaptureAttribute(, CameraDevice.front),
plugin.computeCaptureAttribute(, CameraDevice.rear),
plugin.computeCaptureAttribute(, CameraDevice.front),
plugin.computeCaptureAttribute(, CameraDevice.rear),
group('createInputElement', () {
test('accept: any, capture: null', () {
html.Element input = plugin.createInputElement('any', null);
expect(input.attributes, containsPair('accept', 'any'));
expect(input.attributes, isNot(contains('capture')));
test('accept: any, capture: something', () {
html.Element input = plugin.createInputElement('any', 'something');
expect(input.attributes, containsPair('accept', 'any'));
expect(input.attributes, containsPair('capture', 'something'));