blob: 8019831d6355dd49cf86dddfcb687133f01a783c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <StoreKit/StoreKit.h>
@class SKPaymentTransaction;
typedef void (^TransactionsUpdated)(NSArray<SKPaymentTransaction *> *transactions);
typedef void (^TransactionsRemoved)(NSArray<SKPaymentTransaction *> *transactions);
typedef void (^RestoreTransactionFailed)(NSError *error);
typedef void (^RestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished)(void);
typedef BOOL (^ShouldAddStorePayment)(SKPayment *payment, SKProduct *product);
typedef void (^UpdatedDownloads)(NSArray<SKDownload *> *downloads);
@interface FIAPaymentQueueHandler : NSObject <SKPaymentTransactionObserver>
@property(NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY, weak, nullable) id<SKPaymentQueueDelegate> delegate API_AVAILABLE(
ios(13.0), macos(10.15), watchos(6.2));
- (instancetype)initWithQueue:(nonnull SKPaymentQueue *)queue
transactionsUpdated:(nullable TransactionsUpdated)transactionsUpdated
transactionRemoved:(nullable TransactionsRemoved)transactionsRemoved
restoreTransactionFailed:(nullable RestoreTransactionFailed)restoreTransactionFailed
(nullable RestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished)restoreCompletedTransactionsFinished
shouldAddStorePayment:(nullable ShouldAddStorePayment)shouldAddStorePayment
updatedDownloads:(nullable UpdatedDownloads)updatedDownloads;
// Can throw exceptions if the transaction type is purchasing, should always used in a @try block.
- (void)finishTransaction:(nonnull SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction;
- (void)restoreTransactions:(nullable NSString *)applicationName;
- (void)presentCodeRedemptionSheet;
- (NSArray<SKPaymentTransaction *> *)getUnfinishedTransactions;
// This method needs to be called before any other methods.
- (void)startObservingPaymentQueue;
// Call this method when the Flutter app is no longer listening
- (void)stopObservingPaymentQueue;
// Appends a payment to the SKPaymentQueue.
// @param payment Payment object to be added to the payment queue.
// @return whether "addPayment" was successful.
- (BOOL)addPayment:(SKPayment *)payment;
// Displays the price consent sheet.
// The price consent sheet is only displayed when the following
// it true:
// - You have increased the price of the subscription in App Store Connect.
// - The subscriber has not yet responded to a price consent query.
// Otherwise the method has no effect.
- (void)showPriceConsentIfNeeded API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4));