blob: e1ab0e224e44c9afb4d0ef02143d3bd326823d42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/memory.dart';
import 'package:flutter_plugin_tools/src/common/core.dart';
import 'package:flutter_plugin_tools/src/publish_check_command.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:http/testing.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'mocks.dart';
import 'util.dart';
void main() {
group('$PublishCheckCommand tests', () {
FileSystem fileSystem;
late MockPlatform mockPlatform;
late Directory packagesDir;
late RecordingProcessRunner processRunner;
late CommandRunner<void> runner;
setUp(() {
fileSystem = MemoryFileSystem();
mockPlatform = MockPlatform();
packagesDir = createPackagesDirectory(fileSystem: fileSystem);
processRunner = RecordingProcessRunner();
final PublishCheckCommand publishCheckCommand = PublishCheckCommand(
processRunner: processRunner,
platform: mockPlatform,
runner = CommandRunner<void>(
'Test for publish-check command.',
test('publish check all packages', () async {
final Directory plugin1Dir =
createFakePlugin('plugin_tools_test_package_a', packagesDir);
final Directory plugin2Dir =
createFakePlugin('plugin_tools_test_package_b', packagesDir);
await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['publish-check']);
const <String>['pub', 'publish', '--', '--dry-run'],
const <String>['pub', 'publish', '--', '--dry-run'],
test('fail on negative test', () async {
createFakePlugin('plugin_tools_test_package_a', packagesDir);
processRunner.mockProcessesForExecutable['flutter'] = <io.Process>[
MockProcess(exitCode: 1)
() => runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['publish-check']),
test('fail on bad pubspec', () async {
final Directory dir = createFakePlugin('c', packagesDir);
await dir.childFile('pubspec.yaml').writeAsString('bad-yaml');
expect(() => runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['publish-check']),
test('pass on prerelease if --allow-pre-release flag is on', () async {
createFakePlugin('d', packagesDir);
final MockProcess process = MockProcess(
exitCode: 1,
stdout: 'Package has 1 warning.\n'
'Packages with an SDK constraint on a pre-release of the Dart '
'SDK should themselves be published as a pre-release version.');
processRunner.mockProcessesForExecutable['flutter'] = <io.Process>[
runner, <String>['publish-check', '--allow-pre-release']),
test('fail on prerelease if --allow-pre-release flag is off', () async {
createFakePlugin('d', packagesDir);
final MockProcess process = MockProcess(
exitCode: 1,
stdout: 'Package has 1 warning.\n'
'Packages with an SDK constraint on a pre-release of the Dart '
'SDK should themselves be published as a pre-release version.');
processRunner.mockProcessesForExecutable['flutter'] = <io.Process>[
expect(runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['publish-check']),
test('Success message on stderr is not printed as an error', () async {
createFakePlugin('d', packagesDir);
processRunner.mockProcessesForExecutable['flutter'] = <io.Process>[
MockProcess(stdout: 'Package has 0 warnings.'),
final List<String> output =
await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['publish-check']);
expect(output, isNot(contains(contains('ERROR:'))));
'--machine: Log JSON with status:no-publish and correct human message, if there are no packages need to be published. ',
() async {
const Map<String, dynamic> httpResponseA = <String, dynamic>{
'name': 'a',
'versions': <String>[
const Map<String, dynamic> httpResponseB = <String, dynamic>{
'name': 'b',
'versions': <String>[
final MockClient mockClient = MockClient((http.Request request) async {
if (request.url.pathSegments.last == 'no_publish_a.json') {
return http.Response(json.encode(httpResponseA), 200);
} else if (request.url.pathSegments.last == 'no_publish_b.json') {
return http.Response(json.encode(httpResponseB), 200);
return http.Response('', 500);
final PublishCheckCommand command = PublishCheckCommand(packagesDir,
processRunner: processRunner, httpClient: mockClient);
runner = CommandRunner<void>(
'Test for publish-check command.',
createFakePlugin('no_publish_a', packagesDir, version: '0.1.0');
createFakePlugin('no_publish_b', packagesDir, version: '0.2.0');
final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(
runner, <String>['publish-check', '--machine']);
expect(output.first, r'''
"status": "no-publish",
"humanMessage": [
"\n============================================================\n|| Running for no_publish_a\n============================================================\n",
"Package no_publish_a version: 0.1.0 has already be published on pub.",
"\n============================================================\n|| Running for no_publish_b\n============================================================\n",
"Package no_publish_b version: 0.2.0 has already be published on pub.",
"Run overview:",
" no_publish_a - ran",
" no_publish_b - ran",
"Ran for 2 package(s)",
"No issues found!"
'--machine: Log JSON with status:needs-publish and correct human message, if there is at least 1 plugin needs to be published.',
() async {
const Map<String, dynamic> httpResponseA = <String, dynamic>{
'name': 'a',
'versions': <String>[
const Map<String, dynamic> httpResponseB = <String, dynamic>{
'name': 'b',
'versions': <String>[
final MockClient mockClient = MockClient((http.Request request) async {
if (request.url.pathSegments.last == 'no_publish_a.json') {
return http.Response(json.encode(httpResponseA), 200);
} else if (request.url.pathSegments.last == 'no_publish_b.json') {
return http.Response(json.encode(httpResponseB), 200);
return http.Response('', 500);
final PublishCheckCommand command = PublishCheckCommand(packagesDir,
processRunner: processRunner, httpClient: mockClient);
runner = CommandRunner<void>(
'Test for publish-check command.',
createFakePlugin('no_publish_a', packagesDir, version: '0.1.0');
createFakePlugin('no_publish_b', packagesDir, version: '0.2.0');
final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(
runner, <String>['publish-check', '--machine']);
expect(output.first, r'''
"status": "needs-publish",
"humanMessage": [
"\n============================================================\n|| Running for no_publish_a\n============================================================\n",
"Package no_publish_a version: 0.1.0 has already be published on pub.",
"\n============================================================\n|| Running for no_publish_b\n============================================================\n",
"Running pub publish --dry-run:",
"Package no_publish_b is able to be published.",
"Run overview:",
" no_publish_a - ran",
" no_publish_b - ran",
"Ran for 2 package(s)",
"No issues found!"
'--machine: Log correct JSON, if there is at least 1 plugin contains error.',
() async {
const Map<String, dynamic> httpResponseA = <String, dynamic>{
'name': 'a',
'versions': <String>[
const Map<String, dynamic> httpResponseB = <String, dynamic>{
'name': 'b',
'versions': <String>[
final MockClient mockClient = MockClient((http.Request request) async {
print('url ${request.url}');
if (request.url.pathSegments.last == 'no_publish_a.json') {
return http.Response(json.encode(httpResponseA), 200);
} else if (request.url.pathSegments.last == 'no_publish_b.json') {
return http.Response(json.encode(httpResponseB), 200);
return http.Response('', 500);
final PublishCheckCommand command = PublishCheckCommand(packagesDir,
processRunner: processRunner, httpClient: mockClient);
runner = CommandRunner<void>(
'Test for publish-check command.',
final Directory plugin1Dir =
createFakePlugin('no_publish_a', packagesDir, version: '0.1.0');
createFakePlugin('no_publish_b', packagesDir, version: '0.2.0');
await plugin1Dir.childFile('pubspec.yaml').writeAsString('bad-yaml');
bool hasError = false;
final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(
runner, <String>['publish-check', '--machine'],
errorHandler: (Error error) {
expect(error, isA<ToolExit>());
hasError = true;
expect(hasError, isTrue);
expect(output.first, contains(r'''
"status": "error",
"humanMessage": [
"\n============================================================\n|| Running for no_publish_a\n============================================================\n",
"Failed to parse `pubspec.yaml` at /packages/no_publish_a/pubspec.yaml: ParsedYamlException:'''));
// This is split into two checks since the details of the YamlException
// aren't controlled by this package, so asserting its exact format would
// make the test fragile to irrelevant changes in those details.
expect(output.first, contains(r'''
"no pubspec",
"\n============================================================\n|| Running for no_publish_b\n============================================================\n",
"Running pub publish --dry-run:",
"Package no_publish_b is able to be published.",
"The following packages had errors:",
" no_publish_a",
"See above for full details."