blob: e369f67187a5bbd1fd3a172062cf4fd6663fe9ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This is a temporary ignore to allow us to land a new set of linter rules in a
// series of manageable patches instead of one gigantic PR. It disables some of
// the new lints that are already failing on this plugin, for this plugin. It
// should be deleted and the failing lints addressed as soon as possible.
// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:local_auth_android/local_auth_android.dart';
import 'package:local_auth_ios/local_auth_ios.dart';
import 'package:local_auth_platform_interface/local_auth_platform_interface.dart';
import 'package:local_auth_windows/local_auth_windows.dart';
/// A Flutter plugin for authenticating the user identity locally.
class LocalAuthentication {
/// Authenticates the user with biometrics available on the device while also
/// allowing the user to use device authentication - pin, pattern, passcode.
/// Returns true if the user successfully authenticated, false otherwise.
/// [localizedReason] is the message to show to user while prompting them
/// for authentication. This is typically along the lines of: 'Authenticate
/// to access MyApp.'. This must not be empty.
/// Provide [authMessages] if you want to
/// customize messages in the dialogs.
/// Provide [options] for configuring further authentication related options.
/// Throws a [PlatformException] if there were technical problems with local
/// authentication (e.g. lack of relevant hardware). This might throw
/// [PlatformException] with error code [otherOperatingSystem] on the iOS
/// simulator.
Future<bool> authenticate(
{required String localizedReason,
Iterable<AuthMessages> authMessages = const <AuthMessages>[
AuthenticationOptions options = const AuthenticationOptions()}) {
return LocalAuthPlatform.instance.authenticate(
localizedReason: localizedReason,
authMessages: authMessages,
options: options,
/// Cancels any in-progress authentication, returning true if auth was
/// cancelled successfully.
/// This API is not supported by all platforms.
/// Returns false if there was some error, no authentication in progress,
/// or the current platform lacks support.
Future<bool> stopAuthentication() async {
return LocalAuthPlatform.instance.stopAuthentication();
/// Returns true if device is capable of checking biometrics.
Future<bool> get canCheckBiometrics =>
/// Returns true if device is capable of checking biometrics or is able to
/// fail over to device credentials.
Future<bool> isDeviceSupported() async =>
/// Returns a list of enrolled biometrics.
Future<List<BiometricType>> getAvailableBiometrics() =>