blob: 3f5d8452bd44bfb5577f905ae01fde196c24c06c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:platform/platform.dart';
import 'core.dart';
import 'process_runner.dart';
const String _cacheCommandKey = 'CMAKE_COMMAND:INTERNAL';
/// A utility class for interacting with CMake projects.
class CMakeProject {
/// Creates an instance that runs commands for [project] with the given
/// [processRunner].
this.flutterProject, {
required this.buildMode,
this.processRunner = const ProcessRunner(),
this.platform = const LocalPlatform(),
/// The directory of a Flutter project to run Gradle commands in.
final Directory flutterProject;
/// The [ProcessRunner] used to run commands. Overridable for testing.
final ProcessRunner processRunner;
/// The platform that commands are being run on.
final Platform platform;
/// The build mode (e.g., Debug, Release).
/// This is a constructor paramater because on Linux many properties depend
/// on the build mode since it uses a single-configuration generator.
final String buildMode;
late final String _cmakeCommand = _determineCmakeCommand();
/// The project's platform directory name.
String get _platformDirName => platform.isWindows ? 'windows' : 'linux';
/// The project's 'example' build directory for this instance's platform.
Directory get buildDirectory {
Directory buildDir =
if (platform.isLinux) {
buildDir = buildDir
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Support arm64 if that ever becomes a supported
// CI configuration for the repository.
// Linux uses a single-config generator, so the base build directory
// includes the configuration.
return buildDir;
File get _cacheFile => buildDirectory.childFile('CMakeCache.txt');
/// Returns the CMake command to run build commands for this project.
/// Assumes the project has been built at least once, such that the CMake
/// generation step has run.
String getCmakeCommand() {
return _cmakeCommand;
/// Returns the CMake command to run build commands for this project. This is
/// used to initialize _cmakeCommand, and should not be called directly.
/// Assumes the project has been built at least once, such that the CMake
/// generation step has run.
String _determineCmakeCommand() {
// On Linux 'cmake' is expected to be in the path, so doesn't need to
// be lookup up and cached.
if (platform.isLinux) {
return 'cmake';
final File cacheFile = _cacheFile;
String? command;
for (String line in cacheFile.readAsLinesSync()) {
line = line.trim();
if (line.startsWith(_cacheCommandKey)) {
command = line.substring(line.indexOf('=') + 1).trim();
if (command == null) {
printError('Unable to find CMake command in ${cacheFile.path}');
throw ToolExit(100);
return command;
/// Whether or not the project is ready to have CMake commands run on it
/// (i.e., whether the `flutter` tool has generated the necessary files).
bool isConfigured() => _cacheFile.existsSync();
/// Runs a `cmake` command with the given parameters.
Future<int> runBuild(
String target, {
List<String> arguments = const <String>[],
}) {
return processRunner.runAndStream(
if (platform.isWindows) ...<String>['--config', buildMode],