blob: 917e7b1784b69209672b498a461d7ea21de75ab9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:local_auth_windows/local_auth_windows.dart';
import 'package:local_auth_windows/src/messages.g.dart';
void main() {
group('authenticate', () {
late _FakeLocalAuthApi api;
late LocalAuthWindows plugin;
setUp(() {
api = _FakeLocalAuthApi();
plugin = LocalAuthWindows(api: api);
test('authenticate handles success', () async {
api.returnValue = true;
final bool result = await plugin.authenticate(
authMessages: <AuthMessages>[const WindowsAuthMessages()],
localizedReason: 'My localized reason');
expect(result, true);
expect(api.passedReason, 'My localized reason');
test('authenticate handles failure', () async {
api.returnValue = false;
final bool result = await plugin.authenticate(
authMessages: <AuthMessages>[const WindowsAuthMessages()],
localizedReason: 'My localized reason');
expect(result, false);
expect(api.passedReason, 'My localized reason');
test('authenticate throws for biometricOnly', () async {
authMessages: <AuthMessages>[const WindowsAuthMessages()],
localizedReason: 'My localized reason',
options: const AuthenticationOptions(biometricOnly: true)),
test('isDeviceSupported handles supported', () async {
api.returnValue = true;
final bool result = await plugin.isDeviceSupported();
expect(result, true);
test('isDeviceSupported handles unsupported', () async {
api.returnValue = false;
final bool result = await plugin.isDeviceSupported();
expect(result, false);
test('deviceSupportsBiometrics handles supported', () async {
api.returnValue = true;
final bool result = await plugin.deviceSupportsBiometrics();
expect(result, true);
test('deviceSupportsBiometrics handles unsupported', () async {
api.returnValue = false;
final bool result = await plugin.deviceSupportsBiometrics();
expect(result, false);
test('getEnrolledBiometrics returns expected values when supported',
() async {
api.returnValue = true;
final List<BiometricType> result = await plugin.getEnrolledBiometrics();
expect(result, <BiometricType>[BiometricType.weak, BiometricType.strong]);
test('getEnrolledBiometrics returns nothing when unsupported', () async {
api.returnValue = false;
final List<BiometricType> result = await plugin.getEnrolledBiometrics();
expect(result, isEmpty);
test('stopAuthentication returns false', () async {
final bool result = await plugin.stopAuthentication();
expect(result, false);
class _FakeLocalAuthApi implements LocalAuthApi {
/// The return value for [isDeviceSupported] and [authenticate].
bool returnValue = false;
/// The argument that was passed to [authenticate].
String? passedReason;
Future<bool> authenticate(String localizedReason) async {
passedReason = localizedReason;
return returnValue;
Future<bool> isDeviceSupported() async {
return returnValue;